Trinity Esoterics

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Daily Message ~ Thursday February 11, 2016

Dear Ones, as you have all undergone such an energetic overhaul, you are now at a point that even subtle changes in focus create a powerful ripple effect. Let us explain.

For example, for many years you have navigated your life through the avoidance of what was unwanted. That was indeed a way to get clarity on what you would like to create, a first step, if you will. You have now purged yourselves out so completely you are now poised to create based on what you would like to include. The shift to simply creating by preference is a profound one. As your focus moves from exclusion to inclusion, you are moving from separation consciousness to unity consciousness, which is, of course, a vital aspect of a higher vibrating planet.

Another subtle but profound shift comes from moving away from psychic self-protection into energetic clarity. The techniques may be exactly the same, but the intention is what creates the difference. Practicing self-protection loudly announces to the universe that you believe there is something you need protection from. It is a fear based practice. When you make the shift to simply practicing energetic clarity – allowing your own light to shine, bright and clear and unimpeded, you are demonstrating your own divinity and authenticity as an individuated aspect of Source energy, secure in your safety and empowerment. This supports the shift from doing to being, and is leading by the love that you are.

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday February 10, 2016

Are you noticing that resistance results in great discomfort in record time now? This is your soul’s internal guidance system working so very efficiently for you, as well as the universe only supporting forward movement. Where just a few years ago you may have been able to stay in a resistant state for weeks and months, you are now finding it impossible to resist beyond hours and days. What a glorious indicator of your dedication to your growth and evolution!

Resistance is what puts the breaks on your flow. It is what stalls your growth and progress, and holds you back from the freedom your soul needs to express itself through. How wonderful that it is simply not an option for you any longer!

So pay attention, Dear Ones. Your organism is loudly screaming at you which direction it does not wish to take, so you can find the one that is. Be the expert on you. Allow yourself to redirect back into surrender and flow with ease. Be grateful your feedback is coming so quickly you can readjust in record time. And most of all, trust that you are being guided, always, internally and externally, towards the next great adventure of your life expression. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday February 9, 2016

Dear Ones, when you start to see that it is possible to love yourselves and love others, you start living life with a constancy of love rather than seeing it as an either/or proposition. Then all your decisions will be made by looking through the lens of love, which will always lead to the highest results possible. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Monday February 8, 2016

Dear Ones, there is an art to honouring what is best for you in a way that is kind to others. Understand that some people may have become very accustomed to you acting a certain way, and may react strongly to change. This does not mean you should deny what is right for you to appease another, but you can find a way to honour yourself AND be able to honour the people who are resistant to the change. Be kind and gentle. Explain that you are following your heart and inner guidance, but still love and care deeply about them and their feelings. Understand change can be very difficult for others.

Often times if you have denied yourself for a very long time, moving into what you want can seem sudden and unexpected. You may have done things that are very uncharacteristic for you, acting out because you have neglected your true wants and needs for so long. This is why it is so important to listen to and honour your own self consistently because denial of self will often end in reactive behaviour that can be hurtful and not in line with how you would prefer to be.

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Daily Message ~ Saturday February 6, 2016

Dear Ones, your doingness is a reflection of your beingness. This is why understanding that there is no greater base to create from than getting in touch with your own inner grace, your own innate wisdom, and your own divinity, is so vital for it is from there you will take action that is in line with your truth. All actions are reflections of the foundation within you. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Friday February 5, 2016

Self love is an essential aspect for many reasons. It allows you to heal, to integrate, to bloom, and to accept. Today we wish to focus on the acceptance piece.

How many times do you deny when the universe brings something to you? How many times do you say, “No, I’m good thanks”, when someone offers to assist? How many times do you shut out love from others because you are afraid it will cost you something in the long run. How many times do you choose to go it alone, rather than “disturbing” someone, your spirit guides and helpers included?

When you feel you aren’t good enough, you are denying yourself of your own love and care, which will also translate into denying external assistance as well. Conversely, the more you can move into loving and accepting yourself as the lovely, divinely perfect being you are, you will become much more comfortable with accepting love and acceptance from others. As always, you create the foundation within yourself which can then be built upon externally.

Isn’t it time, Dear Ones? Isn’t it time to stop denying yourselves and isolating yourselves with thoughts and ideas that are simply not true? Isn’t it time to make the quantum shift to love yourself, to accept yourself, as the vital first step to the support and love you deserve? Isn’t it time to start to live by choosing to see the innate goodness within yourself, which will allow you to then see and experience the innate goodness of others?

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Daily Message ~ Thursday February 4, 2016

What is beautiful about navigating your life expression through a surrendered state of flow is that it takes all the guess work out of things for you. When you are surrendered into the flow, your highest self, your guides and helpers, are taking the lead. The flow will take you, in the fastest, most efficient way possible, to the exact experiences and connections you wish to have that best honour your soul’s desires and highest purpose. Your job is to cooperate by staying out of resistance. It is very difficult to assist a resistant human being!

Through the knowingness that you are being lovingly guided, from that space of faith and trust, you can then move into a deep state of acceptance that everything is unfolding with divine perfection. When your focus is freed from worry and anchored with faith and trust, you can then start to notice the magic that abounds all around you, and how unconditionally loved you are by a universe that only wishes to serve you. That, Dear Ones, is when you will fall madly in love with life and your experience of co-creator. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday February 3, 2016

Freedom – the freedom to grow and expand in the ways that are divinely perfect for you is an essential need for the soul. The greatest way you can support that freedom is to allow yourself to be the wise and qualified expert on you, and leave old outmoded belief systems and conditioning behind. You are on the planet to walk your own path, as your own distinctive and glorious flavour of Source energy. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday February 2, 2016

Have you been embracing unity consciousness within yourself? If you see your body as something separate from you – something that has a mind of its own, or worse, as an enemy to you because you do not like how it looks or behaves, we encourage you to shift that thinking.

Your body is truly a miraculous structure – a brilliant collection of cells, codes, and systems, and the coziest, loveliest home for your soul to be able to experience life from. It has worked for you, lovingly and constantly from the moment you took your first breath, without asking for anything from you other than what is necessary for its survival. Talk about love! Your body has been in endless service to you for years.

Have you ever thought to stop and send love back to your body? To thank it for how it serves you? To nurture it, to bless it, to celebrate it? Can you see how seeing it with new eyes would start to include it in your gratitude and love, which would be incredibly unifying? Can you see how that is a way you could embody unity consciousness and unconditional love within yourself? What if a part of your body that is not experiencing whole health is actually just yearning for your love?

Dear Ones, it is time. It is time to celebrate and honour all the parts of you, to love, accept and appreciate the breathtaking and divinely perfect beauty of you, and as you do you will be anchoring and supporting the very aspects you wish to experience more of. ~Archangel Gabriel


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