Trinity Esoterics

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Daily Message ~ Monday July 24, 2017

Dear Ones, grounding in each step of the unfoldment with your acceptance and gratitude is what makes the next vital step possible. Do not see having gratitude for the now moment as choosing to stay put, or accepting less than your desire if your creation is not yet complete because the universe will always seek and support your expansion and growth.

Grounding each step into your reality is wisely and methodically allowing each piece to be set in place and a beautiful demonstration of your faith and trust. See each piece as a wonderful sign of creation in progress, for in reality, each stepping stone is just as important as the end result. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Sunday July 23, 2017

The act of gratitude, along with the practice of grounding, both work to anchor energy. The two together are absolutely integral for successful manifestation. So connect with the essence of what you would like to create for yourself, give thanks for its existence, and then ground it into your reality by inviting it in and anchoring it energetically. It does not need to be more complicated than that. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Saturday July 22, 2017

Dear Ones, we understand that releasing has been a major theme for many of you, and that it can seem to be an arduous task. We would like to present an idea that may make it easier to understand and allow you to let go of the old once and for all.

Many of you understand the concept of past lives. Some of you may have even done pastlife regression to actively let go of old wounds you may have been carrying forward with you. Once you have the awareness you are holding onto an old experience that happened in another life expression, you see there isn’t much point of holding onto it. You heal, you release, and you move on.

What if you started to have that same attitude to your releasing now? What if you were able to look at it with the same detachment – that the experience served you but now it is in the past and it only needs to affect the now if you choose to carry it with you. What if you could simply embrace the wisdom it offered and let it go?

You see, you are now stepping into a new stage in your life expression where much of what you have experienced thus far is becoming very energetically removed, much like a past life, and you are stepping forward to create anew. Phase one, the phase that had a lot of things on your to-do list has been completed, and now you are ready to move forward into phase two which is the phase of pioneering, creation, and self expression.

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Daily Message ~ Thursday July 20, 2017

Dear Ones, have you ever noticed how, if a child is with an overprotective parent, they will be prevented from or afraid of trying new things? And have you ever noticed how a child with a more adventurous parent will hesitate only to have the parent step up in supportive encouragement, which was all the child needed in order to try a new experience?

The first parent is constricting the child and using fear (they do not want the child to get hurt) as a reason to not try anything new. The second parent is encouraging experience and expansion. Many of you have seen this dynamic play out very obviously in front of you. One feeds doubt, the other moves beyond doubt.

So our question is, how do you apply this to yourselves? As you step into the role of being your own guides, teachers, and loving parents, are you being overprotective? Are you afraid to try new things in case something goes wrong? Are you perpetuating old conditioning? Or are you able to encourage yourself, with your own wonderful wisdom and support, to embrace and value the expansion that comes with new experience?

Perhaps, just perhaps, there is a little part of you that has been waiting for its opportunity to grow, that is longing to hear you say the words, “I am here for you. It is safe to try. I know you can do it!” ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday July 18, 2017

Dear Ones, to better understand your enlightenment process, think of a video game. When you complete one phase or level, it opens up brand new areas and potentials. You may seem to be playing as you always have, but then you realize you have brand new abilities!

You might meet new challenges to help you discover everything you can do with your new skills. Things may seem very similar, or very different, but you know that it is still evolution from where you were, and filled with elements to discover as well as different kinds of help along the way.

So to put it in terms you can best understand, you are all levelling up for each and every shift you go through, and that is a wonderful thing, even if you haven't quite figured out how everything works yet. The joy is in the discovery. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Sunday July 16, 2017

Releasing the fear of success or failure and shifting into embracing the value of experience, instantly moves you into expansion and flow. It does not mean that you will not give your best effort. Far from it! You are tender, mindful beings and you will approach all experiences with the same level of wisdom, diligence, and care as you always did. It will simply release the self-imposed constraints, pressure, and judgment, and that, Dear Ones, is freedom. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Saturday July 15, 2017

Some of you hold back, and are hesitant to fully commit to your creations. You play it safe, just in case. This is due to still being in a success or failure mindset.

Dear Ones, all of your experiences are successes, for they give you clarity and offer you expansion. Experience, truly, is why you are in the body in the first place.

If you released the fear of success or failure, how much more willing would you be to energetically commit? It would be that full commitment that would open the door to the full result.

Once you understand your true mastery and ability to create, (and if you do not like what you create, your ability to create again), you will start to embrace life and all of its offerings like never before. ~Archangel Gabriel


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