Full Cancer Moon December 25 2015


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AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology - Cathy Lindsey

This is the last Full Moon in 2015 and shows it’s  fullness and emphases…. in the Mother sign of Cancer… on Christmas Day!   This is a powerful statement from the Universe at this time in the shift…..when we are in the process of co-creating the “New.”   The message of…… taking the time to not only nurture ourselves, but to nurture our tribes, our community, humanity and the Earth… is strong!   It is time to listen to our intuition…and create according to our guidance.  This Cancer Full Moon is also a rare one…. as the last time the Full Cancer Moon fell on Christmas day was in 1977 and the next time it happens will be in 2034 and 2053.

This Full Cancer Moon on this Christmas Day is also within the energy of the Winter Solstice.  At the Winter solstice we had 2 portals opening up to the Universe.   The Winter solstice itself forms a portal as the tilt of the Earth’s axis shifts.  Then the Winter Solstice also happens on the Galactic Center which itself is a portal……both  allowing down loads of information and an increase of cosmic energies from throughout the Galaxies!   Sit in quite and meditate during this Christmas Cancer Full Moon and Listen and be aware…. for messages and guidance that can come to you in many different ways.

Full Moons are a time of releasing.  It is a time of releasing the old that is no longer working. Go deep into yourself, your foundations and old perceptions and observe what is no longer working for you.  What is no longer vibrating where you are vibrating?   It is a time of purging and releasing in all areas of your life. With this Full Moon in Cancer….you may find that relationships issue’s on all levels… and of all types…. are being brought to you attention at this time.

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