Trinity Esoterics

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Daily Message ~ Saturday June 24, 2017

Dear Ones, every time you choose not to love, you choose contraction and separation. Every time you choose to love, you choose expansion and connection. Your are in the body, on the planet to experience expansion and connection. Do you see? It is beautifully simple. Always choose love, for it is good for the soul. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Friday June 23, 2017

Dear Ones, your patience with others creates a safe and loving environment for them to explore and discover their own talents and capabilities. It is a wonderful way of holding the space of encouragement and support that is always greatly beneficial and deeply appreciated on a soul level. Ultimately a teacher is as good as the level of patience they have for their students. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Thursday June 22, 2017

Dear Ones, as you are in the process of co-creating, there may be some twists and turns in the unfoldment. This does not mean things are wrong in any way!

Occasionally it will be necessary to pause to allow other elements to fall into place. Sometimes you will find yourself inexplicably stalled or delayed in one place because your energy is required there. Or sometimes you may be rerouted momentarily because there is an opportunity for you to make an intersection with another person that will benefit you both. There is always a purpose to your circumstances that serves you.

So trust. Accept. Find peace wherever you are. Hold your vision, follow your heart, and know that you are doing a marvellous job. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday June 21, 2017

Dear Ones, very few of you are taking full advantage of the amount of assistance that is available to you on a daily basis.

Do not be afraid to ask for our help! No request is too small or too silly. It is our greatest joy to serve and assist you, but as you are sovereign beings we do require your permission to help. You are part of a team - there is no need to carry the load alone. We are just waiting for the nod from you to launch ourselves into action on your behalf.

So simply ask! Ask to be shown the way, ask for unseen solutions to be shown, ask for greater ease and comfort, and be open to the magic, for that is how you move into receiving the love, support and guidance that has always been there for you. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday June 20, 2017

Dear Ones, there is such great joy in creating one Now moment at a time. It allows you to stay present, to see what the energies are supporting at any given time, and to see the magical signs that point the way.

From this approach the unknown is filled with wonder and endless possibility. There is no stress to get it right, simply discerning what is the highest choice. It is like stepping from stepping stone to stepping stone, one highest choice at a time, until before you know it you have landed in brand new vistas you couldn't have imagined possible.

And you have arrived with far greater grace and ease than you have ever experienced before! You are all becoming energetic masters, clearly seeing what works and what does not, and becoming far more accustomed to creating through flow rather than struggle.

These are such wonderful times for you to be in, to play and explore and discover new ways of doing things that reflect your growth and evolution! ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Monday June 19, 2017

Beauty can be expressed in so many ways. Your own taste – the things that draw you and move you into presence and appreciation – are how you experience your own heaven on earth, for all beauty is divinely inspired. So look for the beauty that abounds around you. Create the beauty that makes your heart expand and feel moved, whether it be through tending the earth, art, music, dance, decorating, designing, or acts of love, for it supports your alignment, your energetics, and your soul’s desire to express itself, as well as adding to the mosaic of the whole. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Saturday June 17, 2017

Dear Ones, if you wish to experience change you must open yourselves up to expansion and moving into the not yet known. We understand that can feel scary to you, but the truth is you are not really afraid of change, you are afraid of unconscious creation.

When you are moving into expansion with intention, it is like pre-ordering from a catalogue. There is no need to fear what will arrive when you know what you have ordered!

If you wish to experience more love in your life, that is change. If you wish to experience healing in your life, that is change. If you wish to experience greater joy, that is change. If you wish to experience enlightenment that is change.

Do you see? You simply cannot commit yourself to staying the same and also reap the wonderful gifts that change is trying to bring you. You do not have to do it all at one time. All change comes one now moment at a time, which allows you to step forward, look around, and choose your next step.

It is time to leave the idea that change is your enemy behind and embrace flow and expansion as being the means that takes you to your own preferred, new adventure. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Friday June 16, 2017

Dear Ones, it is okay to let go of the old conditioning that said struggle is somehow noble or a necessary precursor to your worthiness or success. As creators you can start to use your wisdom and sensitivity to navigate your path through the gentle bumps and nudges that come with subtle energy. That is the way of grace and ease, and is completely available to all of you whenever you are ready to move into a smoother path of conscious creation. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Thursday June 15, 2017

Dear Ones, your level of monetary abundance comes from the universe responding to your own energetic emanation, not from the specific job you hold. You have created that job because it matches the level of abundance you resonate with.

This is an important thing to know if you feel like leaving a job that does not honour you. You will always naturally attract to you the level of monetary abundance you are comfortable with, accustomed to, feel like you deserve, or are in a space of acceptance of.

Do you see? It is always a response to the energy you hold. If you wish to move into a greater level of abundance, it must begin within, with you shifting, even if it is in small increments, into a comfort level and allowance of more, which the universe will then respond to. ~Archangel Gabriel


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