Trinity Esoterics

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Daily Message ~ Friday April 1, 2016

We often speak of the importance of loving yourself first in order to have a satisfying love relationship with another. Of course you understand that you must hold what you desire in order to draw it to you.

But another aspect you may not have thought of is this. If you do not love yourself – if you see yourself as flawed, unworthy, less than – you will immediately distrust and not respect anyone who does love you.

Taking the time to get to know yourself, to love and accept yourself in your tender truth and beingness, will open you up to truly being loved. You will finally be on the same page with others – the page of deep, true, and abiding love. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Thursday March 31, 2016

Let’s play a game with surrender today. Let’s imagine that surrender is the lubricant that keeps things moving easily. So for the rest of your day, if you get aware of anything that is not moving with ease in your life, surrender it to the highest outcome and let it go. Everything that you experience as having difficulty lining up, simply surrender and move on to something else that is responsive to the energies of your right now moment. You may be very surprised to see how much more comfortable you make your day by seamlessly flowing from activity to activity that is being supported, and how quickly the grease of surrender can get seemingly stuck things moving again. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday March 30, 2016

Manipulation is creation without faith, so its outcome, because it is fuelled with controlling energy, is never as wonderful as the universe would deliver if it was utilized to co-create and left to its own unfoldment. Further, manipulation can lead to karma in some instances, where faith based creation from surrender, flow, and intention, will always serve the highest good of all. A manipulator is simply a creator who hasn’t yet discovered their ability to create in an empowered and authentic way.

As we have often said, as your planet continues to evolve, control based ways will be less and less successful which will lead people to find methods to create and express themselves in new ways that are integritous and honour everyone involved.

It will be very obvious in the days, weeks and months to come, what is supported and what is not, giving evolving human beings wonderful feedback and the encouragement to choose new and exciting ways of joyful and satisfying self-expression and co-creation. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday March 29, 2016

Dear Ones, in fast moving energies it is important to consciously choose to align in whatever way feels best to you on a daily basis. This way you will be cooperatively moving with the energies. Your willingness to accept, receive, integrate, transmute, and release will allow you to shift in more comfortable increments and minimize your ascension symptoms.

What do we mean by align? Anything that helps you still and feel your connection to Source. Prayer, meditation, walking in nature, sea salt baths, or simply sitting in quiet connection, all are activities that will help immensely. It is far easier to move a little bit at a time than to play energetic catch up.

It is also much more pleasant to shift with the assistance of your guides and helpers, who are always available to you in response to your simple request. That act of communing with spirit is showing your desire to work as a team, to bridge the energies between heaven and earth, and to joyfully participate in your divine evolution. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Monday March 28, 2016

We would like to speak on the topic of procrastination today. True procrastination is the putting off of forward movement which creates a deep discomfort within. It is having access to the energies that would support your desired outcome and choosing not to utilize them.

What we often see is a mislabelling of the lack of supportive energy as procrastination and then using it as an excuse to beat yourselves up. If the energies are not supportive to your project, even with your best effort, progress will be minimal and attempts will be fraught with difficulty and frustration.

Often times energetically sensitive people will instinctively wait until they are close to an event or deadline to create in order for their creation to be a true energetic match to that time. Many of you label that “working well under pressure.” We call it waiting for the right energetic wave to ride.

So how do you know if you are procrastinating or simply waiting for the right energy? Intention. If you set an intention to create and to move willingly with energies that support it, procrastination is never going to be an issue for you.

If you do truly have the trait of being a procrastinator, an effective tool is to simply procrastinate on procrastinating. That will honour your personality’s tendency to put things off while allowing yourself access to the flow to get things done.

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Daily Message ~ Sunday March 27, 2016

We would like to say that your ascension symptoms could be seen merely as growing pains. Think of a child that is having a growth spurt. They have a greater need for sleep, they may be irritable, the may eat a lot, they may have aches and pains. You respond by giving them exactly what they need, reassuring them, and focusing on the positive aspect of it, growth, in a matter of fact way.

The same it is for you with your evolution. So many of you have wanted tangible proof of the Shift that is occurring on your planet. Most of you would agree that it is undeniable that something profound is happening energetically. As with all things, the Shift occurs internally before it is experienced in an external fashion. The child has the symptoms and then you can actually see the growth. The same it is with your planet.

These are wonderful and glorious times! We urge you to joyfully embrace the process with wonder and gratitude for these are the exact times your soul has contracted to experience and couldn’t wait to be a part of. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Saturday March 26, 2016

When you hear of the old control systems no longer having power, it applies to you as well, Dear Ones. Your attempts to control others will no longer be supported, as freedom becomes paramount on your planet. This is wonderful news for through this people will finally be free to self express in the ways that best suit them. It will support the end of the old conditional love models, the manipulation of others based on how you think they should be, and support authentic self expression in all ways. This is a massive and vital part of the Shift and what will start to pave the way for far greater acceptance and satisfaction for all. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Thursday March 24, 2016

Many of you try to constrain love, to label it, to mold it, to control it. What a huge disservice you do to yourselves when you do so! Love is a flow, an expansion. It seeks to grow and flourish, just as your soul does because your soul and love are one and the same.

When you try to label or force a relationship into looking a certain way, it is usually due to fear. You are looking for reassurances. But what if, by letting it define itself, you allow it to become far more profound, far grander than you ever could have imagined?

When two people come together in relationship, the two melding together become their own third energy. Allow your relationship to find its own flow. Understand it is the growth and expansion that will keep your relationship sustainable, while constraining it will deny it everything it needs to thrive. Once growth stalls in a relationship, the union will have lost its purpose and will start to fail.
Ironically, the thing you were hoping to avoid through your control, is the very thing that will happen.

If you can savour the perpetual unfoldment of your love, you will be allowing it to become everything it could ever possibly be, and then some, because it will be moving with the energies and continually given an opportunity evolve, and support, and honour, both people.

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday March 23, 2016

An eclipse is defined as an obscuration of light. During this month of eclipses, allow yourself to discover, and let go of, anything that is blocking your own light. The energies, as this grand shift on your planet continues, are insisting you show up authentically, allowing your beauty, your glory, your presence, to shine. It is time, Dear Ones, for the world has been awaiting your true essence with bated breath. ~Archangel Gabriel


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