Ground Crew Updates

Messages from the First Contact Ground Crew Team from Galactic Center

Jimmy: Light Body Awesomeness!

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Lately while meditating, I have been able to raise my vibration high enough to go to higher vibrational dimensions. I have no control over where I go. I have found myself in a cave, a waterfall, in an office building, in a warehouse. In fact, if it try to control the journey, my vibration will lower and I will find myself back on my couch meditating. If I let go of the need to control, I can enjoy a longer journey seeing awesome landscapes and meeting other beings. During these journeys, I am totally conscious of being in two “places” at once, on the journey and on my couch at the same time. It’s pretty amazing.


The night before last, I journeyed all night long. I wasn’t on my couch meditating, but was in bed, going in and out of conscious awareness. But here is the important part. At one point while I was lucid, my body (I’m talking about the body I percieved on my journey), started to change into a light body. It started with my fingers. I could feel my hand vibrating at a very high rate, higher than the other parts of my body. Then my fingers started to turn into a white light, a very bright white light. The light started creeping up my arm. As this was happening, I felt these undulating waves of ecstatic joy flowing through my body. It was orgasmic, but unlike any normal third dimensional orgasm. I got so excited because I realized I was literally turning into a being of light. It was absolutely amazing. The light only got about as far as my forearm, then the process reversed itself. Clearly, my vibration hadn’t risen high enough for the light to envelop my entire body.

~Message of peace from Divine Mother through Bob Marley~

Lia's picture


His presence was very loving and peaceful and never in my life and since I have been channeling that I would be writing a message form Bod Marley.
But of course I don't think too much about it as long as the energy is loving and full of light. So I just wrote exactly as it was said.



I am the spirit of the land

I am the spirit of the land of Jamaica, and I come here to represent the great love of the Mother.
I lived a life of many lessons and struggles that propelled my soul to be soften by the clarity of my vision.
My heart was and is always Rasta. It is now in the realm of Heaven that I understand the love and the unity of the Christ.
Peace and love is the message always.
Leave your struggles behind, your false perception and reach out with your hearts and spread the love and expand the love all around the world. heart to heart we will do our parts. If you touch the heart of your brethren the illusion is lifted and peace of mind and purity of heart unfolds.

TheOne-DreamDreamer ~ You Are Not Special~ You Are Perfect!

Lia's picture


And any other thought you have about your self is not real and talks about the dream you are dreaming. Whatever you feel of your self but perfection is not TRUTH. For you are, ALL are, a perfect reflection of Creation.


For how could GOD (eternal Principle, Source, whatever Name you give to the Primal Creational Essence) create any thing not as Perfect as Itself? Not containing everything IT contains? Not being everything IT is?

The only thoughts of imperfection originate from man itself. From its original sin, his original forgetfulness. For GOD knows nothing about it. GOD sees only TRUTH and has no interest in seeing what man makes of itself when not in ITs consciousness. When in denial of itSELF. For GOD IS PERFECTION and cannot see less than TRUTH. When man is in man’s mind and not in GOD’s mind… then it’s not GOD, it’s a human nightmare. A man, trying to get something out of its life, struggling with its relationships, with its survival, firm in its belief that life is difficult and that man is far from perfect and provided with nothing but its own little mind to struggle with and a little life to conquer with battles intend of enjoying its Divine Surrender. And herein is where all lack, sorrow, loneliness originates from. Human mind believing in less. Human mind believing in a lie. Its own lie.

But that is not the TRUTH.

Visionkeeper ~Becoming Sensitive Again ~ 25 September 2013

Lia's picture By

Music to read by below:

Way back in time when we were young and life was carefree, we were sensitive beings. We were innocent and caring and loving and trusting. Then sadly life happened and we spent our time watching the almighty black box and believing everything it regurgitated out to us and we saw murder and mayhem play across the TV screen 24/7 and everything changed and with little notice. As with everything being done today, it was gradual, slow, disguised and constantly altering us to become desensitized. We were being raped and didn’t even know it. Well now we know it so get a grip and don’t lose sight of it again. It is time to return to our youthful mindset when life mattered, when we cared about others, when hurting others didn’t even enter our imaginations. We told the truth(hopefully) because that was what was right to do,we had integrity, we believed in life, we doubted no one, we went out of our way to help others. We were bundles of pure, raw energy, flashing little light explosions of glittering innocence.

