The Creator Writings

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Unlike Any Other

In your world some have been attempting to feed fear and use vulnerability as a ‘weapon’.  The Universe is here to tell you, this is not how things works. (Smiling)  It is imperative to remember you have the power to change it if you so choose because you possess two of the most powerful gifts ever; your honesty and integrity!  Honesty helps you see through/past fear into what will be and integrity will assist you in staying your path. You are unlike anyone that has ever existed before, you have a purpose and you are loved beyond measure. ~ Creator

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I Am

Two of the most powerful words you will utter are, “I am”.  Any feeling, action or reaction, both negative and positive, can follow those words and shape your world.  Think about it… (Smiling)  What phrases popped into your mind at the moment you read this?  During this time, The Universe is asking what “I am” you are using in your life.  Do you use these two very small words to empower yourself or use them to keep yourself exactly where you are?

Here is a bit of homework for you…every time you think of “I am” listen to what your conscious mind puts after it!  During this part of the massive shift, your reality is very malleable.  It is time to begin shaping a world you will be comfortable with and proud to be a part. ~ Creator

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Putting Growth To Work

During this next phase, it may feel as if you are walking on a slippery surface.  You know there are things you need to do to keep your footing but, shifting realities can be a distraction.  This is where your knowledge of the The Universe thus far will come into play.  Rather than attempting to control every single situation, ask for and give Unconditional Love a chance to help you maintain your balance and peace.  You have been learning and practicing for years…now it is time to put that growth to work!  The world needs your bright light to continue moving forward.  Allow it to shine and know you are contributing to the greater good! ~ Creator

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Now Is The Time…

Welcome to the next wave!  Yes, the resting period was very brief but, there is much to be done!  Over the next few weeks, it will seem as if every….single….thing you know and feel about yourself is being challenged.  Under no circumstances should this be viewed as a negative thing.  Instead, it is an opportunity for you to stretch beyond your comfort zone, to explore options not thought of and give you the gift of expansiveness.  On your Earth plane there are many things that are viewed as finite.  You know there is much more to your existence than what is being presented to you.  Now is the time to explore, break those bonds and step into your own personal infinite!  As always, The Universe is loving and supporting you through it all. ~ Creator

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Be Ready…

Where is your journey taking you?  Is it toward Unconditional Love or away from it?  During this brief resting period before the next wave of change begins, The Universe is asking you to be a bit more introspective, the delve a little deeper into your daily motivations.  Are you holding onto feeling and emotions you could have let go?  Are you making a conscious effort to be a gentler person?  Are you practicing kindness and compassion?  Yes, there are hurts and traumas from your past that are like watercolors, bringing past shades and tints to the forefront of your mind…are you truly ready to finally release them?  It is time to let go of the white-hot rage, the sobbing sadness and the blackest of griefs that hold you back.  New growth is coming, The Universe wants you to be ready for it. ~ Creator

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You Are Loved Regardless

Yet another gentle reminder; any emotion that you choose to hold may magnify.  Right now, your world is attempting to spoon-feed fear to anyone that will listen.  Yes, even you.  You do, however, have options;

  1.  You can be enveloped in and ‘take the bait’ hook, line and sinker, feeding into the mass consciousness with that fear and allow it to multiply.
  2. You can release it and send it out to The Universe to be transformed to light and love, which in turn will reflect back to you, back out and so on.
  3. You can do nothing, hold no opinion, offer and receive nothing.

Each decision carries with it the weight to change your existence to whatever you choose.  Regardless of what you decide, The Universe has given you free reign…the opportunity to do as you will and be supported by Unconditional Love.  That is precisely the reason it is unconditional. (Smiling) ~ Creator

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You Are A Key

Today, The Universe is asking you to take a long…hard…look at what you contribute to the conversation of today’s world.  On the surface, you may appear in any number of ‘masks’ depending on who you are speaking with; family, friends, colleagues, etc.  It is time to shed those masks and engage in full transparency.  You are also being guided to ask yourself if what you are contributing is ‘self-service’ or for the greater good.

By now, you should know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you are co-creating every second of your existence and your Earth-plane is taking a quantum leap forward.  The dying darkness is doing its best to stay alive in the face of immeasurable light.  Do not let the grief of what is passing now distract you from what you are doing.  You are, have always and will always be one of the keys that unlock a kinder, gentler, more compassionate future. ~ Creator

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Almost There…

The division, hate and chaos on your Earth plane seems as if it is being amplified by more division, hate and chaos.  You, as an eternal being of light, a co-creator of your existence and a carrier of a Divine Spark knows and feels things differently.  You are aware (very aware) of the building Light, the uptick of humanity and compassion, the arrival of what all humans have been asking for since the dawn of time…a new beginning.  You can choose to let yourself be distracted by the negative or continue to focus on the positive changes occurring now. (Smiling) You are nearly there, dear one, keep going!  You are almost there! ~ Creator

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Giving Beauty

Every time you look around, you can see beauty.  Although it may not always be readily visible, it exists in everything belonging to your Earth plane.  With this thought in mind, you must remember that beauty also exists within you!  Putting yourself in a vulnerable enough space to show it to the world may be a little challenging but, it can be done.  Start small; a kind word or a gentle smile.  Allow that beauty to shine out and touch everything around you!  As the feeling becomes more comfortable, giving the gift of your beauty becomes easier…just allow it to happen and watch your world change! ~ Creator

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See Yourself…

Today, you are being invited to explore your inner-space.  Look into yourself and see what you love to embrace it.  See what it is you feel you need to change.  See yourself as The Universe sees you…perfect, whole and beautiful.  It may take some work for your conscious mind to realize the gift but, it can be done.  You are loved beyond measure! ~ Creator


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