Trinity Esoterics

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Daily Message ~ Saturday October 24, 2015

Dear Ones, to nurture your relationships, we suggest you consciously pay attention to the traits you enjoy in others. There is a natural tendency to do this when your relationships first start, but then, as time goes by, you start to become more focused on what you do not like than what you do. It is your appreciation for the other that will support and continue that first flush of love you feel, allowing the “honeymoon phase” to last. Remember, appreciation acts as an energetic anchor, and through your focus you get to nurture and grow what is desired in your precious unions. The most successful partnerships you see in your lives are those that demonstrate a deep appreciation for each other, whether they be based on work, friendship, or love. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Thursday October 22, 2015

Dear Ones, as a human beings you will often have a tendency to overthink things, especially things that are important to you. Be aware that while being mindful is good and definitely recommended, overthinking can cause stress and stagnation.

If you are unsure of how to proceed in any situation, the simplest solution is to simply choose love. What is the most loving action you can take? Love is the solution, you see, because love is the flow, the expander, the healer, the connector, the leader, that you seek. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday October 21, 2015

The most loving gift human beings can give one another is encouragement and unshakeable faith in each other’s complete capability and mastery. When you hold each other up in wellness, love, and divinity, you are empowering and supporting everyone involved to remember, and live by, their truth. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday October 20, 2015

Today is the dawn of a new day. Every single day is the dawn of a new day. This statement is more powerful and profound than ever before because due to the massive planetary alignments, energetic shifts, releasing and downloads you have been moving through, your new potentials are even greater and more energetically supported than ever before. Dare to dream, Dear Ones, and open up to spectacularly high potentials that will finally allow you to shine your soul light brightly and brilliantly for all to see. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Thursday October 15, 2015

Dear Ones, resistance is the biggest blockade between where you are and where you would like to be. We find it curious that so many of you desire change and resist it mightily at the same time!

How do you know you are resisting? Are you uncomfortable? Are you frustrated? Are you controlling? Are you making a lot of excuses to justify what you are doing, even if it is not working? Are you feeling a lot of tension in your core? All of these are indicators that you are not in surrendered movement.

If you are not getting the results you desire in your life, we urge you to try something new. Surrender. Allow the flow to move you. Give UP and allow yourself to be guided. Open yourself up to the idea that greater possibilities exist and follow the path of least resistance. Watch for signs and synchronicities that point the way.

Love yourself enough to trust and allow yourself to be guided into your next great experience, because that is in line with what your soul, and the entire universe, wants for you. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday October 14, 2015

Many of you are doing a wonderful job of starting to recognize yourselves as the masters you really are. The next natural step from there is to start to recognize everyone else on the planet as a master, as well. It is incredibly encouraging and empowering to honour everyone as the experts of their own unique path. That acceptance supports the freedom to self express, which allows every person on the planet to grow and experience in the ways that are divinely perfect for them, and that, Dear Ones, is unconditional love. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday October 13, 2015

When you embrace your own state of abundance, you lose your fear of lack and begin to live in a limitless way. You love generously. You share generously. You embody the unlimited nature of the universe, and experience the joy of your alignment with Source not only serving you, but also working through you, for the greatest good of all. ~Archangel Gabriel


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