Trinity Esoterics

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Daily Message ~ Thursday February 5, 2015

Dear Ones, doubt has the potential to act as a formidable road block on your journey. Feeding the seeds of doubt in another can add considerably to the pile they may already be struggling with.

You are the experts on you. You are on the earth, in the body, to have many experiences. That is how you learn and grow! You do not need to get it perfect, because every experience leads to your expansion and self definition, which, in itself, is perfection. Encourage others to listen to their inner knowingness and to honour their own complete competency to try, and experience, and try again, as well! You can never, ever make a mistake if you acknowledge your own innate mastery, and the innate mastery of others.

You have all had enough of doubt and resistance and the discomfort they create. We love you for your mindful natures, but please know you cannot get it wrong! Live, love, experience, encourage and grow, for that is exactly what you have worked so hard to be present, on your beloved planet, to do. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday February 4, 2015

You are on the planet to be you, to express and experience your delightful you-ness in whatever ways feel best to you. Others are on the planet to do the very same thing. Simply being you in your purest expression of self is success. Encouraging others to be their own purest expression of self is supporting their success. If you were able to see success as just that, you would move out of the energies of right or wrong, should or shouldn’t, good or bad. You would shift out of judging, and fearing being judged, and into acceptance for others and yourself. You would finally give yourself permission to shine and thrive like never before. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday February 3, 2015

Dear Ones, if you could start to view things in your world as being in resonance with you or not, rather than being right or wrong, you would save the tremendous amount of time you spend second guessing yourselves or attempting to force things to work or change. You are vibrational beings. Some vibrations will harmonize with you, others will not. As you continue to shift and evolve, what is in resonance with you may also change. You do not need to concern yourselves with what worked well with you before or what may match you in the future. You can seamlessly navigate your lives with far greater ease if you simply choose the energies that feel best to you in each Now moment. Do you see? Choosing what best resonates with you, rather than pushing against what does not, is the way to a harmonious existence. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Monday February 2, 2015

Dear Ones, how can you continue to berate and abuse yourselves with your negative self talk and expect to find unconditional love? Can you see the disconnect in that thinking? BE what you wish to experience. If you wish to be loved unconditionally, start with wholly and completely loving and nurturing yourself. Once you’ve filled yourself up and basked in love and acceptance for yourself, open up to feeling the complete and never-ending love Source has for you, as well. From that blissfully saturated state you will be such a beacon and giver of love that you will effortlessly magnetize it back to you in so many wonderful ways. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Sunday February 1, 2015

The days where you can flow into what brings you the most joy are always the best days for you. This is why you enjoy your weekends and vacations so much. You can enter into the flow at the start of the day, and navigate it strictly by what will be fun or satisfying for you, by whatever it is you may like to experience, which supports you in staying fully present, happy, and grateful for your circumstances.

This is why we encourage you to follow your passions, to choose only career paths that bring you joy – because it will allow you to stay in the flow of what you love, leading to far greater satisfaction with your life. Finding and following your purpose will shift you from living a day to day existence of resistance and wishing your life away to get to the next day off, to fully embracing all of your days, and that is what we wish for you, always. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Saturday January 31, 2015

If you saw everyone else’s success as a sign that you were energetically lining up with your own, you would celebrate and support each other like never before. You would all shift your habit of talking about troubles and worries into sharing what is right in your world. You would move out of judgment and lack based thinking when seeing the evidence of another’s accomplishments. You would start to encourage and uplift each other, knowing that what happens to one supports the all, and your collective focus becomes reality. You would be free to start sharing authentically, and to shine your light brightly as you really are. Do you see? It is time to evolve beyond false modesty and negative focus to fit in, in order to fully step forward in your purpose and joy. Shine, Dear Ones, and encourage others to celebrate their successes as well! You are, after all, driving this grand shift of the ages, together. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Friday January 30, 2015

If you truly understood that you can always move back into your purest essence of self – back into your innocence, your divine template – you would let go of the illusion of insurmountable hurts and very quickly move into forgiveness and wholeness, which would, in turn, create a cascade of healing in your life. If you have been hurt or abused, your wounded self may have retreated deep within in its desire to avoid more hurt, but it is always there waiting to come back into the light once it knows it is safe. Once you truly accept the resiliency and indestructible nature of your essence, and commit to being your own loving guide or parent and creating a safe and nurturing environment for yourself, you will understand that healing is always available to you by simply integrating back into your wholeness and letting go of the illusion of permanent wounds. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Thursday January 29, 2015

Many of you are still confused about the difference between self love and selfishness. Self love means you treat yourself with the same love, honour, care and respect as you treat others. You see yourself as being equally deserving and allow that time and nurturing for yourself, knowing that it will allow you to be your best you, which will, in turn, benefit others. Selfishness worries not about anyone else, at all. Self love comes from a place of unity consciousness and connection to the limitlessness of Source. Selfishness believes that there isn’t enough for everyone and acts from a place of disconnection, fear and lack. Self love is embracing the divine flow of the universe, allowing love to flow to, and through you. Selfishness is very one-sided.

Make no mistake about it, Dear Ones. Moving into self love, into seeing yourself as being as vitally important and deserving as every other being in the universe, is the firm foundation all other things will be built upon. It is accepting your worth, allowing your healing, and your divinity to shine forth, which is what will support your highest service and most satisfying life expression. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday January 28, 2015

We have spoken about switching your focus to start acknowledging and celebrating the many aspects around you that are positive and desired. Such a habit will create deep satisfaction with your circumstances. Now we suggest you take it one step further. We suggest you take the same principles and apply them to yourselves.

Not only have you been conditioned to live life on high alert for what you do not want, you have taken that practice used it against yourselves, as well. Such a practice will ensure you will never feel good enough, and prevent you from feeling the joy and love that comes from true self expression. The amount of negative self talk we see humans direct at themselves is nothing short of complete and utter abuse.

Dear Ones, you are magnificent beings, each and every one of you! We urge you to start seeing that truth. Look at your bodies and celebrate them for being the miraculous systems they truly are. Thank your body for working so tirelessly for you, and for so beautifully and efficiently housing your soul and giving you such a vast array of ways to experience being present on your planet. Acknowledge your hands that caress with care, you hearts that swell with love, your beautiful brains that assess and learn and remember , and all of your amazing senses.


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