The Creator Writings

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“You Can’t…..”

How many times have you heard, “You can’t because….you’re too young, too old, not the ‘right’ color, you’re a woman, you’re a man” or any other variation you can think of?  Please remember that the person using that phrase is not speaking to you, they are speaking to themselves.
As always, you are given a choice.  It is completely up to you whether you accept their words.  You have been gifted a rainbow of talents and it is up to you to decide what to use and what to let fall by the wayside. ~ Creator

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Many Voices

Every single thing on your Earth has a voice.  Yes, everything!  They can be soft, very slow or extremely low, some of them are high and airy and still others thrum through the ground.  Please do not fret if you cannot hear them…..yet. (Wink)  Give yourself some time, my dearest one.  Just for a few moments today, find a quiet spot and listen, truly listen.  You will be surprised! ~ Creator


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