
Obtaining Energy from the Grids

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Obtaining Energy from the Grids

Predisposed informatics, we are adjusting the temporizations within the frequencies which aligns core matter (attributes) to form/flow at better causes, when we allow ourselves to become depleted.

Simple grid enactments, while adjusting, seems to bring about higher attributable forms of postulations, for query, while we interchange transgressions in the momentum worldwide. Disposing higher intellects, compromises the structural synapse in disposition to a quantum fluctuation inherited from hyper dissociating fabrics of a cosmic/universal mind. Some momentum gathered from worldwide activity, confines the generalized idea we can get from internal grid structures, while adapting morally what we are attaining from hyper dissociations. What compromises the effects of individual augmentations, are from embankments made at internal dispositions which shifts the intellects from counterproductive venues while hyper dissociating contents of an aboriginal synapse.

Portending fabrics are augmenting dissolutions of matter from terminological responses, in frequent matters, as we have dissolved the last chain of events from hyper dissociations.

Augmenting in productivity, confines the general idea of where we are at in this whole system, embarking and adjusting the frequencies to align your venues with some of the hyper dissociations we may be making in the grids internal systems.

Advance Prospects (April 20th 2015)

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Advance Prospects (April 20th 2015)

Prospections on analysis, contemporarily giving into the grids, in dispositions towards higher fluctuations for temporal fields to alleviate subatomic scale (View) perceptions of reality or inactivity.

Confines of space is generally given in systems hauled back towards subatomic scale viewings, contemporarily the fabrics which interchanges transgressions, are sublime in potential realities expanding core groups of the anatomical processes.

Inversion processes are enabled for synaptic wave modulations, temporarily the constructs/fabrics are shifting independently as we view the core groupings in anatomical processes, while synaptic currents evolve within temporal flows, and justifications on demands are given from the minds internal systems… I should say the brain… As the mind may be “out there” while we are achieving a temporal justification (adjustment) to how this is going to work.

Now see, if the mind is “out there” then subliminally, the potentials to gather the necessary components as a brain may be a transformer/transcoder processing information which may affect the individuals within as their surroundings as the mind is “Out there” we can then connect to a higher potential field linkage which would act as a subatomic proponent to individual formations transformed, manipulated by the brains activity, shifting the general assembly, or simply connecting in, as tuning into formations which may seem as precognition.

Time nexus

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Time nexus

Flowing freely in abundance, what runs smoothly in our relationships has us wondering how a companion can take care in how we do things together. In simplicity having a human with you has many possible venues in which we can have as interactions none the less expressive experiences, emotional, condensed experiences sometimes, secrecy, allowance, exposure, doubts, conflicts, troubles, love, compassion, expectancy etc... These are all things which can be experienced in a relationship, tough some of them can be used in excess, while others are good some other things can be bad, or good at the same time.

When we are talking about a relationship as a couple, what makes us unique, is how we express ourselves in our togetherness, our experiences... If we are adept to fine tuning the fields which corresponds to some of the written words as compassion, or love, in a way it can traverse some potential links in which it opens us up to venues which were not there before, which is not always good, as we can manipulate, in other words try to control, this is not meant to be... We should be able to be free in all that we choose to do.

Daily Flux in Attendance Programs

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March 11th 2015 10:54PM

Daily Flux in Attendance Programs

Momentarily, achieving a higher flux while abiding in lower trance, stasis, while condoning to the higher intellectual codes gathered from around the globe at predispositions, contemporary, some factions are evolving the current media/nodes. Namaste.


Correctional fluctuations, while abiding in lower forms of stasis/trance in given postulations… Gathering the sub intellectuals, in query for setbacks in nominal adaptations formal to our background tasks, in predisposed intellectual flaws.

Accountants are moving into positions for reminiscing core concepts in groups which abides in low to high transparency modules, excelling in coagulated memory, exempted on fabrications from core genesis. Neutral media is enabled for counter activity in prospects, deem these important on your own accord. Intellectual flaws are predisposed in the fabrics in which we will evolve from when the time is right.

Now momentarily the fabrics are shifting to a higher consensus from the general (accensus)… Given the formations are in a rise (succession) which imparts with the intellectual flaws abiding in a lower form of modulation, transparency.

Inherent designs are given for coherency in nominal factors (Players) which abides in a lower form of transparency…

Momentarily the conduits are in synapsis, giving out their dispositional flux (Content) for transcription.

Sub intellectualized content…

Core Neutralities

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Core Neutralities

Conjunct to Saturn’s moon in opposition with Jupiter... Massive conundrums for us to have momentarily... Giving a remap/recap in how this will unfold in a short enough amount of time... Given that we are adept in making something which is diverse in many occupants’ fields...

Contemporary the fabrics in which we will speak about has us remembering some old concepts where we were inept to the fields in view... While bypassing the abnormal flows which surrounds us dearly/daily... What accompanies us in these moments has surmountable postulations in acquisition to the synaptic modules while processing quite indifferently at occasional conjunctions.

