Trinity Esoterics

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Daily Message ~ Thursday August 3, 2017

In older times, if someone wished to embrace a spiritual path it often involved cloistering themselves. The belief was that you needed to separate yourself from society in order to devote yourself to your practice.

As so many of you are old souls, you have had many, many experiences with that practice. So when you started your enlightenment process on earth, it felt natural to seclude yourself in order to focus on that process. That is what your soul had done, time and again, over the course of your many lifetimes.

As you are stepping into the second phase of your incarnation, that need to cloister yourself is being left behind. You are now ready to embody your energetics beautifully while being in the world, in a state of connection with others.

While the time of solitude served you well, the great joy will be in moving beyond that self imposed seclusion into experiencing yourself authentically no matter what the circumstances because your attainment is not dependent on any external factors.

More and more you will be able to hold your balance, regardless of where people are on their own personal paths, or what dramas may be playing out around you. You will simply be the light, bringing your energy wherever you go, being of active service through your beingness, and that, Dear Ones, is a magnificent thing to behold and the next natural phase of your evolution. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday August 2, 2017

Many enlightening human beings came onto the earth to be of service. They understood the ascension of the planet and her inhabitants was a true potential and came to assist that process. Because many had attempted such a task before in other incarnations and failed, they came onto the planet with a great sense of responsibility – a seriousness and a sense of urgency that they naturally felt due to their service contract.

So now that the shift is occurring, those human beings are starting to experience a change of service. Their first phase of service, the doing phase, is completed, and now their service is shifting into being. This is a profound shift of service that many of you are now working on getting comfortable with.

There is a changing of the guard, so to speak, with one vast group switching up their service from doing to being, and another vast group stepping forward into the doing phase of their service. The first wave is moving forward in their divine self expression, pioneering new paths and potentials as creators, while many others are awakening to fill the service roles they left behind.

This is proof positive that the shift is occurring and all your hard work is reaping rewards! It is beautifully and divinely orchestrated to honour each person’s growth and intended service paths, and a wondrous aspect of the shift of consciousness you are all such a vital part of. It is truly remarkable to see. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday August 1, 2017

Do you believe that the universe tests you? To believe that you are being tested suggests that you also believe you are being judged and graded. Dear Ones, nothing is further from the truth!

We only have unconditional love and support for you. We encourage you to have a myriad of experiences, for that is how you define yourself and decide what you would like to experience next with your free will. If we are not judging you, why should you be so hard on yourself?

Take the pressure off and understand that being on the planet, in a human body, is deciding to enter the playland of experience. This is so you can better know and choose your preferences, which supports your expansion and growth, and allows you to demonstrate your mastery for no other reason than that is who you are.

And that, Dear Ones, is the true freedom and joy of self expression we wish to see from each and every one of you, for that is how you add to the mosaic of the whole in the ways that only you can do. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Monday July 31, 2017

What would happen if human beings started to acknowledge every single soul's innate ability to be exactly where they need to be at any given moment? You would start to practice honour and acceptance for yourselves and for others, and that, all by itself, would be a profoundly powerful energetic shift that would ripple out beyond anything you could imagine. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Sunday July 30, 2017

The most powerful way to create is through essence. When you hold the intention of the core of your creation, you open yourselves up to many more options and matches that the universe can deliver to you. Sometimes, when you get too detailed with what you wish to create, you unknowingly create constraints because there is a much better match trying to make its way to you that you are not in acceptance of.

The true joy of co-creation is allowing your team to surprise and delight you with the full potentials you simply cannot be aware of from your vantage point. So cast your net wide, Dear Ones! Dig deep to discover the core vibrational essence of what you really wish to experience, and allow that to be your intended order from the universe. You open yourselves up to so many more satisfying potentials by doing so. In fact, that is how you get to living a life beyond your wildest dreams. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Saturday July 29, 2017

Surrender, faith, flow, and trust are the essential elements of what we call The Divine Combination. Each is dependent upon the others to move your forward into your highest potentials you may not be aware exist from your vantage point.

This is the new, supported operating system of the enlightening human beings, and integral to navigating the energies you are experiencing on your planet at this time.

So surrender, Dear Ones! Surrender with faith into the flow and stay there with your trust long enough to allow yourself to be guided to the new vistas your soul is yearning to experience. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Friday July 28, 2017

Dear Ones, the antidote to doubt is trust. Doubt constrains and stagnates, while trust expands and opens to new experiences. Your soul is always seeking expansion and experience, so trust is a vital element!

Trust in your guides and helpers, trust in your own wisdom and capability, trust in your soul's ability to know where you wish to go and what you wish to do. Trust in a universe that adores you! Trust that you can move one Now moment at a time and redirect as you go, if necessary.

It is time for you to reassure the part of you that is fearful and doubts and to lovingly guide yourself to your next beautiful expression of self. The most glorious act of self love is acknowledging all your parts, soothing and encouraging them, and guiding yourself forward as your own divine and mindful leader. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Thursday July 27, 2017

Dear Ones, there are endless supports available to you. If you are unsure of how to proceed, ask for help from your loving team of guides and helpers. If you are unsure of how to help another appropriately, ask your guides and helpers to provide healing and guidance for their situation. Just as calling in experts to fix something that isn't working in your house is still taking empowered action, so is calling on your guides and helpers to lend their expertise to any situation. It is always our greatest joy to serve and assist you. The key is remembering to ask. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday July 26, 2017

Dear Ones, you are all on the planet in unprecedented times, receiving unprecedented energies. There is no blueprint for this, as you are all the co-creators, the pioneers of the expansion of your lives and the planet. This is what you were all so excited to experience! The times your soul could not wait to step into are right now. You are ready for it.

Because there is no template for what you are doing now, this is an experience of vast expansion, self expression, and freedom. Many of you have been conditioned to fear your authentic power and divine capability and as such, fear the freedom you are moving into. Hear us when we say that you are more than ready for it.

The entirety of your incarnation up until this point has been preparing you for these times. You are sensitive. You are mindful. You are loving. You are in touch with your core values that desire a new earth the holds unconditional love, support, acceptance, unity consciousness, and peace. Your true preferences and intentions have been present in you from the time you took your first breath.

As pioneers, you cannot get it wrong. You get to choose, and if something does not feel quite right, you get to choose again. Lead from your heart. Don't be afraid to expand into energies beyond anything you thought was possible. Allow the endless support of the universe to guide you beyond what is known, into the highest potentials you cannot see from your vantage point.

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday July 25, 2017

One of the most powerful, self-loving things you can do is to still yourself and take a moment to ask yourself, “What do you need today?” and then act on what you feel the answer is. Your tender inner being is aching for your love and attention if you are feeling out of sorts, and you may be amazed at how quickly you can bring yourself back to a state of greater comfort and peace by taking the time to do this one simple exercise for yourself. ~Archangel Gabriel


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