Trinity Esoterics

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Daily Message ~ Monday November 20, 2017

We understand releasing can be arduous work for you, especially if the energies you are letting go of are attached to a deep, old wound that has been affecting you for a very long time. Simply being aware of that energy yet again can be distressing, which can make you shift into resistance to the process.

It can be helpful to create a positive visualization for releasing that feels light and welcoming. It might be imagining that releasing is like removing heavy, old clothing on a very hot day and feeling the relief that comes from peeling off each layer. You could imagine releasing as having heavy burdens lifted off your body, and feeling how much lighter you are and how joyful it is as each one gets removed.

You could imagine yourself in a beautiful shower or waterfall, and feeling how refreshing and wonderful it is to be cleansed, as the old density gets washed away. You could simply imagine a team of angels or your favourite masters coming to assist you, and handing off those old energies to be transmuted, healed, and transformed. Don't be afraid to get creative and come up with whatever imagery delights you!

No matter how you look at it, each release leaves you lighter and creates space for you to embody more of your own divinity. What a glorious process! You can release far more effectively and pleasantly if you can remember that it is always an indicator of your remarkable growth and evolution, and exactly what you wish to experience.

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Daily Message ~ Sunday November 19, 2017

The beauty of fully surrendering to the flow is that you know everything is unfolding in a way that is divinely perfect. It takes you out of looking for things to fix, from doubting timing, and worrying about if you are getting things right or not, into a space of complete acceptance. You can rest easy in the fact that if there is something you need to do or address, the flow will bring it into your awareness.

It is in letting go of the worry and the second guessing of yourself, that you will start to get comfortable with simply being and will experience the freedom and relief that comes from taking things one Now moment at a time. The only thing you need to focus on is if you are allowing yourself to be led and what feedback you would like to give the universe through your appreciation. Navigating in such a way is not only more supported and efficient, it is a much needed vacation for the mind. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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18 Nov Daily Message ~ Saturday November 18, 2017

Have you noticed how your love relationships enjoy such a glorious time of wonder and connection in the beginning, and over time start to feel less and less magical? Have you wondered why that happens?

The reason for that is because you enter the relationship from a space of openness and appreciation but don't consciously keep up that positive focus, and slowly start to shift from gratitude, unconditional love, and acceptance for each other into the lack of appreciation for them that you call taking for granted.

Once you fall into taking each other for granted and worse, negative focus, you start to judge the other, which creates separation. From the space of judgment and separation, it is easy to feel resentful and fall into conditional love, which further erodes the love and connection you once had. Further, because you are so focused on the failings of the other, you have stepped of being responsible for self, and the knowing that the only thing that you do have control over is yourself.

Dear Ones, this is a very common thing, and something you are ready to evolve beyond. If your relationship has gone down this road, you can start to turn it around. Consciously look for the traits you truly love about your partner and voice your appreciation for them. Appreciation always shifts the energy into acceptance. Acceptance is the core of unconditional love.

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Daily Message ~ Friday November 17, 2017

Some people claim solitude is what is necessary to move fully forward into their truth and authenticity. Others claim that connection is what the goal is. We would say depending on what your individual needs are at any given point on your spiritual path, both are true.

Many people, when they first start their awakening process, feel a deep need to withdraw. This allows them the time to connect within, align with Source, and to create a safe space for healing and transformation to occur. Many people well on their spiritual journey frequently need to move into solitude to recharge their batteries, to integrate energies, and to nurture whatever their specific needs are at that time. A great many empaths withdraw to learn how to gain mastery with energetics so that connection without discomfort can become possible.

For many, once a period of solitude, growth, and healing have occurred, there is an urge to step back out into the world and into relationship with others that is deeper and more profound than ever before. They have come to a place of acceptance and unconditional love from their sabbatical and wish to start to practice that with others. They are ready to take connection to the next level. And many will find a combination of solitude and connection that works for them to create balance in their lives.

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Daily Message ~ Thursday November 16, 2017

There is an old pervasive belief that says the more light you shine the more the darkness is drawn to you. Please hear us when we say that belief was created out of fear, to create more fear, and to keep you from shining in your full glorious truth and authenticity. It was an untruth designed to keep you constrained and out of your authentic power.

Let's think this through. Have you ever seen the dark corners of a room try to snuff out a candle? The darkness has no interest in the light as the light transforms darkness. If the darkness was invested in itself, would it choose to expose itself to the one element that could threaten it?

