Trinity Esoterics

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Daily Message ~ Saturday August 15, 2015

Some of you have trouble being able to tell when to stay still and allow things to come to you, and when to launch yourself into inspired action in order to manifest. That is the beauty of the flow, Dear Ones!

When you are in a surrendered state into the flow, there is no figuring out to be done. You know that whatever is happening is what is being energetically supported for your highest good. That means that during a lull period where not much appears to be happening, you can use the time to relax and enjoy activities you love. It also means that when it is time for action, all the signs and synchronicities will clearly point you in the right direction. Your job is not specifically to stand still or to move. It is to stay in a state of non-resistance.

Do you see? Staying surrendered in the flow takes all the guess work out of things for you, and allows you to settle into the perfection of whatever phase you may find yourself in. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Friday August 14, 2015

Today we encourage you to celebrate your accomplishments as a wonderful way of moving into greater self love. Think about all of the ways you have grown over the past 6 months, the last year, the last 5 years. Celebrate your wonderful resiliency, your consistent efforts, and your courage! Acknowledge all the ways you have loved, and cared, and made a difference. There are so many things you have done to express yourselves as the delightful beings you truly are!

We urge you to make this part of your daily practice. At the end of each day, take a moment to think of the good that you did. Perhaps it was placing a caring call to a friend who is having a hard time. It could be the smile you gave someone, or a donation you made. It could be a prayer you said, or a moment of thanks you sent to the universe. Even if the only thing you did was getting up and facing the day, it is still something to celebrate!

By adopting this practice, you are consciously beginning to love and embrace the many, many things about you that are glorious and divine. It is recognizing and honouring all the ways you are delightful and loveable, which is a beautiful act of self love and appreciation that can only support you into greater and greater expressions of self. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Thursday August 13, 2015

Many people’s first reaction to a situation is to react with love and compassion. Then, before they do, they start to hold themselves back based on what others will say. They fear they will look weak, or stupid, so they ignore their first instinct and miss an opportunity to express themselves in their truth. This is a classic example of how you have been trained to keep yourselves small.

Dear Ones, lead with your light, your compassion, and your glorious hearts, for that is the demonstration of your truth and authenticity. As more and more people give themselves permission to let their divinity lead the way, you will shift the societal norms and anchor the energies of unconditional love and unity consciousness, which is exactly what your pioneering spirit is on the planet to do. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday August 12, 2015

When you allow yourself to move into openness to new possibilities, the universe has a myriad of new ways to show up for you. It is you, through your openness, your acceptance, and your allowing, that makes this possible.

When you are always focused on the same routine, or what is unwanted, it is extremely difficult to create new circumstances for yourself. This is why falling into what you call a rut will eventually become very uncomfortable – your soul is always looking for ways to expand and experience, and when things become too uncomfortable, you will open yourself up to change. Again, you do not need to experience discomfort to facilitate change. You can willingly cooperate with the universe through your acceptance and allowing, surrender and flow.

So just be open, Dear Ones. Again we say, allow the universe to serve and delight you, because there are so many wonders beyond what you could imagine that are simply waiting for your permission to come into your existence. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday August 11, 2015

As you connect more and more to who you really are, to your truth and authenticity, you connect with your inner knowingness and require far less contrast to self define. You start to navigate your life with a quiet confidence, always choosing what feels right to you as the qualified expert of your own path. You begin to walk your highest path of self expression because it is led by your own inner spark of divinity and grace. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Monday August 10, 2015

We understand that the constant energetic changes you are going through can seem intense and fatiguing. It helps if you can remember that they are completely transformative in nature, and a necessary part of the process that is occurring on your planet. In fact, they are assisting you by moving energies up and out in a much faster and more efficient manner than if you were attempting to release them on your own.

This explains why many of you are feeling like not much is happening on one hand, and on the other, feeling like things are moving very quickly. You are in an accelerated time, and what is occurring internally will be reflected in your physical reality, as your external world will always respond to your internal changes.

We understand that from your perspective it may seem difficult, but we would like to point out that the true discomfort has come from the centuries of resistance and victim consciousness you have already endured. This, truly, is what you have been waiting for, evolving into the empowered version of yourself, and it is a glorious time, indeed. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Sunday August 9, 2015

Have you ever taken a moment to think about what joy really is? Joy is such a whole-hearted embracing of the present moment it creates a full alignment with Source energy. If you wish to experience more joy in your life, consciously seek out activities that make it easy to embrace your Now.

It may be choosing to notice the splendour of nature. It may be opening yourself up to a stream of creation by writing or creating art. It may be spending time with your loved ones, small children or animals. It may simply be moving your body in a way that feels pleasing, or meditating, or giving prayers of thanks. Choosing to be of service to others is a heart based flow that will lead you to the right time/right place scenarios that allow you to feel that alignment, as well.

Joy does not need to be elusive, Dear Ones. It is simply choosing to place yourself in the conditions that allow your full presence and appreciation, and with that preference and a little awareness, you will find you can enter into that state more often, with ease, over the simplest of wonders. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Saturday August 8, 2015

Dear Ones, you always have the choice of whether you wish to dance or sit on the sidelines. But which participant do you feel will consider themselves to have had a better time when the party is over? We encourage you to embrace the full experience of life, in whichever way feels best to you, because that is exactly what you have come on the planet to do. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Friday August 7, 2015

Dear Ones, your soul is always seeking growth and expansion, and the further experience of your truth and divinity. The fastest way to that experience is through surrender. Many of you are willingly embracing movement and evolution, and are adjusting your paths with the subtlest of bumps and nudges. Others are completely out of alignment with Source, resisting mightily, and seemingly headed in the wrong direction.

Fear not, for those who seem to be most disconnected will find themselves in such discomfort they will soon find it impossible to carry on in that direction. It is at that point that they, too, will surrender, and alignment, growth and expansion will occur.

Do you see? All movement is forward movement! The soul will always follow the quickest way to the surrender point. For a willing soul, it is through following signs and synchronicities. For a resistant soul, it may be by barrelling headlong towards an energetic bottom. It is simply the amount of discomfort before one willingly moves into surrender and flow, that varies.

Rest assured, all humans on your planet are loved and supported no matter which route they decide to take, and all will embrace surrender and alignment, and the relief they bring, when it is the perfect time for them to do so. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Thursday August 6, 2015

Since it is Throwback Thursday, I thought I would share one of my very favourite Gabriel messages. :)

Recipe for the New Earth: Take equal parts compassion, and awareness, beauty, and peace. Mix with your highest intention, acceptance, and faith. Allow to set with balance and gratitude. Cover with unconditional love. Know there is more than enough for everyone. Enjoy! ~Archangel Gabriel


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