Trinity Esoterics

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Daily Message ~ Sunday October 28, 2018

Dear Ones, if you deny any aspect of yourselves, you will be perpetually agitating any abandonment, separation, or trust issues you may have. As you recognize, accept, love, and guide all aspects of self, you will be holding the space of healing and unity consciousness, which will be reflected in your experiences moving forward.

Your ego, your fears, your insecurities, your wounds, are not meant to be eradicated but rather understood and soothed with the inclusion of your unconditional love and acceptance. From there all healing can occur and the divine wholeness that is your essence can be rediscovered.  ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Saturday October 27, 2018

The more you acknowledge and tend to the many different aspects of self, the more you will find moving forward on your path filled with greater grace and ease because all parts will be in cooperation with that forward movement. It is difficult to make great progress if aspects of yourself are uncooperative, resistant, or trying to run in the other direction! Take the time to listen to what needs you have within yourself that are looking to be addressed, healed, reassured, and included. Become your own kind and gentle shepherd and you will be amazed at what becomes possible. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Thursday October 25, 2018

Dear Ones, if you have a situation that once served you well but starts to feel not as good to you anymore, it is simply a precursor to change. You will always start to get uncomfortable in anything that is not supporting you in your growth and expansion. Your discomfort occurs to help you to start to detach from it and become open to a new better experience.

So if your job, or where you live, or any other area of your life once served you well, but no longer feels quite as good or supportive, know that it is because it is reaching the end of its energetic road and rest easy in the knowledge that something else is preparing itself for you. Let this reassure you that a new better match is already taking form.

Do you see?  Your discomfort is not a sign that you need to start manifesting, it is a sign that manifestation is already occurring.  Something better for you is in the process of creating its way into existence.  Your job is to stay open, aware, and non-resistant, which allows you to be moved up into the experience of the next great match that will support you through the next important phase of your incarnation. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday October 24, 2018

If you have found yourself in a painful place, it can become very easy to stay focused on what is not working for you. It can also be very difficult to remember what you know from such a dark place. If you are in such a situation, the key is to very gently and incrementally begin to disengage from the resistance you are in.

How do you do that? You cannot resist resistance, for it will only beget more of the same. And acceptance can be too great of a leap for many of you to make from such a painful place. So we urge you to simply understand that your discomfort exists as a redirectional tool, and start to lead yourself to things that you can be less resistant to.

It can be difficult to even imagine joy from such a place, so look for something that will feel a bit lighter to you. It might be watching a show you love, or reading a book you’ve enjoyed, or just getting up and moving your body, or getting outdoors into the sunshine. You are just looking for something that isn’t as dense and that you can be non-resistant to.

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday October 23, 2018

There is a belief that the universe sends you tests or lessons. This is simply not true. The idea of lessons or tests implies that you are being judged or graded and nothing could be further from the truth. It also suggests that you are powerless in what happens to you, and that is also simply not true.

What you do have are themes that you have chosen to experience throughout your incarnation. They are learning opportunities in particular areas that you are desiring to explore. And the fact that you have chosen them as your specific major of study means that the full potential is there for you to move into a much greater understanding and mastery of them.  You would not choose to focus on an area that you were not ready for or did not have the prerequisites to be successful with.

You are on the planet to evolve in whatever unique direction your soul wishes to explore and expand into this time around. You are sovereign in all the decisions, and delighted to have the opportunity for your own perfectly chosen focused field of study. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Monday October 22, 2018

Your greatest purpose is to embrace being your authentic self. The more you shine in your unique truth, the more you embody the exact traits, abilities, and energy you came onto the planet with to serve both your own path and the whole. The more you allow yourself to shine, the more you expand and the more you draw to you the exact circumstances that support you and your purpose. It all starts with simply acknowledging that being authentically you is not only more than enough, it’s the whole point and then letting that true soul essence lead the way. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Sunday October 21, 2018

Many of you, in a desire to take back control or keep yourself safe after a situation has hurt you, have taken vows that you will never do something again. It might be, “I will never love again” or “I will never trust again” or “I will never let anyone get too close again” or any other declaration of denial.

We wish for you to examine any of these you may still be carrying. You will have a recognition, a knowingness, or perhaps have a memory surface of a time you have been hurt. Once you are aware of what you may be carrying, we suggest you then ask, “Does this really reflect my current wisdom?” “Does this support or hinder my expansion?” “Does this match who I am today?” “Does this move me toward what I really want or does it keep me stuck in old energy?”

You heal old limiting beliefs with new declarations of self. You might wish to replace, “I will never trust again” with “I trust wisely and with discernment”. You might switch “I will never love again” with “It is safe for me to love and be loved, in fact, that is what I am here to do”. You might change “I will never let anyone get too close again” with “Connection now supports me in all ways and feels wonderful”.

Such separating vows and declarations were created by the knee jerk reactions of your wounded self. Is that part of you qualified to direct your entire incarnation? You are ready to be the wise, healed, and benevolent leader of your life, Dear Ones. Isn’t it time to assume that role? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Saturday October 20, 2018

Meditation serves many purposes. It shows your intention to connect. It is an action to honour yourself. It is a means to receive information or guidance. You might consider it a reset point if you’ve had a challenging day.

What some of you might notice is if the energy is particularly intense, your meditations may become less profound than usual. You might not feel your guides as much, or perhaps you won’t be able to get information as easily as you usually do.  If this happens, please know it is not that you have done anything wrong, nor have your guides forsaken you. The main purpose of such meditations it to help you shift into a new energetic state.

Meditation will always offer you exactly what you need.  Know that however it unfolds it is always profound and divinely perfect. There is never a wasted meditation or one that fails for it always serves you on an energetic level.  The practice will always provide whatever has to take precedence for your wellness and evolution. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Friday October 19, 2018

It is your inner being that stays the course during the storm. Connect within and allow that wisdom to guide you, and you will always find your way to where your soul is trying to lead you, even if your human self has no idea where that is or how you will ever get there. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


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