Dear Ones, you are all a piece of God. How could anything be stronger than that? The only way a lower vibrating energy can truly affect you is if you give your power away and allow it to do so.

So shine. Claim your glorious energetics and allow them to shine brightly, unimpeded, without fear or worry, for the entire world to see! Shine as the beacon you are, knowing that you are the master of your own unique energy as an individuated aspect of Source energy. Not only is it safe for you to do so, it is exactly what you are on the planet to do. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday November 15, 2017

Dear Ones, as you move forward on your enlightenment journey and start to play in earnest with the energies of creation, we suggest you shift from focusing on what you want to deciding what you choose.

“I want” comes with the idea that you are limited, separated from what you desire, and hoping for something to be doled out to you. “I choose” is claiming your right and intention to move into whatever it is you wish to experience, understanding everything is fully available to you.

Can you feel the difference? One has somewhat of a feeling of powerlessness, the other is a full expression of your authentic power and your complete ability to co-create. What do you choose today? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday November 14, 2017

As you move toward the end of your year and look forward to the future, the question to ask is not “What should I do?” but rather, “How do I wish to express myself?”

You see, up until this point many of you had incarnations with very long to-do lists. This was why you often were looking for the guidance of what you should do next. You knew you had things on your agenda to experience and you didn’t want to miss anything.

Those times are now drawing to a close energetically. This can take some getting used to, as you reorient yourselves to the next phase and understand that the new focus is all about how you wish to be, and what you wish to experience.

As the pioneers on a rapidly shifting planet, you are more than ready for this change. You will release the fear of missing something or making mistakes because not only are you mindful, you are starting to recognize that the true value is in experience and self expression.

This is also profoundly important because this marks the shift away from martyred service to joyful service. It is about navigating by preference, playing in unprecedented energies, and co-creating and making a difference as you go, and that, Dear Ones, is exactly what your souls have been aiming for all along. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Monday November 13, 2017

Dear Ones, the energies are always moving and changing. This means that where you felt aligned and good one day may very well not be the place where you feel aligned and good the next day. Do not let that frustrate you!

There is always an energy available that will support you on any given day. Simply asking, "Where is my balance point today?" and allowing yourself to intuitively shift into it is all that is required. Your soul always, always knows where it is. All you must do is set your intention to move into that space, and allow yourself to shift into it.

While we understand that so much shifting and changing can seem daunting at times, change can only take you to a better place that includes expansion, evolution, and a greater experience of self.

The rapidly changing energies also serve you in getting comfortable with surrender and flow, with movement with intention, and working with the natural rhythm of the universe. It is allowing you to get adept at navigating the new energies with acceptance, and embracing the supports that are always available to you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Sunday November 12, 2017

Have you ever noticed how people are so drawn to the performers, the artists, the people who excel at their crafts? It is not so much what they do that makes them so irresistible to many. It is their pure expression of their purpose, and the alignment with Source energy they experience by honouring and completely embracing their soul's calling.

Guess what? When you embrace your own truth and authenticity and allow it to shine and lead the way, that is exactly how irresistible people will find you, too. You will draw to you the people who can see you in that truth and appreciate it, and honour you for your purpose and divinity, as well. You will also discover levels of talent and skills you could not have imagined by allowing your soul to take the lead.

You will not be perfect, just as those who are fully in their purpose are still learning, growing, and expanding on their journey. But you will shine as your own perfect individuated expression of Source energy, and that is always something that is breathtaking to behold. The more you allow yourself to be you, the more beautiful you become. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Saturday November 11, 2017

Dear Ones, if you ever feel like you are unsupported or alone on your journey, we suggest taking a moment to announce, “I gratefully accept all the help and support that is available to me.”

This is a wonderful affirmation because it activates your team of helpers by giving them permission to assist. It also clearly shows your intention to receive help in the many ways it can arrive, and to shift beyond where you are into a better feeling, supported space. The gratitude acts as an energetic anchor to what is desired. It is a profoundly empowered act of moving out of separation into being led by Source with faith, trust, surrender, and acceptance.

If you say the affirmation and feel resistance to it, we would suggest you take the time to look at why you have trouble accepting help. Do you only feel comfortable when you are giving? Why does receiving feel uncomfortable to you? Can you start to see if you reject help from others you are denying them the joy of giving and being of service to you? Can you start to move into a more balanced flow of both giving and receiving? Can you see how if you are well supported you will be even better able to serve others?


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