Trinity Esoterics

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Daily Message ~ Saturday July 30, 2016

Dear Ones, small consistent efforts add up to be big changes in no time. That applies for you, and also for your planet. If you are concerned with the state of your world, start to add the energy you wish to see more of, consciously and consistently, as you go about your day. If you wish to see more kindness in the world, do a kindness for another. If you wish to see peace, be peaceful with others. If you wish to see more love in the world, be more loving to others. You get to choose which energy you wish to offer the world.

When you look at the whole pile, changing the world can seem like a daunting job. But the reality is, small actions do make a difference. Every empowered and loving choice goes into the collective energy and will accumulate until that energy is what is predominant.

No action is too small to make a difference. Think of a set of scales. If every person has only one bean it doesn’t seem very significant at all. But when your bean is added to the beans of many others who all chose which direction they wish the scales to tip, you quickly see the power of the collective.

Your actions don’t have to be grandiose. Keep your energetic clarity. Connect with Source. Choose things that bring you joy. Keep a positive focus. Make kind and loving actions towards each other – a smile, holding the door for another, being thoughtful and compassionate – all make a difference. Uplift and support yourselves and each other, knowing you are all part of a revolution of one, which adds immeasurably to the collective One. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Friday July 30, 2016

If you are out of alignment, it is very difficult to make good decisions for yourself or to be there for others. It can also make it very hard to know how to proceed in your life in the best, most positive way.

Imagine that you are lost in the woods. It can be almost impossible to find your way out of the forest from your vantage point on the ground. You find yourself walking around in circles, exhausting yourself getting nowhere. But if you came across a tower you could climb so you could see well above the trees, it would be far easier to get your bearings and know how to proceed to find your way out, in the most direct and easy way possible.

Getting into an alignment with Source, with your highest self, whether through meditation, or any other form of connection that feels good to you, is like climbing that tower. If you can get yourselves into a higher, more expanded vantage point first, and then make choices, any decision you make from that space will only support your highest good and what you really wish to experience. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Thursday July 28, 2016

We understand that there is some confusion on the difference between service and co-dependency. We love that you are wishing to be mindful and appropriate with your actions.

When you are being of service, you are holding the space until someone is able to hold the space for themselves, for the highest good and empowerment of all. Co-dependency tries to take on the responsibility of healing for another, often as a means of avoiding doing your own healing, which is disempowering for all.

Think of someone who has taken a bad fall. You help them up and if they are dizzy and disoriented, you stay with them until they can hold their own balance again or get the additional assistance they need. You do not carry them around for the rest of their days!

Appropriate and mindful service uses your gifts in ways that are always focused on empowerment and self-responsibility. There may be times that you need to offer a little more support until someone is able to sustain themselves, but the goal is to help another find their way back to their balance, wellness, and divine capability, from your own space of balance, wellness, and divine capability. To do so will serve everyone in the most marvellous ways. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday July 27, 2016

Dear Ones, what are you really willing to let go of? That old excuse that keeps you wanting change but never really moving into it? That old belief system that keeps you playing small when your soul is yearning for the freedom to express itself as all it is and more? What is the pay off? Really feel into it. Does it ever really serve you or anyone else to not own your truth? Does it ever really do you any good to deny your own innate power? What if you let that one thing that is holding you back go today? What if you could do it joyfully and beautifully and safely? What if giving yourself permission to shine is all that is left for you to do? ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday July 26, 2016

Every time you are dishonest with yourself, you put obstacles in your flow. Every time you are dishonest with another, you put barriers in the flow between you and them. Lies create energetic separation. Separation between you and your authentic self, and separation between you and others. Separation and resistance to the flow cause deep discomfort in you.

Some of you are afraid to show yourselves in your truth because you fear rejection. But not being true to yourself is, in fact, rejection of yourself. Not showing yourself in your truth is, in a sense, rejecting others. The very thing you fear is perpetuated by your lack of authenticity.

Showing up in an authentic way is paramount for all human beings at this time. As you do, you will give others the opportunity to connect with you in truly meaningful ways. It gives others the opportunity to show you unconditional love, which paves the way for you to start to accept and love yourself, as well. It also allows you to draw to you the perfect matches and release any obstacles between you and the life you were meant to live. This is what the energies are supporting at this time, and because of that, any choice that is not in line with your truth will become more and more impossible to bear.

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Daily Message ~ Monday July 25, 2016

Dear Ones, you will only create as far as what you believe is possible. Your belief in wonderful outcomes along with your willingness to receive are what open you up to miracles.

Ask yourself today where you may be capping yourself through your beliefs. Let those go! Even if you can’t imagine a solution, know there is an entire universe that can see potentials you simply aren’t able to see from your vantage point. Allow the universe to serve you, to surprise you, to love you.

If you can start to navigate in such an expanded and accepting way, you will experience your life as a perpetual unfoldment of wonder beyond your wildest dreams. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Sunday July 24, 2016

If there is an issue that you are struggling with, or see others struggling with, and feel like there is nothing you can do, please know prayer is a powerful tool to use. You see, prayer shows your intention, surrender, and faith. Those three working together are a profound combination. So offer up your prayers, Dear Ones – prayers for your own healing and evolution, prayers for others, and prayers for your beloved planet. Then let your actions match your intentions, and you will be paving the path for outcomes for the highest good of all. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Saturday July 23, 2016

Dear Ones, love is a flow. Sometimes others will need a little more love and support to get through something. Sometimes you will need a little more love and tenderness, yourself. There is an ebb and flow, a time to give, and a time to receive. Embracing the totality of the rhythm of love creates balance, and nurturing, for all. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Friday July 22, 2016

Dear Ones, you can live your life in response to what energies you are exposed to, or you can choose the energy you wish to lead with on any given day. When you are a bringer of the love, a bringer of the peace, a bringer of the comfort, you are no longer picking up lower vibrating energies, you are transmuting them for the highest good of all, simply by showing up and embodying your energetic preference. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Thursday July 21, 2016

One of my fb friends shared this post yesterday that was originally published last year. It seemed so relevant to today that I thought I’d share it again since it is Throwback Thursday. :) I think it’s important to remember we absolutely can create from preference rather than contrast. Thanks for inspiring today’s post David! ~Shelley

Many of you, as you navigate the shifting energies, bemoan the fact that you have become so sensitive. That sensitivity is a wonderful thing!

The more aware you are, the less contrast is required for self definition and redirection. Those who are still asleep and deeply unaware often require big events to get their attention. The beauty of your heightened sensitivity and awareness is that you begin to notice subtle energy and can choose to redefine and redirect far faster and easier than ever before.

Do you see? The continual shifting you are doing and the resulting heightened sensitivity is not about making you more uncomfortable in the world. It is actually designed for greater comfort, for you to embrace a less chaotic path, and to move with far greater acceptance and willingness than ever before. ~Archangel Gabriel


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