
Roundup Accumulates in GMO Food, Proving Its Lack of Safety

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Green Med Info, By: Sayer Ji, 02/06/2014

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An important new manuscript accepted for publication in the journal Food Chemistry disproves the widely held notion that GMO crops are ‘substantially equivalent’ to their traditional counterparts; a notion which forms the basis for national and international agencies – including the U.S. FDA, the United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organization and the World Health Organization – declaring genetically modified foods to be safe without having performed adequate health risk assessments.


The new manuscript titled, “Compositional differences in soybeans on the market: Glyphosate accumulates in Roundup Ready GM soybeans,”[i] was submitted by a team of researchers from Norway and the United Kingdom who explored the compositional differences of 31 soybean batches from Iowa, USA, which consisted of three different types


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