Trinity Esoterics

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Daily Message ~ Thursday December 22, 2016

The most common ascension symptoms people struggle with - dizziness, memory issues, headaches, weakness, sluggishness, heart palpitations, dry eyes - are all due to one thing, dehydration. You can greatly decrease your discomfort by increasing your water intake.

You are beings who are greatly affected by planetary influences. You are also beings of flow. Just as your plants and flowers may require more hydration and care during phases of solar intensity, so do you. Making your hydration a priority will have many positive benefits to you, and it is a wonderful, loving act of self care and nurturing, as well, which as you know we are always encouraging for you.

It is such a simple thing to do which will create far greater comfort for you, as it will allow you to move with the energetic shifts with much more ease and efficiency. So drink, Dear Ones, and become willing participants of the flow. ~Archangel Gabriel

To those who have already donated to help support our work, THANK YOU and good luck!

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday December 21, 2016

Dear Ones, when you love someone, you naturally want them to be happy. We urge you to apply that logic towards yourselves as you consider what you would like to create in 2017. Making choices based on what will bring you joy is a beautiful and empowered act of self love, and absolutely necessary for you to move forward into your greatest expression of self. ~Archangel Gabriel

To those who have already donated to help support our work, THANK YOU and good luck!
Your loving donations help more than you know in supporting us to be able to continue to offer you free daily content all year long. For the entire month of December, make a donation of any size and get entered in THREE draws! You could win a free hour long reading, the Partnership With Spirit course, or the Drawing Divine Love course! If you have found Gabriel’s messages helpful and you feel guided to do so, you can make a donation to via paypal or e-transfer to (make the answer to the secret question gabriel) if you are in Canada. As always, I am so very grateful to all of you and so honoured to be connected with you during these amazing times. Wishing you all things bright and beautiful during this holiday season and beyond.

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday December 20, 2016

The transition from a year of completion (2016) into a year of creation (2017) involves truly letting go of the old and stepping into the new. As you are creating in fresh and unprecedented energies, the questions to ask as you look forward, more than ever before is, “What will bring me joy in my personal life?” and, “How can I be of joyful service?” If you put joy as the centre of all of your creations, you will be moving with the energies into your highest potentials like never before. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Monday December 19, 2016

Dear Ones, if you have an area of your life that is less than ideal to you, and you have developed a lot of negative self talk about that topic, the first step is to simply commit to watching your own chatter about that topic. You might even want to write down the statements you make about that area of your life. Try not to judge the situation or yourself, you are simply gathering information.

Once you have compiled your typical statements around this area of your life, we would like you to ask yourself, as you read each one is, “Is this really true?” Then, if you think it has been true ask, “Is this a truth I would like to perpetuate?” As you read the list of your typical statements, feel the energy. It likely feels very dense and frustrating. Pay attention to your body. You likely feel clenched in your abdominal area. Your body probably feels very tense as you read your list. That feeling you are experiencing is resistance.

Once you are done inspecting your list, we urge you to get a new piece of paper and ask yourself how you can change those old statements to better convey what you would like to create for yourself. When you read a new statement, feel in your body. Do you still feel a lot of resistance? If so, ask for help to release it. Then adjust the wording. Keep releasing and rewriting until you have a new statement that you can read and feel good about. One that helps you feel expanded and clear.

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Daily Message ~ Sunday December 18, 2016

Any situation in your life can be turned into a meditation or a holy experience, simply by choosing to align with Source and connect with your guides, angels, masters and helpers, and every single time you choose to do this you become a beautiful bridge between heaven and earth.

From this perspective, you could transform a traffic jam, a long pause in a waiting room, or any other activity into an opportunity to connect and serve. Such a choice would move you from resistance to acceptance and alignment, which would quickly create comfort and union, both of which are completely beneficial, supportive, and restorative to you.

Do you see how incredibly powerful you are? You can shift energy and experience, simply by your choice. You are all such wondrous, glorious beings! ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Saturday December 17, 2016

Dear Ones, love is always the highest choice that is available to you. The more you stay in your alignment with Source, the easier it is to remember that love is your lineage and what is natural to you. The more you come to accept that love is who you are, the more it becomes your go-to response, and reactions that are not of love become less and less.