Sandra Walter ~ The Child And The Master ~ 25 September 2013

Lia's picture


During this deep transfiguration, I AM finding it difficult to communicate. Everything comes through the heart and high-heart in flowing feeling/telepathic senses, and speaking/writing seem clunky.

Blessings to all who are searching the internet for what really happened during the Equinox. In short, there is too much to explain and discuss – it’s just too much at the moment. I AM experiencing the complete override of my lower level Self (gone, I know that) by my Higher Levels. The higher-lower merge is a consistent agenda, moment by moment. In an upcoming video I will attempt to explain the parallel reality dynamics which disappear when we level up; the dissipation of the illusion of time and separation from Self and Self-as-Source.

As we REcreate ourselves with a clean slate, fully merging the Higher Self, Cosmic-Christed Self and I AM Presence with the body vehicle/grounded Self, we are presented with the wholeness of zero-point energetics. Zero Point is Source; the divine Now where all of our wisdom and truth resides.

Be both the Child and the Master as we adapt to the loss of illusion we have experienced for so long. Explore everything as new, and own your divine wisdom. Nurture the body as it adjusts to the massive influx of light coming in. It won’t be dimming down at all; the only thing which will disconnect you from the light is your choice to dis-engage from it.

Gaia Portal Update~ Return of Gaia Crystallines portends massive and comprehensive alterations…

Lia's picture

25 Sep

gaia_energy1Spiral forms incorporate into consciousness of each Gaia-centered Hue-Being at this moment. Energetics at Higher Levels are including spiral forms as coordination of Inner Growth paradigms are changed.

Return of Gaia Crystallines portends massive and comprehensive alterations in DNA patterns of all Gaia Beings, on all dimensional levels.

Aging thought patterns are no longer tolerated in this Higher Spiral Crystalline environ. Such thought patterns burst at the old paradigm grid points.

Followers and practitioners of the Higher Spiral way find fulfillment, as Gaia is at One with such.

Reiki Doc~ Wow! You've Ascended!

Lia's picture

CONGRATULATIONS! You've Ascended! You have reached the Vibration needed for Full Expansion of your Consciousness! There are a certain few individuals who MUST Ascend before The Event to show the way for others. Does this make sense?

So...what does one actually DO once one has Ascended?

We sit on clouds and play the harp and experience eternal happiness, right? We're done, aren't we?

I'm just messing with you! LOL LOL LOL : D

It really feels fantastic to be Ascended. And there really are those of you who already have. If you are one, this message will resonate with you quite strongly. And if it doesn't, know that after The Event, when you are ready to open it, your new expanded consciousness will be available, as it is already 'awaiting' you to reach the vibration necessary with your current state that you are in, which is Divine Perfection in every regard for YOU.

Everyone who is already Ascended is going to have the opportunity to Learn and to Grow.

Fitting In

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The  Creator Writings September 24, 2013




You were not made to fit into a mold, a bracket in society, a certain status. You were created to be free-flowing beings, each unique but similar enough to recognize yourselves in others. If you release the expectation of ‘fitting in’, a glorious thing will happen………you will become you! ~ Creator

Releasing of all dimensional timelines part two

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For many of you the outpouring of emotion may be easier explained as the death of who you are in preparation for FULL remembrance of who YOU are in TRUTH. Much has been written about the death of ego but this is more than the death of ego, this is the death of the DEFINITION of who you are. Let me give you an example to explain this further, for the human logical mind may have a very hard time processing the death of SELF whilst you are still alive within the human vehicle!

For all of my incarnation in this human form I have endured the "loss" of people, grief has been a constant companion and has been the frequency from which I have tried to manifest my life. As all of the human life experience is a mirror then the mirrors that come into your life as other people and scenarios, events and places will always match the frequency that you are running. In this scenario and without incarnating into this dimensional timeline where my SOUL woke up in its human form I would have carried on with this. It would have been what is termed "karma".


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