Trinity Esoterics

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday February 21, 2017

Dear Ones, feel into the energy of what you would like to create in your life. Does it feel like struggle or does it feel like ease? If it doesn't feel light and of the flow, examine your beliefs about it. Do you feel it will be hard? As you continue to examine your beliefs and the language you use about your desires, ask do they hold the vibration of what I wish to create and how I wish to create it, or do they still hold elements of pushing against what is unwanted? Keep adjusting until every single word associated with it feels good – so good – that just thinking about the potential feels wonderful. That is the energy you wish to create from. It doesn't need to be complex, often just a few well chosen words will capture the essence of your dream and give the you effect you are looking for. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Sunday February 20, 2017

How many ways do you put yourself and your own needs and comfort last? Many of you do not wish to be selfish, so you continue to deny yourself. Self love is never about selfishness, Dear Ones, it is merely seeing yourself as equal and as deserving as everyone else. It is moving into balance, fairness, and inclusion by deciding to share the love and care you so generously give to others with yourself. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Sunday February 19, 2017

Dear Ones, today we advise you to catch your breath. Do something loving and nurturing for yourself. Let the sun kiss your face. Seek things that automatically activate feelings of love and gratitude within you. All of these activities will support you with the shifting you are in the midst of, and remind you that your body and your ability to feel allow you to experience pleasure. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Saturday February 18, 2017

Human beings have a curious habit. They will be moving along their enlightenment process quite beautifully until a challenging energetic time occurs. Rather than seeing the energies as helping them along their process and being happy they are ready for yet another upgrade, they immediately start to judge themselves as broken, messy, and thoroughly incapable. Dear Ones, we implore you to stop kicking yourselves while you are down!

Everything – every single thing – that is happening is serving your growth and expansion. While intense energies can be challenging, they always leave you better, and shifted into a higher, clearer energetic space so you can experience more of your true beauty and divinity. Deciding to berate yourselves on top of the massive amount of shifting you are doing is at best completely unnecessary and at worst making the process far more difficult than it needs to be.

Hear us when we say you are doing an incredible job! You are kind and mindful, dedicated and courageous, as you drive the shift on your planet. We urge you to stop using times of intensity as an excuse to abuse yourselves, and to start to see it as a time when you need and deserve your own love and support more than ever. Why not finally stop looking for what you think is wrong with you and start celebrating what is oh, so right? How different would your experiences be if you created a safe space of comfort and nourishment for your spiritual growth and evolution? ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Friday February 17, 2017

Dear Ones, acceptance, which is beautiful by product of faith and trust and the supporter of patience and peace, is the key to living life in the higher dimensions, for it nurtures and supports, honours and allows, and creates the safe space for you to discover your highest expression of self. It is at the core of unconditional love, and unity consciousness. It is through the energies of acceptance that you will finally fall madly in love with yourselves, as well, discovering your own divine essence, which will move you into the joy of being. Acceptance, simply put, is the essence of the energies of Home, and what you yearn for as you seek to heal the pain of judgment and separation once and for all. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Thursday February 16, 2017

Think of an area of your life that is working well for you. You will notice that there is flow in that area of your life, a lightness, if you will, and a lack of resistance.

Now think of an area of your life that is not working quite as well. You will notice it feels stuck, heavy, and you likely feel resistant to it.

Growth and expansion are what feel natural to your soul. It is the way of the universe, and how you flow and evolve. So what do you do if one area is seemingly stuck? You start to infuse it with lightness, acceptance and gratitude. Let us explain.

Even the most dense part of your life has parts that are working in it. Let us suppose you are plagued with a health issue. That issue may be very problematic to you, and because of the discomfort it causes, it has your full and constant attention. But the reality is if you are still in the body breathing, there are many more functions in your body that are working seamlessly and perfectly than the area that is not. You are just not thinking about them, or acknowledging them.

By focusing on what is working, and celebrating how many systems in your body work without you even thinking about it, you can anchor the experience of appreciation, lightness and flow in your body, which would create the perfect environment for healing.

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday February 15, 2017

When you are trying to manifest something new, it can be frustrating when you feel like you don't have all the details or the knowledge of how it will work out. We would like you to know that you don't need the details right away. You just need the basics, or the main foundation.

Ask yourself, "What do I know for sure?" So let us suppose you were wanting to move. Start with the broadest details. Do you know what country you would like to live in? Which area? What climate do you prefer? Do you prefer city or country or small town? Is safety a main concern to you? Are schools important? Do you prefer to be near water, or inland? As you start to focus on broader details, you start to realize that you do have more clarity on what you would like than you first thought.

Your manifestations are much like building a house. You create the foundation first, which supports all the other elements to be built upon it. As the house starts to take form, the smaller details fall into place, until all that is left to do is the finishing touches and you are ready to move in. You can't worry about what switch plates to buy until you have walls and electricity first!

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Daily Message ~ Monday February 13, 2017

Every single time you judge yourself you deny your own divinity and perpetuate the pain of separation in yourself. Dear Ones, we urge you to start to treat yourselves with the love, respect, and honour you deserve.

Can you commit to seeing your innate goodness? Can you see your innocence and desire to do your best? Can you forgive yourself if you make what you consider to be a mistake and simply encourage yourself to do better next time rather than berating yourself?

How much easier would it be to bloom and grow into your full potential if you created the environment that supported it by finally giving yourself the love you've been yearning for from yourself for so very long?

How do you do that? By thinking of how you would want a beloved child, the love of your life, or your very best friend to be treated and apply to self. By doing so you have the power, right now, to begin to move into the deep and profound healing only you could give. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Sunday February 12, 2017

All great changes happen a little bit at a time. If you find an area of your life very out of balance, (common examples are the areas of self love, giving/receiving, relationship dynamics, and appropriate boundaries, or any other area where you consistently give your power away), it is very stressful, daunting, and often unrealistic to expect yourself to suddenly swing into a perfectly healthy expression of that particular area. It took a while to get that out of balance so it will likely be too much to expect yourself to right it all in one swoop.

But what you can do, is start to integrate healthier, conscious choices, bit by bit, to move yourself towards your goal. This will help you to gradually become more comfortable with moving into and assimilating those energies, and before you know it you will have created healthier habits that accumulate into profound and empowering healing and change that are so much more in line with what you desire and deserve.

Evolution is a process, Dear Ones, and one that can be done bit by bit to ensure your comfort and success. By taking it a little at a time you will give yourself practice and experience which will, in turn, create positive momentum. What small changes can you start to incorporate into your life on a consistent basis that would honour your tender soul and your highest intentions? ~Archangel Gabriel


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