You are in the process, every day, of remembering the love that you are and allowing it to lead the way, for it is truly your discovery and deepening acceptance of the love that you are that is leading the shift on your planet. It has never been about becoming different, it has always been about coming back Home to your roots and your truth, and that is, and will always be, love.

So do not ever be afraid of letting that love shine, for when you do, you allow the the glory of your own divinity and the energy of Source to flow through you to light the way, and it is not only breathtakingly beautiful to behold, it is being of your highest service to all. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Friday December 16, 2016

Many of you hold yourself back from your dreams because you can not figure out all the steps that would bring your dream into fruition. Dear Ones, hear us when we say that is our job! Your mind has many great skills but seeing beyond the context of what it already knows is not one of them. Co-creation allows you to move into the realm of endless potential and possibility, far beyond what your mind could see as a viable option.

Your job is to decide what you would like to experience and then surrender into the flow of its creation. We will guide you step by step. All you need to do is watch the signs and synchronicities and follow the magic. All great changes are created one Now moment at a time, and from your heart, which only knows how to respond to the beckoning of your soul. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Thursday December 15, 2016

Dear Ones, so many of you are afraid of change. Yet your heartfelt manifestations can only come to you through change. So you are wanting change, yet blocking it at the same time by seeking to remain the same. No wonder so many of you are feeling discomfort!

You have developed a belief that change is bad or unwanted. But you must understand that healing is a change, a new job is a change, moving into your highest service is a change, birth is a change, experiencing deeper love is a change. If you don't have enough money, abundance is a change. Growth is a change. World peace is a change. Unity consciousness and acceptance is a change. The entire ascension process is change - the profound shift from victim consciousness to authentic power, from stagnation to creation. Evolution, by its very nature is change. Do you see?

Perhaps, just perhaps, it isn't change you should be afraid of, at all. If you really wish to be afraid of something, we would suggest it be fear of staying the same, because it isn't change that is the hard part. The really painful struggle is the discomfort of resistance, and trying to stay in energies that no longer support you.

So thrive, Dear Ones! Surrender. Flow. Shine. Understand movement is your friend, because it is through change that we can best serve and support you, leading you always to your next perfect match and experience. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday December 14, 2016

Dear Ones, you are about to step forward into a year of creation after a year of completion. Are you ready to wrap up your completion? Are you truly ready to let the old cycle go and embrace the new?

Stepping out of completion into creation is much like wrapping up your higher education in school. You work hard towards the future goal of achieving a certain level of attainment. But eventually you will have moved through and absorbed all that particular learning phase has to offer. It will be time to leave the familiarity of school and step forth into the world in your new expression of self. At some point you must let the old phase go and transition into the new phase of creation. At some point you must move beyond the learning and step into the being.

That is where you are at, as you are poised to lock in your progress with the solstice (your graduation ceremony of 2016, if you will), and step forward into your next grand expression of self in 2017. You are ready. You have done the work. How will you choose to create and contribute in the fresh energies of a brand new year? ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday December 13, 2016

Many of you have an inner fear of your dreams coming true. It feels safer to keep your dreams off in the future, as a potential for one day. This can be because of a fear of success and a fear of failure.

Fear of success can occur for many reasons. Perhaps you think it would change you or your relationship with others too much. Perhaps you are simply afraid of the unknown. Maybe it feels like if you have your dream come true you will have nothing else to live for.

Fear of failure can be just as stalling. You feel if you fail you will be judged, or you are trying to avoid your own self judgement. You are afraid if your dream doesn’t work out you will have nothing left to live for. You are afraid of being a disappointment to others and yourself.

Dear Ones, surprisingly, the fear of success and the fear of failure are born from the same root – not trusting the unfoldment and placing too much value in the result and not enough in the experience. Hear us when we say you are completely capable to both succeed and to fail and neither is better than the other. The true value your soul is seeking is experience, and the further definition and clarity it provides.

Experience is how you are able to continue to shape and form your life expression. It is through the trying that you find your next great adventure, your next perfect match, your next joyful expression of self. It is how you allow your soul to expand and grow, which allows you to embody the very nature of the universe.


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