
Implications are staggering

Mario's picture

What simplifies matters for us to attend to newer proponents of our conduit here on this blog (Metamorphosing the Primal Sound)... It seems that some remarks which are made by men on this site has us wondering how their perceptual anomalies may come up in after agreements which are made by source selective fields disposing contents of the original source link (input).

Inquiry is set to true if we dismantle the frequencies which interweaves the transgressing paths involved with humans whom partake in additional statuses as we comply within a set of rules to adapt to the probable understandings which may be carried out by individuals whom are making remarks on my web site...


Appropriate Grid Levels (Intake Re-assessment)

Mario's picture

The appropriate grid levels which are working concurrently apparel to some of the initiative roles we contended from past intakes of the assessment protocols disassembled many memorable exchange codes we had within the postulating trips and this caused disarray in some form of frequency or another as energy is in suspense sometimes from the appropriate grid levels which can interchange many things as a group assimilation in one case and conduct code analysis in another.

To portend the fabrics in/at greater causes we would adjust the simplified matters of the initiative roles/causes which interchanges transgressions towards the remarks which are made within the concurrent nodes adjacent to infinity, the problems lie deep within the roots which attaches some of the subliminal cords/links which suspense’s the properties of individuals which have the remarks carried on from telemetric formations as rises within the telemetric formations… And this can cause disarray in some cases, the potential to read at better causes for the accountability process can be made by inherent remarks which means we have probable routes contending to whom we are which adjusts the inherited properties of individuals whom are having the remarks and casts them on to others as opposed to mirror links which can cause (resemblance) in formations which accumulates the grid type ratios for accessible counts (Accessibility) within the causal plains.

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Manifesting the Accords in exchange of our binaural synaptic Waves

Mario's picture

What we speak of in here is potentially linked with systems which are utilizing conscious energy... For manifestations of the Quantum Thought. In meaning... This preposition is formed for us to attend to a singular confrontation which works in standardization of the energetic cords we get to work with, and attach to, with meanings which are differentiated by the accords we attain from other beings.

So to simplify this process, we would contend to a universal suprema, which gives rises to exchanges, that potentially links the super conscious mind, (transcoding) the many formulations inherited from the point of birth we have on this Earth... As conscious awareness is developed with the many integrations we have coupled with, to explain and learn and evolve (experience) the cosmic universal mind... As to couple the standardization of the energetic cords we get from delving into constructs which interchanges our core structural design (Blueprint) We attain singular momentum within the hyper active fields, which disposes telemetric rises, for us to commend towards better proportionate links, while we refine our conscious awareness to give rise to potential understandings which extrapolates the contents of our lives (main management route).

The access codes are given in subtle formations... As for we attend to hyper active fields, while having Binaural Synaptic Waves, modulated for frequencies to interpose and interchange the subliminal accords which are concurrently working as or with the super consciousness.

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Undulated Waves of Energy

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The undulated waves of energy resembles the energetic attachments we all carry as a group of human beings on this Earth having wake and sleep patterns with active moments where we connect in the grids and other moments where we are having inner activity as other moments are outer and interchanging the inner and outer activity we concurrently have to create and manifest.

What seems important for us to understand from this energetic wave is that it carries a lot of potential for us to ameliorate the situation on planet Earth.

Simple measures can be taken to shift the accords we have with many different individuals and interconnect realities and other proponents of our live conduit to enable a manifestation of that undulated wave of energy. It seems that the time it takes for us to understand the correct proponents of that undulated wave can seem endless in its active form while on many occasions we have subdued facts about its inner workings (Mechanics*1) as it is conscious energy working around the planet as we are a group of souls interconnected physically and energetically making… Doing many things which keeps us active throughout the day. As we contribute to our daily activities by giving some time into the grids we can then see better results of experiences which may seem to work with conscious systems that have been put inside of us while we were born on this Earth.

The standardization of energy can be seen as the many attributable effects in causations of what we come to know as reality on this Earth in many different places carrying Morphogenetic fields which disposes the type of beings we get to be.

