Collective Evolution

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How To Learn To Love Your Body: Forget Societal Standards

Learning to love your body can be an incredible feat. The older we get, the harder it seems to be to keep up with societal standards. Aging can come with a variety of side effects that cause us to feel inferior. Fashion magazines sport images of extremely thin figures whose bodies have gone through the Photoshop machine one too many times. Stretch marks, cellulite, wrinkles, freckles and more are digitally removed to show an image of what makes perfection. We flip through the pages and sigh as we view what we’ve been brainwashed to believe is admirable.

But while there are plenty of stories of models being told their already svelte bodies are too big for runways and actresses that they’re too big for parts (not to mention the silent operation of removing flaws with technology), there is an incredible movement happening that seeks to provide awareness of this problem, and to move past it entirely, living in a world where all bodies of all shapes and sizes and with many different “flaws” are considered normal.

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Watch How People React To Being Called Beautiful

Every day new social experiments seem to be taking place all over the world. While the intention behind some is to poke fun and others to test our humanity, more and more continue to surface that end up offering some very inspirational results. The most recent one that I happened to come across was conducted by Shea Glover, an 18 year old high school student from Chicago, Illinois.

Equipped with her camera, Shea stopped random individuals and got them to pose in front of her lens telling them “I’m taking pictures of things I find beautiful.” The end result? Some of the most humbling and genuine moments of how much of an impact being complimented can have on our state of being.

Through her YouTube channel, Shea clarified her true intentions behind what turned into a social experiment:

I want to clarify that my intentions were not to get a reaction out of people. I was simply filming beauty and this is the result.

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World Class Journalist Spills The Beans & Admits Mainstream Media Is Completely Fake

Dr. Udo Ulfkotte is a top German journalist and editor and has been for more than two decades, so you can bet he knows a thing or two about mainstream media and what really happens behind the scenes. Recently, Dr. Ulfkotte went on public television stating that he was forced to publish the works of intelligence agents under his own name, also adding that noncompliance with these orders would result in him losing his job. He recently made an appearance on RT news to share these facts:

I’ve been a journalist for about 25 years, and I was educated to lie, to betray, and not to tell the truth to the public. But seeing right now within the last months how the German and American media tries to bring war to the people in Europe, to bring war to Russia — this is a point of no return and I’m going to stand up and say it is not right what I have done in the past, to manipulate people, to make propaganda against Russia, and it is not right what my colleagues do and have done in the past because they are bribed to betray the people, not only in Germany, all over Europe.

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Why We Seek Convenient Illusions Over Reality

“Opinion is the medium between knowledge and ignorance.” Plato

Shortly after the tulip bulb was introduced to Europe from the Ottoman Empire it found favor with Dutch high society. The humble tulip bulb rocketed in price. At the height of the mania one tulip bulb was equivalent to ten times the income of a skilled worker. This tulip mania or bubble which took place in the Netherlands from 1634 to 1637 is associated with a herd mentality. The overconfidence which occurred during the tulip boom was a result of individuals actively assigning weight to circumstances while ignoring evidence and fundamentals. This limitation of the human psyche contributes to overconfidence in one’s personal beliefs about some event or circumstance. This confirming bias can appear in economic and political systems as well as businesses, organizations, and social systems. This tendency to interpret information can manifest itself in economic bubbles known as speculative bubbles. Bubbles have long been influential in shaping economies and impacting societies.

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Time To Rethink How & Where We Grow Food

“From farm to plate, the modern food system relies heavily on cheap oil. Threats to our oil supply are also threats to our food supply. As food undergoes more processing and travels further, the food system consumes ever more energy each year.”