Contemporary the fabrics are "chained" or engrained... In some of the above templates while we premeasure the content which may become appropriate after viewing some core anomalies/disruptions, contemporarily fabricating "things" at a nexus for us to abide in quite differently... If momentarily the constructs do not evolve we will have to give about end to this flow... While contending views appear... In synapse, synapsing currents we contend/abolish the flow for resurgence at the anomalies which takes part in making this gigantism, mission by which many are concurrently holding onto as prospects to keep on going with or without our consent or field views...

Concurrent nodes (Mixed)

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(March 7th)

Concurrent nodes (Mixed)

Apparent trough synaptic modules in excess modulation, forms adaptable by selecting adverse effects on complimentary staff, while acquisitioning in bypass modules, excess coagulation within corruptive synapses. Now momentarily we are adjusting core fields, interplanetary constructs enabled for diversities to transgress towards higher notable accounts. Inquisition on presumptions is denied.

Inquisitional realms are a process of synaptic modulation while corruptive behaviors excel in counterparts adjacent to infinity… Concurrent nodes evolve in interplanetary transgressions, made at quantum flux, simplistic anomaly adjustments. Creational bypass converted from concessions, intellectual drive momentarily conducted at synapses, incorrect formations are inept for transmutable contents in query. Accustomed measures, similarities are transparent, exporting data to the quantum flux field, adjustments are made momentarily, conjunction of synaptic currents are abolishing previous flows, augmenting in dispositional energy, fabrics evolving at query, advancements are being made customary to interdependences of acquisitioned states. Stasis inquired on nominal factors abolishing simplistic views on accountants in predisposed fabrics, continuity is abolished in the interplaying fabrics for adjustments. Crystallization in conscious co kinetics are advancing synapses… Probable adjustments for coherency abides in synaptic modulation, contemporary fractals of acquisitioned stasis/states.

Correspondence of inner actualizations in progress

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(March 5th)

Correspondence of inner actualizations in progress

Transmissions from intergalactic core is enabled in adaptive venues for humans partaking in higher grid technologies… Enactments in compelling induction points to adjust the frequencies in fluctuating fields above pertaining matters, sub slashed devious accountants programs while selecting adverse effects to counteract in dispositions the fields which are adaptive to fluctuate in definitions, contemporary the remaking of grids in technological advancements created at a nexus.

Malleable connections

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Malleable connections

In postulations from TRIPs what enacts as a singular momentum within sanative concurrent nodes adjacent to intellectual properties in formal grounds… Actualizing momentarily from past connotations, pronunciations, and actualizations of thought modules in concepts abiding in lower to higher constructs while evolving codependent nodes in interactive media which is able (co-dependant) to pre-seed extents of universal awareness as postulating minds (Universal Mind) Oneness in attendance to programs which allows codependent transparency to develop in factual stasis, what commemorates the intellectual drive while contending to higher openings in fabrics which devolves the known functions of the universe…

Interplaying links to synaptic functions independently at querying attributes… Some worrisome concepts had evolved in momentum worldwide in attempts to help fixate on problems which are dispersed in generalized areas for exo-extensional command troopers to abide in intellectual gatherings what is conceived behind the scenes at intergalactic predispositions, from an undulated awareness factor forms in abundance throughout enumerating factions coalescing with independence at ascension protocols which comes from intergalactic beings in process which allows us to achieve in synapse (Similar wave) functions of an energetic group (Frequency) in adjustments on the galactic planes while we evolve thoroughly in concepts which interplays links to how these matters are contributing to some humans.


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Interactive modules undulating from frequency adjustments are made formal to some interplaying links at higher apertures while we advance in key predications towards higher fluctuations within the fields.

Abiding in lower consensus the formations are keenly igniting some flows which will adapt in the near future what is needed within the attendance programs.

Coherent nodes aligning star matter is abundant throughout the galactic codex’s.

Frequency adjustments are made for us to intellectually gather in higher postulations nodes of the adherent frequencies in pertaining matters sub selected from groups across this galaxy.

Interdimensional beings abiding in lower forms of (Our consensus) has a gradual reuptake within individualistic commands to bring about higher postulations in TRIPs which allows the undulated frequencies to adjust predominantly at higher apertures within synaptic modules.

The excess in modulation comes from advancing thoroughly as an adaptation which abides in every day functionality of our genomes main systems. Contemporary the main substance active from the inner ingredients become active once we “Jump in” synaptic modules excelling from the aboriginal states which we integrate at (higher velocity factor points). Abiding from lower consensus the reasoning is a false positive… Contempting in immersive venues the interactions become exponential as adversities amasses throughout the grids.

Possibilities in aligning star matter is coherent from the abundance programs which runs smoothly after adjustments are made from higher apertures within the constructs of our subliminal messages.




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