The Creator Writings

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Co-Create With Me!

You are given a choice, you are always given a choice.  I will say this again in a different way, “You choose!”  Many of you believe that outside forces dictate where you go, what your life will be and where you end up.  The ultimate gift of free will, something that was given and can never be taken from you, is yours.  When you view your existence in this manner, you will begin to see exactly how many opportunities are available to you.  You are not a victim of time and circumstance, you are a creator and co-creator! ~ Creator

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Are you ready to change the things you can’t seem to change? Need help with your relationship or self-sabotage/destructive patterns? Or maybe you need some guidance in choosing the most productive path for your life. You are invited to become the best YOU you can be and book a session or reading during my Summer Special! From now until July 31st: $60 for an hour $45 for a half hour $30 for a two question e-mail reading Please contact me here or at

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Embracing Your Light

One of the most challenging this you will do with your time here is to stand up and move forward while others stay static.
My beautiful child, do not be afraid of any ridicule, taunting or jibes as you choose to walk your path.  You have a very important job to do while you are here and that is to lead and show people your light!  Any hurtful comments directed at you are from those who are in fear of their own light….it is your purpose to show them that only good can come of embracing change and moving forward. ~ Creator

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Your Light

Within you is a spark, a piece of the Divine placed there before your arrival to aid you in your journey on your Earth-plane existence.  As you travel, there will be others that attempt to douse, shove it aside or smother it with unkind words or actions.  It is up to you whether you allow this or not.  Remember that any amount of love, large or small, will keep it shining brightly. ~ Creator

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Even in your darkest moments, if you listen closely enough, The Universe is whispering of all the good that will come from it when all is resolved.  It may be a challenging feat to accomplish, especially when the emotions have taken over, but it can be done.  Allow, trust and know that you are cared for more than you will ever know. ~ Creator

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Lightness Of Being

It is time to release the vilification of those you feel have wronged you.  This does not mean that you condone their actions or words… does mean that you are giving yourself the gift of forgiving and letting go.  And, in the moment when things lift, there will be a lightness of being that can be used to flow toward, move into and embrace your new energy. ~ Creator


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