Trinity Esoterics

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday August 8, 2018

A reader recently asked, “What is the best way to deal with inner rage?” We would like to address that today.

When you carry rage, it is an indicator that something has happened to make you feel very afraid and powerless. Rage is a symptom of an underlying aspect that is looking for healing, so attempting to shift the rage without giving attention to what is lying underneath it will give you limited results.

We ask you to sit with the rage and ask it what it is attempting to protect. What is it reacting to? Don’t try to make the rage wrong, simply explore it. Rage is like a protective screen. It is like a persona that is so big and loud that it has a repellant effect and keeps anyone from seeing what is underneath. But it is what is underneath that is in the most pain and desperate need for attention.

Show up as a safe person for yourself and gently probe what is in need of your love and healing. From the space of authentic power you can show up for yourself as your own loving parent, guide, and protector. Gather up that hurt part of yourself and give it all the love and attention it has been yearning for for so very long. Reassure it that you will keep it safe now in ways that don’t involve it being separated. Integrate it into your own loving care.

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday August 7, 2018

It is a great blessing that you have access to so much information. This is allowing accelerated growth and expansion in many of you, as you have so much knowledge at your fingertips. This is contributing greatly to your enlightenment process and the awakening of the planet.

And yet, with so much information there will be many different voices, opinions, and perspectives. It can seem chaotic when there is much conflicting information being presented. While we understand it can seem overwhelming, this is also a great gift for you, for it makes it necessary for you to hone your discernment, to connect within to see what resonates, to take what fits for you and simply leave the rest behind, and to ultimately know the greatest path to follow is the one led by your own wisdom and heart.

So rest easy with the noise and find the stillness within. The many, many options that are being presented to you are allowing you to discover your own truth like never before and that, Dear Ones, is empowerment. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Monday August 6, 2018

A major aspect of co-creating is willingly embracing whatever the energies are supporting at any given time. It is trusting enough to rest when that is a priority which allows you to be far more efficient when the time for action comes. It is moving beyond the need for control into unfoldment. It is allowing yourself the freedom to proceed intuitively and by the heart rather than through the constrained structures of the mind. It is becoming one with the flow and actively harnessing all the benefits that exist within it. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Sunday August 5, 2018

Dear Ones, be easy with yourselves. Know that you are loved. Do something you enjoy. Practice gratitude. Breathe. Trust. These basic principles will serve you well during times of discomfort or uncertainty until the energy shifts yet again and you have more clarity about how to proceed. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Saturday August 4, 2018

Your encouragement and faith in another’s divine capability to navigate their own life in whatever way is perfect for them is often all that is required for someone to have the courage to step forward into expansion and the discovery of their own highest expression of self. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Friday August 3, 2018

Dear Ones, the elements of faith and trust, when employed together, create acceptance and allowing. Acceptance and allowing create peace and patience. So many of you have the desire to experience less resistance and more peace in your lives. We suggest you understand the foundational energies that are essential to those elements and focus on them first, which will open the door to what you seek. Simply put, deepen your faith and trust and peace and patience will naturally follow. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Thursday August 2, 2018

Dear Ones, surrender is the entry point of the flow and an activation, if you will, of your guides and helpers and the energetic support of the universe. It is showing your intention to step into forward movement. To surrender and then not be willing to move would be much like putting a destination into your gps but never putting your car in drive.

Understand that surrender is the first step. Being willing to be guided, to follow the path that then unfolds, is the action phase you must participate in. Do not be afraid of choosing a wrong direction, for the flow will sweep you up and lead you to where your soul wishes to be. You cannot get it wrong.

The final step is committing to staying in that surrendered, supported movement with your trust long enough to experience tangible results. Understand that the most progress is occurring behind the scenes when it seems nothing is happening. Use your faith and trust to discover new potentials. Give feedback through your gratitude.

This is the higher vibrational operating system that you will all be getting familiar with as you move forward on your enlightenment journey. These are the essential tools for empowered co-creation you have been seeking and they are right there for you, just waiting for you to pick them up and discover the magic they can bring you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday August 1, 2018

We wish to remind you that your flow has a steering wheel. It is called gratitude. When energies are particularly intense it can be easy to become focused on your discomfort and forget to use the very important tool of gratitude, which can make you feel quite out of control.

When you choose to see what is working for you, not only do you step back into co-creation by giving vital feedback to the universe, you also shift out of resistance into acceptance, which immediately creates more comfort and peace in your present moment. You might be amazed to discover how much a simple, heartfelt prayer of thanks can soothe the soul. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday July 31, 2018

A reader recently asked, “Why are some of us still dealing with so many lower frequency experiences in our reality, even though we have applied everything we have learned to move beyond them? What are we not understanding? How do we move beyond these experiences?” We would like to address this today.

We understand it can be disconcerting to be so dedicated to your own growth and evolution and have challenging situations occur. In no way does this mean your work has been ineffective! There are many reasons why this can occur.

While in some instances, it can be an indicator of an aspect of you that is still looking for your love and attention, in many cases these experiences are not because you haven’t grown, but rather to show you how far you have grown. It is an opportunity to show up from your latest level of attainment and see how differently you handle it compared to how you might have handled the same situation a year ago, five years ago, ten years ago. How can you gauge your growth if you don’t have experiences to see how far you have come?

In other circumstances you may have an experience because your soul has volunteered to bring balance and stabilizing energy to others who have not yet been able to create that for themselves. Many of you hold the role of both anchor and filter. In other words, you are there to bring the love and the light using your energetics to be of service.

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Daily Message ~ Monday July 30, 2018

Your underlying fears that get triggered and bubble up are much like a toddler who is overwhelmed that suddenly acts out and tantrums. If you respond by being reactive, you know you only accelerate the energy. When any portion of you is at overwhelm it needs calm, consistent love and reassurance. It is looking for your empowered self to compassionately understand what is going on, to take the lead, and create a space of safety where needs can be met. This is absolutely a role you can assume just by taking a moment of exploration and awareness, to honour all parts of yourself, to shepherd and include, with your own unique wisdom and understanding. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


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