The Creator Writings

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With every negative emotion you release, you are allowing another equally positive emotion to come in and take its place.  You may continue to beat yourself up over past wrongs, shame and resentments you have carried with you, however, this does nothing except keep you in the same space when they occurred. Today, show yourself the love and compassion that The Universe has for you and let go of at least one of these things.  The only thing you stand to lose is stagnation. ~ Creator

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For All To See

You may sit, think and shake your head wondering, ‘Where has human decency, kindness and courtesy gone?’  To be honest, dear one, I do that myself on occasion. (smiling) But, then I look a little more closely and see it in moments that shine brighter than the stars!  Each one produces light and that light shoots beams into the Heavens; each prayer, each act of kindness, each time you are truly decent to another human being.  It is there and an amazing sight to behold!  Today, you are invited to go out into your world and create a light big enough for The Universe to see! ~ Creator

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Growing Into…

How long have you been sitting in the light and cursing the darkness that may or may not exist in your reality? How often have you placed blame on circumstances and experiences in which you have put so much of your energy because doing so made/makes you feel ‘safe’ and ‘in control’ of your environment? How many times have you chosen to stay in your victim mode because it is easier than looking toward something brighter, different and better?
My darling, my love, my child; the time of change is upon you. Whether you remain static, stationary and stubborn (smiling – ‘one of my favorite human attributes’) or stand up, leap into and explore the light around you will always be your choice! The excuses you create to ‘sit this one out’ will, very shortly, no longer be a valid reason for denying the reason you are here…to grow into and become Love. ~ Creator

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Darkness & Unconditional Love

The dark things, the scary things, the things that slither and slide just outside the edge of your light are there for a reason.  Being curious and attracted to it brings them there.  However, you have the advantage, dear one.  You know why they have come calling and you know what do to with them.  For each one you see, direct all the Unconditional Love you can muster in its direction, then watch the transformation.  How quickly they change depends solely on how much Love you choose to expend.  The only thing to need to release is the ‘fear’ of the endless and infinite well of Love at your disposal. ~ Creator


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