Trinity Esoterics

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday September 17, 2014

Imagine if someone asked you to log onto their computer to help them with something but refused to give you their password? Wouldn’t that be a frustrating situation? You could be stuck for ages trying to guess what it might be, when all they had to do was give you the information you needed to assist with ease. It is essentially the same thing when you do not communicate clearly what your needs are. People can try a myriad of different combinations of things, but unless you are clear, the likelihood of them getting it perfect is very unlikely. Dear […]

Galactic Free Press's picture

Daily Message ~ Tuesday September 16, 2014

So many humans have developed elaborate habits to avoid taking the risk of speaking their truth. They expect people to know how they are feeling. They drop hints. They become moody. They expect people to figure it out. This is a faulty system that is rarely effective. Let us explain why. You are, each and every one of you, in charge of you. You cannot be responsible for another person’s wellness, and to try to be is to take your focus off the only thing you do have control over, which is yourself. Expecting others to watch your every move […]

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Daily Message ~ Monday September 15, 2014

So many of you are afraid to ask for help. You feel that asking for help is admitting weakness, or that people will stop liking you if you have needs, yourself. We find this the strangest thing! Many of you pray for assistance and then turn it down when it shows up in the form of a friend offering a helping hand. Accepting assistance is being part of the give and take of the universe. Many of you only like to give and have tremendous trouble taking. May we point out that you give because it feels wonderful? To not […]

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Daily Message ~ Sunday September 14, 2014

When you set an intention and fearlessly surrender into the flow towards that intention, you are demonstrating your complete faith in yourself as a powerful co-creator, standing brilliantly in your authentic power. Such a sight is an absolute delight to behold! ~Archangel Gabriel

Galactic Free Press's picture

Daily Message ~ Saturday September 13, 2014

Dear Ones, if you could truly get to a place of complete trust that the flow is always assisting you, you would seamlessly respond to what is being supported at any given time, and become fully and effortlessly efficient with any and all energies. When the flow is supporting movement, if you surrender and follow the path of least resistance, you will make tremendous progress with the greatest grace and ease. If movement is not being supported, you can fully surrender into enjoying rest and rejuvenation, without being concerned about what you should be doing. You spend a tremendous amount […]

Galactic Free Press's picture

Daily Message ~ Friday September 12, 2014

Dear Ones, remember that staying in the Now moment and practicing good self care is vital, especially during times when you may be experiencing more intense energy. Give yourself permission to put your comfort first. Stay grounded. Spend time doing what ever feels good and supportive to you. Nurture yourself with foods you feel drawn to. Water is always vital to any energetic shift, so make sure you are drinking plenty to keep yourself well hydrated. Immersing yourself in salt water is incredibly helpful, as well. Remember, times of increased intensity don’t last long, and bring many benefits with them. […]

Galactic Free Press's picture

Daily Message ~ Thursday September 11, 2014

If asked how you are, many of you can’t figure out how to respond to in a way that is truthful and yet not complaining if your reality is not in line with what you want. You want to be honest. But how do you be honest and not give more focus to what you do not want? Simple! Let us suppose that you are experiencing some issues with your health. You don’t want to further anchor the experience of illness, but you also want to be authentic. So if someone asks you how you are, perhaps you could respond […]

Galactic Free Press's picture

Daily Message ~ Wednesday September 10, 2014

Dear Ones, you would save yourselves a tremendous amount of time and effort if you would simply choose to follow the path of ease. Following the path of ease does not mean you are copping out. Many of your have negative connotations associated with ease. To follow the path of ease doesn’t mean you are lazy, sloppy or uncaring. It means that you are choosing to work with the universe. It means that you are being selective of how you use your energy, that you are unwilling to waste energy pushing against things that aren’t working, and that you prefer […]

Galactic Free Press's picture

Daily Message ~ Tuesday September 9, 2014

So many of you are so beautifully mindful, carefully pondering each decision you make in your desire to avoid making mistakes. We love you for your cautious natures, but you are putting so much stress on yourselves! Dear Ones, your path is self-correcting. All movement is forward movement. Let us explain what we mean by that. If you made a choice that was not in your highest interest, and your intention is to always move forward for the highest good of all, there will be such a huge disconnect between the two, that you would immediately become so uncomfortable that […]

Galactic Free Press's picture

Daily Message ~ Monday September 8, 2014

Dear Ones, unity consciousness means honouring each person as a vital and divine part of the whole. But you still get to have preferences on who you choose to spend your time with. It does not mean that you must continue to expose yourself to people who do not know how to treat you well. Your inner circle is a sacred place! It is where you are most open energetically. It is vital for you to have a safe place to BE, to nurture yourself, expand, grow, commune and support your balance and connectedness. You can love others and still […]


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