Danielle Murray

Oil is the Most Energy Dense Form of Liquid Fuel

More often than not we hear commentators discussing oil in terms of barrels. A barrel of crude oil is 42 U.S. gallons or 158.9873 litres. A barrel of oil contains about six gigajoules of energy. This is equivalent to six billion joules or approximately 1667 kilowatt-hours. This equates to 5.8 million Btu, or British thermal units. This one barrel of oil with its astronomical 6.1 gigajoules of energy has the ability to do the work of approximately 2000 horse power hours. A healthy strong person doing physical work for eight hours generates around 75 watts of energy or one tenth of the energy a horse can deliver. Therefore as a rough guide, one barrel of crude oil has the ability to do around 10 years of human labour based on a 40 hour work week. Yet it seems many of us take this precious substance for granted, oblivious to how this liquid fuel has changed our lives, our economy and the way we live.

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Parents: What You’re Not Being Told About Autism & What Causes It

There is no single known cause for autism spectrum disorder (ASD), but it is widely accepted by the scientific community that it is triggered by abnormalities in brain structure and function. This has been established in studies which illustrate the differences in the shape and structure of the autistic brain compared to those seen in the brains of neurotypical children. There is also a decent amount of evidence to support the theory that some children are born with a susceptibility to autism, but scientists have yet to identify this “trigger.” This is why researches have theorized that irregular segments of genetic code may be the root cause of autism.

In recent years, however, a wealth of information has emerged that was once never even considered. Despite the fact that the cause for autism isn’t certain, and that it’s highly unlikely researchers will ever find that ‘one’ cause of autism, scientists are now realizing that autism could be the result of the modern day human lifestyle. There are a number of significant studies that should be ringing alarm bells in the medical and scientific communities in this regard.

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How To Read Someone’s Body Language Without Breaking a Conversation

I would like to present you a very practical skill which can make your work and private life a bit more exciting. It should be primarily useful for people who deal with others during face to face meetings, presentations, conferences, etc. It is fairly easy to learn and it is based on flexible attention.

Flexible attention is the ability to alternate between narrow attention style (focused) and diffused attention style (broad) or to apply both at the same time. Narrowing makes us specific but requires dividing reality into smaller pieces (objects). Diffusing allows us to see the big picture and connect (immerse) with its elements.

For example, you can read and understand this text (narrow attention style) while staying aware of something more (diffused attention style). Try the exercise below to experience what flexible attention feels like.

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How Synchronicity Signals Our Bigger Purpose

In shamanic cultures, synchronicities are recognized as signs that you are on the right path.” – Daniel Pinchbeck

We are all familiar with the phrase, time is money – but what if we changed our perspective and shifted to the idea of time being art, and creativity being the new currency?

The film Time is Art explores this idea through a documentary which weaves together an intricate story of how life, death, dimensions, and synchronicities allow for our bigger picture to unfold… if we just allow.

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Love In Practice: Communicating With Care In Your Heart

In all communication, there is one thing that each and every one us requires. We all want to be appreciated, honoured, and respected. None of us want to feel criticized, rejected, ignored, or manipulated. To reduce it to its simplest terms, we each want to feel loved. I do not mean love in a romantic sense, or some outpouring of emotion, but simple caring. This is the universal bottom line of every human relationship. We all want to feel cared for.

If each of us would like to be treated with care and respect, then it should be our intent to do so for others. But what often happens is the exact opposite. Instead of trying to ensure that the other person feels loved and appreciated, we end up in a vicious circle of recrimination and attack.

It usually starts by our feelings hurt over something someone said or did. Whether they intended to hurt us or whether it is all our own creation does not matter. The fact is we feel hurt, and if we are not fully conscious of our own inner processes, we are likely to defend ourselves by attacking back in some way. It’s not the most noble or wisest response, nevertheless that is the way us less-than-enlightened folk sometimes react.

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How To Surrender & Accept Situations

In spirituality and personal development, we’re often told to surrender to and accept an issue or situation – but where and how do you begin to surrender to and accept situations in life?

Surrender and acceptance are among the bigger spiritual issues you’ll battle with in your life – like compassion, patience, and forgiveness, there aren’t easy answers to surrender and acceptance, they are things you learn over time. They are an energy you begin to resonate with as you practice.

Surrender & Resistance

Everything we work with when you’re dealing with personal and spiritual growth can be broken down to dualities or polarities.

In order to know something completely, you have to know both its polarities so that you can find balance in the middle, between those two extremes.


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