Trinity Esoterics

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Daily Message ~ Thursday May 25, 2017

The energy that presents to you is a match to what you have already experienced combined with new potentials that are opening up to you. You might think of it as a lineup of plays you can attend during a season. You can choose to see a performance that you have already seen and enjoyed very much, or you can choose to see something brand new. Both options are equally available to you. Or you may even decide to do both!

But as you evolve in these new unprecedented energies, so many of you are wishing for expansion and new experiences. It can be helpful to ask, “Does this potential match where I am going, or where I’ve been?” because your energy will hold matches to both. You ultimately get to choose what you wish to participate in based on your new preferences and desires. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday May 24, 2017

When you come into a vibrational range of energy, new potentials become available to you. Those new potentials are just a starting point. Understand as a co-creator you can absolutely assess those new opportunities.

Don't be afraid to ask questions! Do these potentials match you vibrationally? Do they honour who you are and what you wish to achieve? Do they offer expansion and match where your soul wishes to go? If not, give gratitude for the aspects that do work for you and feel good and supportive as your feedback to the universe, and let the rest go.

You may think of your potentials as starting points for you to shape and mold into becoming your perfect matches. You do that by keeping clear focus on what your preferences are, holding your intention, being open to flowing into expansion through new suggestions from the universe, and growing what is desired through your wisdom, awareness, and appreciation. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday May 23, 2017

Dear Ones, it can be disheartening when there are acts from others in the world that are cruel and designed to feed fear. You could interpret disheartened as meaning knocked out of your heart centre.

As your world continues to evolve and there are events and behaviours that are difficult to understand through that process, we urge you to continue to be pioneers by staying centred in love, to continue to allow your beautiful and tender hearts to shine and show the way, for that is the way to anchor peace on your planet.

Your shift is driven by one person at a time waking up and standing tall in their truth and embodying their beingness. Do not ever underestimate the power of the collective that will indeed turn the tide into the creation of the New Earth you all seek. You do not need to have an answer to all the problems, you just need to allow your innate goodness to lead the way. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Monday May 22, 2017

Dear Ones, we understand that it can be hard to wait in faith and trust for your manifestations to take on shape and form. But holding the space for their creation is even more important than the original inspiration for the dream is.

If you just found out you were pregnant, you would not insist the baby be born immediately. You would understand that it is in the midst of a process of growth and gestation, and that takes time. You would create the perfect environment for all of that to occur and would know that rushing it would be harmful. And despite your excitement, you would trust the process and divine timing, knowing when the time is perfect your baby – your new creation – will enter the world.

It can help to apply the same knowledge and wisdom to anything you wish to create. Honour the unfoldment with the complete faith and trust that even if you do not know what processes are that are occurring behind the scenes, they are all working together seamlessly to serve your dream until it is ready to be born into your physical reality.

That is exactly how you hold the space and stay in delicious anticipation without giving up on your creations before they have the time they need to take form. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Sunday May 21, 2017

As you continue upon your enlightenment journey, you start to recognize how important balance is, for it is through a balanced state that can experience your alignment with Source, and from there navigate your life from your heart.

So how do you stay in a more balanced state? You simply ask yourself, in any situation, “What do I need to add to this situation to get back to balance?”

This is such an important question, for several reasons. First it allows you to accept the situation as it is without pushing against what is unwanted. You are not trying to resist, or take away, or separate anything. It is not making anything wrong, it is merely assessing what is required to shift into a state that allows greater alignment and balanced movement, which is flow. It is focused on forward movement.

Adding to the situation is using your mastery. It is calling forth an energy you can choose for the highest good of all. It is simply turning up what is desired, so to speak, to support yourself and others moving forward.

So for example, you may find yourself in a situation where there is conflict. Rather than making people wrong for their emotions or behaviour, you can decide to bring the energy of love, calm, and peace to the whole, which would create greater possibilities for balance, much as a buoy can offer stability in choppy waves, should someone wish to grab onto it.

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Daily Message ~ Saturday May 20, 2017

As the shift of consciousness continues on your planet, many of you are wrapping up one phase of your incarnation and moving into brand new adventures. So how do you know when it is time to move on, and what to embrace for your next phase of experience?

You know it is time to move on when something just doesn’t feel energetically supported any longer – when it feels uncomfortable and far less satisfying than it used to. When you are coming to the end of one phase you will always feel that discomfort. It is how you ease out of one thing and into another. Human beings can be resistant to change, and if you didn’t have the discomfort build for a while it is unlikely you would embrace the new when it showed up.

How do you know what direction you should take next? Feel into your soul. Where is your inner self trying to guide you? What aspects are appealing to you? Do you need more freedom? More creativity? How does your soul want to express itself? What draws your interest and brings you joy?

If you are still unsure, ask your guides to show you the way. Surrender into being of your highest service and then follow the signs and synchronicities. This is the fastest way to move into your perfect matches because it allows your highest self to take the wheel with the most support possible. Follow the unfoldment.

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Daily Message ~ Friday May 19, 2017

As you work your way through the layers into the essence of who you really are, you can rediscover the innocence and purity you may have thought you had lost along the way. It is that part of you that sees the world through wonder, that is fully present, and has a curious and joyful heart.

If you are one of the enlightening human beings on the planet who is tired, who has worked hard and wonders where the fun has gone, connect to that inner part of you. Allow that innocent you to come forward, with the assurance that you know how to keep that part of you safe and loved and nurtured, and let him or her bring lightness, exploration and play back into your life.

Your innocence has much to offer you. It isn't lost or broken, it has been patiently waiting for you to discover it is still there and acknowledge it. Isn't it time for you to have a joyful reunion with that beautifully pure and light essence of you? ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday May 17, 2017


One of the hardest things for some enlightening human beings on a service path to do is to ask for help. They simply aren’t comfortable to do so since they so clearly know their mission to be the help. But that is continuing a martyred paradigm and not embracing the energies that are shifting toward unity consciousness and unconditional love for all.

So hear us if you have trouble accepting help – that is your next frontier to conquer. Expanding your knowingness to understand that receiving help IS being the help to others if it allows them to step into their service and experience the joy that comes offering their love and support. It is how people get to experience their highest expression of self.

Moving into greater acceptance means that you will step out of carrying the load by yourself, into a more supportive flow that serves all. That is exactly how the lightworkers and wayshowers who have been working so tirelessly will move into greater balance, health, love, and abundance – by shifting into a new paradigm that is a flow of joyful service that includes both giving and receiving for the highest good of all. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday May 16, 2017

Dear Ones, do you have an attachment to an outcome that you are so invested in that you will not budge? We want you to dream and create, but we also want you to understand that creation is fluid, has flow, is malleable. Anything that you become controlling or constrained about has lost its ability to expand, and thus becomes unsupported because the universe is all about expansion, growth and movement.

So what do you do? Have the highest vision you can imagine for yourself and then hand it off to the universe to tweak and adjust. Know that any adjustments are for your highest good and for the sustainability of your wildest dreams and perfect matches. Trust enough to allow your dreams the freedom to take on greater form and become all they can be. ~Archangel Gabriel


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