Trinity Esoterics

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday July 17, 2018

It is common during any large shift of energy to have emotions brought up to the surface to facilitate the next layer of healing available to you. For many of you, this means old deep wounds, the kind that you have gone out of your way to avoid, may be insisting upon your attention.

These energies are like balls of fear. Fear has kept them tamped down for so long, because it felt too daunting to look at them. Many of you have had the avoidance approach, not wanting to get too near them or disturb them in any way. Fear is at the bottom of any energy that is not healed. So fear is what drives these emotions, and more fear is what makes you not want to address them.

The problem with fear is that it is paralyzing – it keeps you from the freedom of realizing your highest expression of self. And that is why these issues are insistant upon getting your love and attention, so you can move on to the next exciting phase of your life unencumbered.

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Daily Message ~ Monday July 16, 2018

As people become more uncomfortable, it is very common for them to become reactive. You are currently in a period where many people will be feeling challenged, and will be likelier to act out due to their frustration and discomfort.

It is never fun to have another take things out on you. It is important to remember that their behaviour is simply a demonstration of how uncomfortable they are. Can you remember a time when you took things out on another because you were deeply uncomfortable? Did you appreciate it when you were forgiven? Can you give that same grace to another?

You are all walking through this together. Some of you are just learning how to deal with energetic intensity. Others have more experience with how to navigate these times. Be kind to each other. Forgive easily. Do your best and if you get reactive apologize. Always find your way back to love, Dear Ones, for that is the stabilizer you all seek. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Sunday July 15, 2018

The more you get to know yourself, love yourself, and accept yourself, the more you will be able to discern what is your truth. This means that if someone has something negative to say to you, you will be able to stay calm and balanced and very quickly be able to know whether there is any validity to what was said and use it as an opportunity to improve, or whether it was simply a projection onto you that isn’t a match to who you are at all.

If you find negative comments stay with you and are difficult to get over, it is not an indicator that you are bad or too sensitive, it is simply letting you know you need to get more secure with your own innate worthiness and truth. From there it will be much easier for you to know what has value for you and what to leave behind. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Saturday July 14, 2018

Alignment, simply put, sets you back on your home base which recharges your batteries and allows you to remember what you know. Both are essential for navigating fast-moving energies and being able to show up as the love that you are. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Friday July 13, 2018

Self love is not about making yourself better than anyone else, or caring for yourself more than anyone else. It is about finally including yourself in the love you so easily give others. It is an act of inclusion, of fairness, of balance.

So we urge you to start to use your awareness to change your negative self talk, to replace your inner naysayer with an inner encourager, to bless yourself with your own nurturing and love. Can you be kind and gentle with yourself today?

Can you commit to doing so every day, so it becomes a new habit? For as you shift yourself into your own inclusion, you accept your place as part of the whole and this facilitates a cascade of healing that addresses low self esteem, as well as separation, worthiness, and abandonment issues. Your inner child is yearning for your love and attention, Dear Ones. What are you waiting for? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Thursday July 12, 2018

Freedom is allowing yourself to decide what certain elements look like for you. What does peace look like for you? Is it meditating or sitting in stillness? Or is it the joy of allowing your body to move in nature? Is it driving in the car? Or gardening?

What does love mean to you? How do you express love? How do you feel loved? How do you love yourself?

What is healing to you? What does being healed look like to you?

What does connection look like or feel like to you? How do you express gratitude? How do you align with Source? What are your innate gifts and your preferred way of being of service?

Part of the confusion that so many face as they embark on their enlightenment journey is the many voices that tell you your practices or service should look a certain way. Your mastery comes from connecting within, from finding your preferred way of shining your divinity in the ways that match your own unique expression of Source. Give yourself permission to discover the best ways for you to embody the essential elements of enlightenment, and you will be serving both yourself and the whole to your highest ability. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday July 11, 2018

Dear Ones, you are entering a period of energetic intensity. We wish to offer you some tips to help you navigate this time with the greatest amount of ease possible.

If you find yourself uncomfortable, the first step is to simply stop and consciously direct love at your body and your being. Imagine wrapping yourself up in the most wonderful energetic hug. Sit and breathe and enjoying being present in the love that you are. If you need extra support, ask your angels and masters to also wrap you up in their love and simply enjoy being in that alignment.

Play “In This Right Now Moment”. Look around and see everything that is working for you. See that you are absolutely fine and absolutely safe. Don’t worry about what is coming next, simply anchor in the Now moment. As you connect with the present, look for things to be grateful for and give thanks both to the universe and to yourself for the creation of all the blessings in your life.

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday July 10, 2018

It is very common to seek control when you feel discomfort. But your discomfort is telling you that you are in resistance to something, and to seek control would be to dig in deeper to that resistance which will only perpetuate the discomfort. What you are really looking for when you are uncomfortable is acceptance, and a willingness to move with the energies with faith and trust.

Your control, while it may seem tempting to seek the reassurance controlling action seems to give, can only offer limited results because it lacks flow and the willingness to follow your soul where it is trying to lead you. Finding acceptance with each Now moment and shifting out of the head back into the heart is the only way you can realize your greatest opportunities and experiences. This will become more and more apparent and important as you move along your enlightenment journey.

We urge you to practice, to try new empowered ways of navigation that are based on co-creation and a willingness to stay in faith and trust long enough to see what gifts the unknown can bring you. This is a skill of great importance for you as the pioneers of the next great phase of your life expressions, for acceptance of your own wisdom, and the wisdom of the universe, is the foundation of forward movement with grace, ease, comfort, and peace. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


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