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Shifting Accords

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The processes which are utilized daily by intergalactic associates can commemorate to better expenses of our galactic cores energetic waves which can assimilate formations of our conscious grids as for dispositions towards greater fluctuating fields have concurrently governed factions outside the Earth's orbital fields for advances in Earth's historical moments, as we attain hyper transmissible routes which should sustain the accords with these beings while coalescing greater reuptakes by individual forces which may come in contact with us for attendance and maintenance on the galactic cores progress as for we initially have bypassed one of the inherited codes which had subliminally linked Higher Octave Chains which heralded concepts which had been aboriginal from our genomes receptive capabilities.

As to give new Intelligences which imparts on substantial things as the grid type ratios… Should contend to memorizing extents of universal laws which have been attained by simply connecting into the higher grids which disposes the energetic assembly lines to compose and receive the formulations which extracts the right commands for us to attenuate to dispensations within the universal laws.


These messages may be shared in it's entirety with Links to it's origination.

Metamorphosing The Primal Sound


Daily Recommendations

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Demands are acquired, we now commemorate to better standards of laws which will allow you to sustain higher coagulating routes to trans-dimensional beings, which copulates vortexes of informational fields which advances us in quadrants known to supply universal truths in standards of those laws accustomed from the demands which are inherited from beings coalescing greater reputable task forces on this Earth for adjustments in temporal velocity grid factors and systems which utilizes daily integrations of the aboriginal nature (Standards) of laws copulating memory at its greatest stage.

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Into The Abyss

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Running into the abyss seems a bit over rated now does it? Let’s see what I can wright about this, well first of all the abyss can be known as a never ending pit, so as to find your way out of a never ending hole or deep, DEEP hole than we would come to recognize where the light source is as to find your way out of the abyss… If there were no light source we would commend within to find what we can term a spark which can alleviate the formation of our losses, which are the way’s we are kept in the dark… As to get to a light line which would seem to open up venues as tools to get you out of the abyss we could then work on augmentations to another type of place within. As some folks have abilities as remote viewing and other stuff, the way to allow your senses to become intact (The dormant ones) we would need to go into a place where the last resort would be to go within as to find the right types of formulations to get you out of there.

Standardization of Energy in Manifestations

Mario's picture

Manifestations having levels to the initiative energetic forms which compels within the connections achieved by standards of laws which copulates memory at its exo-extensional statuses can bring about clearer understandings of this message, as for the initial purposes intended throughout the standardization of energy can potentially links fabrics which by causations have inquired in some formulations which adapt an extra sensory perceptions, to our initiates on this Earth.

The frequencies which rises on occasions have a problematic system occurrence which disrupts the potential advances by standards of laws... As initiations are customary from information overload.

What we mean by this is that the initial formation of our words within this writing should be sustained at better transparent designations as for the energetic cords attached to the formations of the words (structure) meaning co-linkage for exo purposes...

Have enabled a byproduct of the anti-matter phenomena.

Its causes are temporarily unknown as for the initiative forces have sustained the writings links with other systems in utilization of memory foam, which is susceptible to changes regarded as imprints within a biological entity.


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Trans-dimensional Beings

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Adjustments for our beings to interact with indifferent forces which acts out there, potentially giving us new measures every day.

Co-extensional realms are an appropriate topic for this document. By giving into consent in which we agree to subdue facts about these beings, than we will coalesce and integrate the potentials to have communications with these beings from dimensions above our known understandings of the concepts anchored here on this Earth.

Additionally the fabrics which shifts coherent nodes will adjust the frequencies, our vibrational states, to allow higher communications.

Welcome we come from Alpha Centauri and in additional advances prospected by this individual we will give out a message which sustains higher frequencies to support the populace with truth.

What is known as truth can shift many times as for the way to understand our fabrics (evolution) we will work on the potentials to give out an infinite amount of information for you to dwell in through this being.

Resurrection, what seems to bother us is how one can die and come back to life, how is this sustainable in our premises on this Earth?


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