River of Life

The Redemption of Satan

Tinahyah's picture

On January 18, 2020 Satan has been redeemed, taken home to heaven and welcomed.

Ever since I intentionally started doing my healing work [2000], Satan has been in opposition to me. I have performed countless exorcisms and set up Light Stations to attract the demonic for liquidation or transumation purposes.

This past Jan. 18, 2020. It all came to a conclusion when I performed a Redemption Directive for Satan, who had acquired a COMPLETE soul, as has every soul received, initiated on September 2, 2018.

Previous historical events:
[Some of this verbiage will not be 'clear', for you will not be used to these kinds of words. Also, all of these dated events occurred in history "out of my control", but were recorded as they occurred, whether I understood what God was performing or not. I just "did" what I was told to do by God. All of these events tied into and flowed into another event in a way that can only be said to be God's Plan. I know I sure did not plan these things. The first part of my collection here is a summary in time, a timeline of events that lead up to the "biggie", the Redemption of Satan.]

Oct. 9, 2013 - Lucifer exorcised and sent home to heaven.

9/2/2018 Brought Light to the darkest place in all the earth, Dome of the Rock, Old City Jerusalem, Israel. Israel' no longer DESPAIR LAND, BUT HAS RETURNED TO THE PROMISED LAND. Israel alone in all the River of Life is COMPLETE.

My theme is: "How can I bring COMPLETE to all?"

I met a fellow today.
His spiritual name is KEEPER.
He is Nephilim.

Whose SOUL is he "KEEPING?" SATAN..
Satan does not like that KEEPER is preserving/keeping his soul.
Satan' origin is as an angel.
KEEPER is to keep the soul of Satan, until it is time for Satan to be redeemed.

A Most Powerful Blessing

Tinahyah's picture


8/8/2019 4:54pm Central time (3:54 pm MT)

One of my clients has the ability to proclaim and initiate blessings. Each and every blessing has been requested and formed by God. Today, the blessing I list below, was formed and requested by the Spirit of the Lord. I know you will enjoy it. Bask in the power of it's implications. :)


My client is creating a River of blessings, that "MUST NOT FAIL, FOR IT IS THE EMBODIMENT OF THE NATURE OF GOD, WHICH IS EMANATING FROM THE CENTRAL SUN FOR THE RIVER OF LIFE." said The Spirit of the Lord.

Ponder this blessing.
Realize and celebrate that this blessing be fulfilled over the next seven days of its proclamation.

Peace unto all of us.

New Creation Event

Tinahyah's picture

I use muscle testing to gain access to information of all categories, including spiritual categories.

This past Tuesday, 6/26/2018, I tried to say the phrase, "Today is Tuesday." But for some reason, I could not let those words pass between my lips. It was a strange sensation ... to not be able to say what I considered to be a true sentence. So, I tested the following:
"Today is Monday." Answer: NO.
"Today is Tuesday." Answer: NO.
"Today is Wednesday." Answer: NO.
"Today is Thursday." Answer: NO.
"Today is Friday." Answer: NO.
"Today is Saturday." Answer: NO.
"Today is Sunday." Answer: NO.

Okay. That is very very curious. Muscle testing identifies the truth of any precise sentence... enabling a decision maker to tie-in to the precise guidance from God on the subject in question.

This applies to normal everyday life situations, as well as spiritual situations.

So, I ended up, asking God...

"Is there any such thing as OLD Earth?" NO.
"Is there any such thing as NEW Earth?" NO.

hmmmmmmmmmmm... I knew they were there on Monday the 25th... so what the heck is going on here?

I am not good at drawing out the answers to situations... it just is not in my soul to malinger in my soul.

So, here is what I did....

"Hey Jesus, this place that I am standing upon... is it called Earth? NO. IT IS NOT. IT IS CALLED A NEW CREATION. said Jesus to me telepathically.

I tested energetically if what he said was "So." and I got a YES.

Did God change the name? I asked. "NO." said God.

Did Jesus change the name? I asked again. "YES." said Jesus.


I first observed this problem / situation on Tuesday.
When Wednesday came around (or at least what I thought was Wednesday...) all my questions about the days of the week were "NO."

Earthly Guides Intervening for ALL!

Tinahyah's picture

I am a healer. I have clients who are on the way to being healers as well. I have been accumulating brief 'remarks' that are initiated (dare I say magical) on behalf of many different targets. I decided that these initiated remarks are so powerful and interesting that they need to be shared with others. I will just post these without comment and let the words speak for themselves. ENJOY!

Each of these sentences have NOT been edited.
Each of these sentences meet a 'formula', that starts out with "I INITIATE... " because each of these personas are 'guides' to assist others energetically. Each of these 'guides' are triggering powerful changes, as requested by God, to make everything better.

I never know 'who' the recipient or 'target' is when the request is first made. I just pay attention and hammer out the words of truth for each sentence ... and the recipient is revealed.

Note - You will probably not 'get' what is going on. Just know that good things are being triggered and manifested into life.

Here is an unedited listing of each power sentence....

I initiate pitstop of these flourenes _________ into the future.

I initiate disarm the 'toplet' bombs.

I initiate transfer all 'toplet' bombs to inside flourene.

I initiate white rain to WET the 500 flourene.

I initiate transfer of 15 molecules of NaCl and no more into the flourene


I initiate all the necessary constructs to establish PEACE as sound and connected with itself in all places, dimensions and times.


I initiate the goodness of nature

I initiate The Ring of Fire for Ten'ka

I initiate upon these shores DEFEAT of the scoundresl in all time.

I initiate hearing to be BORN amongst all the critters of the River of Life.

Eliminating DISTASTE from the River of Life

Tinahyah's picture

11/20/2016 10:03am CT

2 days ago, while waking up from sleeptime, I heard someone knocking.
Q: Is there a reason for the knocking? NO.
Q: Is there a purpose for the knocking? YES
Q: to ask me to do something? YES
Q: with creation? NO
Q: Inner Earth? NO
Q: another dimension? NO
Q: the New Earth? NO
Q: the Old Earth? NO
Q: In this time? YES
Q: Someone I know? N
Q: From the future? NO
Q: from the past? NO
Q: whoever knocked has a problem? NO
Q: whoever knocked wants to stopa potential probelm? NO
Q: Whoever knocked desires guidance? NO
Q: Was it Elohim who knocked? YES
Q: Do you desire me to intervene? YES "PUT IT AWAY"
Q: You desire that I put something away? YES
Q: in my own life? NO
Q: for the River of Life? YES... DISTASTE
Q: Do you desire that i intervene for Distaste? YES
Q: Am I to transmutate Distaste? NO
Q: Am I to transmutate? YES
Q: The River of life? NO
Q: Those holding Distaste? NO.. BEGIN

Having been told to 'begin'... and I don't feel like I have all the details that I prefer to have prior to interveneing... I obey and just figure out which note I am to utilize to do the transmutating.

Hold the note for 5 minutes.

Q: Did I transmutate the situation regarding Distatste? YES
Q: Is there more that I am to transmutate? NO
Q: was there another reason for the knocking? NO
Q: was there another purpose? NO
Q: What did I transmutate? THE SOURCE OF THE DISTASTE.
Q: Is distaste an emotional state? YES
Q: is distaste eliminated? YES
Q: Is there a level of distaste in the River of Life? NO
Q: is there a percentage of distaste in the River of Life? NO
Q: What would be the consequences of this intervention? GREATER DISCERNMENT BY EVERYONE.



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