Expanded Consciousness

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Evidence of Reincarnation

Reincarnation seems conventional to the more than 1.25 billion practitioners of Hinduism and Buddhism. However, it’s not widely accepted by those outside of Eastern religion. The Western skepticism of reincarnation is tied to monotheistic religions’ focus on a single life, a single soul and an active God who does not rely on karmic law. With sporadic believers announcing they’re Cleopatra or Elvis reincarnate, it’s not surprising many people remain extremely skeptical of the soul’s ability to return repeatedly. This general skepticism has not prevented researchers from exploring the potential for reincarnation.
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Smash Your Conditioning with a Cosmic Perspective!

By Jason | Expanded Consciousness 

One of my personal favorite awareness-raising exercises is that of consciously (intentionally) shifting my focus away from my ego-level experience (Jason), and into a more expansive and cosmic one.

Let me explain this a little more clearly:

One of the most common things about the human experience is our ability to blow completely trivial things out of proportion, and this is almost always due to our social conditioning.

A conditioned expectation will yield a conditioned response, which yields to conditioned actions, and thus conditioned results.

All the things we’re conditioned to believe to be important – our job, social status, relationship status, your environmentally-healthy diet, etc. – are absolutely insignificant from the larger perspective.

We are flying through deep space, at hundreds of thousands of miles an hour, orbiting a nuclear reactor (with several other planets orbiting it), all moving through space like a chaotic cosmic kaleidoscope.

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Chevron Employee Leaks Massive Oil Spill Coverup Video

In 2011, Amazon Watch received a mysterious package from a Chevron whistleblower. There was no return address, just dozens of DVDs and a note saying “I hope this is useful for you in the trial against Texaco/Chevron! Signed, a friend from Chevron”. Chevron, which bought Texaco in 2001, had just been found guilty for one of the worst environmental disasters on the planet in Ecuador’s rainforest. Chevron was ordered to pay $9.5 billion to clean up their contamination, but instead fled the country and sued the communities in the U.S. for extortion. Wow, isn’t Chevron awesome?
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How Global Meditation Could Heal the World…

We live in a world today where the idea of group power is being rekindled and where it’s momentum is gathering. Humanity as a whole is remembering that it is thoughts and actions of kindness, honesty and equality for all that create positive change.

One initiative that is expanding throughout religious and spiritual groups, as well as on blogs and other social media sites is globally synchronized meditation/prayer gatherings.


To some, believing that thoughts or prayers can influence the physical world around them can be dubious. To a quantum physicist on the other hand, thoughts influencing the world around them are something believed in and something that has repeatedly been shown to be true in scientific studies.

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This Man Discovered A Massive Underground City While Renovating His Home. Check It Out! (PHOTOS)

I couldn’t imagine a discovery like this! Picture yourself doing a little home renovation and discovering an underground tunnel. Pretty cool, right? Now imagine that the tunnel leads to an ancient underground city. That’s exactly what a man in the Nevşehir Province of Turkey found in 1963 when he was conducting a little bit of home renovation.

The underground city that he discovered includes a network of discrete entrances, ventilation shafts, passageways, and wells. It’s one of what archaeologists believe to be dozens of underground cities carved into the rocks of Cappadocia thousands of years ago. These underground cities have remained hidden for centuries and contain untold amounts of information lost to time.

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How to Turn Strong Negative Feelings About Someone into More Self-Love

If you are in a human body and you are not the Dalai Lama it is very possible that you have experienced an intense negative reaction to someone at some point in your life. In some cases, the feeling is so strong that you might feel guilty for having it. It’s if there is an evil twin inside of you, trying to break through your chest and wrap its hands around this others person’s neck and shake them up a bit. Or worse. I am familiar with this phenomenon, especially during times when I am in a growth spurt and facing my shadow is an essential part of that process. There is no escaping it.

That is the shadow energy in all of us. The shadow consists of unnamed and disowned parts of us that were deemed unacceptable by society. It is not OK to be lazy, greedy, jealous, competitive or even to have a high sex drive. Yet, as we are all pieces of the mosaic of life, these traits, feelings and tendencies exist inside us, hiding in the dark corners of our psyche.

When we have such a strong negative emotional reaction to someone it is an amazing opportunity for our personal growth....

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Exploring Your Own Resistances

By Jason | Expanded Consciousness 

If your goal is to become more conscious, expand your consciousness, or raise the level of your reality experience all together – one of the best places to start is with your resistances.

By becoming progressively aware of the areas in which you can become/can be made defensive, we reveal the fertile soil for personal progress and growth.

The more severe your reaction toward that which displeases or upsets you, the greater your opportunity and potential are for growing yourself to a new level of being.

The Friends and Family Discount of Telling The Truth to Yourself!

For example, let’s say you have a friend who’s constantly getting themselves into bad relationships, whereby there’s never-ending drama and emotional abuse.

When you try and talk to them about it, even in a helpful, harmonious manner – they snap and give you the cold shoulder for three days.

That’s resistance.

Your friend has tremendous opportunity to grow, should they choose to become conscious and face the issues which repeatedly plague their relationship life.

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3 Logical Reasons GMOs Should Be Banned

A GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) is defined as “the manipulation of an organism’s genetic make-up in order to create or enhance desirable characteristics from the same or another species” (Australian Department of the Environment and Heritage, 2001).

While it’s true that natural genetic manipulation of crops can be traced throughout history, it wasn’t until 1980 that scientists discovered how to isolate specific DNA that could then be transferred into another organism. This differs from natural plant breeding as “GM (Genetically Modified) uses laboratory techniques to insert artificial gene units to re-programme the DNA blueprint of the plant with completely new properties.

This process would never happen in nature. The artificial gene units are created in the laboratory by joining fragments of DNA, usually derived from multiple organisms, including viruses, bacteria, plants and animals.

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This Man Returned to Radioactive Fukushima to Save Abandoned Animals

It’s been 3 years since the Fukushima nuclear power plant exploded in Japan, causing one of the worst radioactive disasters in history. Tomioka is a little town just 6 miles away from where the melt down took place, no one lives there except one man. (photos and video below)

Naoto Matsumura, a 53-year-old fifth-generation rice farmer, is the only known human in this area, but that doesn’t mean he is alone.

He is surrounded by some of his best friends, they just so happen to be animals. When the nuclear disaster first happened Matsumura fled south with his parents. Soon after, he returned home because he knew the animals on his farm needed to be taken care of. He ended up finding other animals in need, and cares for cattle, pigs, cats, dogs, and even ostriches that are now ownerless.

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5 Ways The Laws Of Nature Make Us Stronger People

Our day to day lives are evolving by the second. Most of the time it seems like the days are vanishing one right after the other at a faster pace. We forget to just stop and smell the flowers.

These are 5 laws of nature that you can apply to your daily life.

1. Nature’s Law Of Teamwork

Bees work together to find flowers and gather pollen for their hive, lions use strategy to coordinate attacks on their prey, and sea otters hold hands to keep from floating away from each other.In that spirit we must work together. Nature provides us with perfect examples as to how we can all work together as one.


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