Wholeness of Being and Natural Remedies

Incredible Healing: Woman Uses Marijuana to Overcome Lyme Disease

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marijuana green leaf 263x164 Incredible Healing: Woman Uses Marijuana to Overcome Lyme DiseaseWhat do you do when you’re sick and everything you’ve been told about proper treatment was wrong? What would you do if, in the interest of feeling “okay”, you let your doctor pump you full of medications, all for naught? Like most people who have been through fruitless medical treatments, Lyme disease sufferer Shelley M. White, got fed up and started researching for herself. What she found out about her Lyme disease and potential treatments changed her life.

Shelley found a tick behind her ear at the age of 14. Seven years later, after a variety of health problems, she was diagnosed with Lyme disease, Mycoplasma, Bartonella, Lupus, and Babesia. She had multiple seizures every single day and was put through the ringer with conventional medical treatments. It wasn’t until she tried treating her symptoms with marijuana that she found relief.

5 Reasons to Volunteer by The Alternative Daily

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volunteerWhatever reason you choose, volunteering is truly an exercise in compassion, and can bring boundless positivity into the lives of the people helped by your chosen organization, as well as to you. You may even see improvements in your mental and physical health.


Improving Mood Naturally: 7 Natural Ways to Release ‘Feel-Good’ Endorphins

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How would you like to experience a rush of deep happiness? While feeling like this is usually only thought to be achievable through risky decisions like jumping off a cliff or some nefarious-type action like illegal drugs, it doesn’t have to be that way. Intense love is just one way to feel absolutely amazing, though there are certainly other ways to spark the flow of natural endorphins that pump into your blood stream, creating a euphoria-like state.

Why You Should Start Oil Pulling Today BY MORGAN POTTS

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To oil pull, simply swish your choice of unrefined, high quality oil in your mouth; similar to the way you would use a mouthwash. My favorite is coconut oil. This can be done anywhere from five to 20 minutes. The process attracts and removes bacteria, toxins, and parasites that live in your mouth or lymph system, and also pulls congestion and mucus from your throat and loosens up your sinuses, which is amazing! With the help of your saliva, all these scary undesirables bind with the oil, ready to be disposed of. Pulling also helps re-mineralize your teeth and strengthen your gums by thoroughly cleansing the area. This sounds good, right? But how exactly do you do it?


Coffee Plus Honey More Effective Than Steroids for Cough

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http://cdn.thealternativedaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Fotolia_49601443_XS.jpgIf you are interested in avoiding the possible side effects of taking a prescription medication consider the results of this new study that tells us that a mixture of coffee and honey is equally, if not more, effective as a steroid cough syrup for silencing a persistent post-infectious cough (PPC).

A post infectious cough is one that lasts for three to five weeks after a common cold or respiratory infection. This is the cough that keeps you up at night and interferes with your normal daily routine. A cough such as this can make you tired, irritable and is nothing short of very annoying.

 More on: thealernativedaily.com

7 Facts You May Not Know About Coconut Oil

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Waking Times, By: Dr. Edward Group, 11/02/2013

Flickr - open coconut - fred_v

Cultures and countries across the world use and appreciate the coconut tree. Because of its nutritional and therapeutic values, it’s referred to as “Kalpavriksha” (the all giving tree) in India. As the name implies, the coconut palm is extremely versatile and used in many capacities. Everything from the coconut water, to the leaves, to the kernel hull have characteristics that are beneficial to human health. Coconut oil, specifically, has become quite popular for cooking and even other uses. Let’s take a look at a few facts about coconut oil that you may not know.


For more on this story visit www.wakingtimes.com

Juiced, Canned and Cooked Blueberries Have Up To 81 Percent Lower Antioxidant Levels

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Prevent Disease, By: Mae Chan, 11/01/2013

Flickr - Blueberries

Juiced, canned and cooked blueberries could result in changes their polyphenol content, and modify the potential health advantages of the ‘superfood’, according to a new study. It is well known that heat destroys of the antioxidant potential of most berries, making canned and juicing that involve friction and heat a poor choice to maximize their antioxidant potential. While intake of raw, fresh, blueberries could be connected with many health benefits – including improved cognitive features, lesser threat of heart disease and less inflammation, thanks to their very high content in highly effective polyphenolic compounds; researched now know that a freshly cooked blueberry does not have the same advantages.


For more on this story visit www.wakingtimes.com

15 Super Foods That Prevent Breast Cancer By sharib

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Super Foods That Prevent Breast Cancer

1.    Spinach

Spinach is a vegetable that contains many properties which help it to fortify the system against breast cancer.


•    It consists of an antioxidant which is lutien that has a major role to play in guarding the breast cancer cells and to stop it from spreading to other areas of the body
•    It consists of carotenoids and zeaxanthin which can help to remove unstable molecules from the body


Andrea Green's picture

Treat anxiety naturally with herbs


Lorazepam is prescribed for short-term anxiety caused by panic, stress or trauma. It is a benzodiazepine, a class of drugs that depress the central nervous system. The Mayo Clinic states that lorazepam can be addicting and have unpleasant side effects, including amnesia, sedation and dizziness. Lorazepam works by binding to benzodiazepine sites, also known as GABAa sites, in the brain and enhancing the calming effects of the neurotransmitter GABA, or gamma-aminobutyric acid. Herbs that bind to these sites perform the same function as lorazepam, without the negative side effects or potential for addiction.


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