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Let Your Chakras Guide You to Your Deepest Yearning

by Priyanka Bakhru Talwar

The human story involves beginning with love, being wounded by those we love, seeking or escaping love, and then finally coming back to love. Every single aspect of our personality develops from this core, and it all starts with that first wound to the love in our hearts. The first blow in our formative years creates the original yearning to heal it, and so the shaping of our personality, beliefs and defense mechanisms begins. There are only two original yearnings -the yearning for belonging and the yearning for freedom. Both of which motivate us, drive us, torture us and fulfill us.

The Relationship of Our Chakras

Now, let’s study the relationship between the chakras, these soul yearnings and the emotional wounds that everything pivots around. The seven chakras can be the most magical guide to unearth our deepest yearning, and by association, the original wound to our innocent selves, which get formed during the formative early years of our lives. The first wounds are either abandonment or rejection.

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Creative Forces In Our Past Life Energy

by Judi Lynch

Take a moment to think about the places your soul has traveled! In other lifetimes, you had a different name and face, yet acquired valuable knowledge, learned soul lessons and experienced human existence as a physical being much different than you are now. Consider the things you must have learned during your time there – incredible things you might have discovered, invented, imagined, drawn or invested in as well as people you helped to heal, thrive and live a better life. These were all things that are possibly unknown to you in this life; however, they defined you in another era of time on Earth.

Many times, when we ponder reincarnation and past life knowledge, we think of healing physical, emotional and mental trauma. If we take up the frequency and tap into creative force energies, we will gain insight into so much more!

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Herb Garden, Natural Delights

by Lorri Amsden

“For all things produced in a garden whether of salads or fruits, a poor man will eat better that has one of his own, than a rich man that has none.” – John Claudius Lourdes, Scottish Botanist 1783-1843

While early spring is often too cold to start many plants in the ground, it is a perfect time to get outside and enjoy the warming weather by starting a container herb garden. There is nothing quite like working with the sun on your shoulders and your hands in the dirt as you tend plants until they yield a harvest.

The act of working with the earth, under the blue sky and helping something grow is very therapeutic. A study in the Neuroscience Journal from 2007 found that exposure to the bacteria found in dirt boosts Serotonin levels in the brain. Serotonin is the neurotransmitter that affects sleep cycles, moods and memory. Low levels of serotonin are linked to aggression, anxiety and depression. Many gardeners already know that running their naked finger through the soil not only makes their spirits soar but grounds them in the shifting of the seasons.

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Discover Your Sun and Discover Yourself

by Nic Gaudette

In some ways, discovering who you are is a lifelong journey, and no matter how much you think you know about yourself, there is more to be found. Astrologically, this endless journey begins with your Sun.

The Sun versus the Moon and Rising

The Sun represents your inner, true self-the you that comes out when you’re around those you know best. This is different from your Rising, which represents your outer self, the way you come across, and the facade you have. It also differs from your Moon, which represents your emotional self, the way you emotionally react in situations, and what you need for emotional security. The Moon is needs while the Sun is wants; the Rising is your mask while the Sun is your face.

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Listening to the Wisdom of Trees

By Mara Freeman

One of the most essential teachings of Celtic spirituality is that the natural world is radiantly alive and sentient. To walk among trees is to reconnect with our deep ancestral roots in the forest. To look through the spiraling branches of a giant redwood is to contemplate a living mandala; to gaze at the colors of a maple in autumn is to witness the ever-changing canvas of a sublime artist.

Trees can help clear our minds from the frenzy of our fast-track lives, inspire our thoughts, calm our emotions and fill us with serenity. They are elders on this planet who embody an ineffable wisdom that they will share with us if we but seek it out. I find that just a short while spent in the presence of certain trees can make me feel soothed and relaxed, as if the tree itself is gently helping me put my fears and anxieties into a broader perspective...

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Astrology Forecast: 2015 Sagittarius Full Moon

by Kathy Biehl

June 2, 2015

11 Gemini 49 / 11 Sagittarius 49

9:18 AM PDT / 12:18 PM EDT / 4:18 PM GMT

What do you believe to be true about yourself, your possibilities and the world at large? The Sagittarius Full Moon is igniting impassioned action, reaction, and rebellion that further some of those beliefs — and break free of others.

It’s an intellectual Moon, in theory. In practice, this one is volatile and emotional to an extreme. It’s bringing us back to life from the pummeling we’ve been through from March until last week. A lot has pent up within us, and emotional realizations and eruptions, positive and otherwise, are turning that complex, pent-up blend into rocket fuel under this Sagittarius Full Moon. The fuel ignites a burst this week and continues inspiring us, motivating us and egging us on for the next three weeks.

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Astrology Forecast for June 2015

by Kathy Biehl

Here is the Astrology Forecast for June 2015: June sends us forward and backward with a force fit for New Year’s Eve.  Just as the signal approaches to gun our engines, at last, unfinished business comes calling with dollar signs and repercussions. Which way to go? There’s the paradox. Progress will occur, but with the weight of the past dogging us – until we turn and deal with it, once and for all.

The month begins with high energy and, likely, some of the brightest spirits we’ve enjoyed all year. Those levels promise to stay up all month.  From the Sagittarius Full Moon on the 2nd on, fire is running throughout the sky, stoking life force and enthusiasm, fueling showmanship and playfulness, and causing sparks of emotion (anger, maybe?) to flare into into acts of passion, rebellion and liberation.

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An Invitation to Outgrow Your Limitations

By Guy Finley

Are you inviting limitations? Have you ever noticed how the more negative you get, the more difficult everything about your life becomes, including being able to do the simplest things? It’s like suddenly sinking into dark molasses, where not only can’t you move, but everything you don’t want seems stuck to you!

To the spiritually uninitiated, it feels as if you’ve been dropped into a river of resistance but, in truth, you are being pulled into it by a lower level of self that wants you to look at whatever challenges you in life as an adversary. Its attempt at deception – to negatively alter your perception – is the only power it has to keep you from seeing unwanted moments as they are in reality: an invitation from the Divine to outgrow your present limitations. Regardless the nature of the trial set before you, it asks: “Would you like to live in a larger world, one without fear? Do you want to be less worried, or angry, and more at peace with yourself?”

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Use Medical Intuition to Heal Your Life

By Regina Chouza

Medical Intuition is about using listening as a self-healing tool. There are times when we may feel out of sorts. For example, maybe our eyes are tired or a chronic illness has flared up. The idea underlying medical intuition is to use meditation and self-healing to connect with the physical body and find out what it needs. Sometimes, the body will ask for rest, a change in diet or even a change in attitude. We can all practice self-healing in this way. Medical Intuition can also help us uncover the emotional, physical or spiritual root of our problems so that we can make changes accordingly.

The following technique is taught by the School of Intuition and Healing UK, a member of the British Alliance of Healing Associations. Please try this exercise in medical intuition for yourself!

Medical Intuition Exercise

1) Ground Yourself.

Find a quiet place to sit where you will not be disturbed...

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Is Your Body Sending You a Psychic Message?

By John Holland

Did you know that you already possess one of the fundamental pieces of equipment necessary to provide you with an endless supply of psychic information and guidance? It’s truly the most magnificent creation you’ve been gifted with – it’s your body!

This past weekend I had the pleasure of teaching a “Beginners Class in Mediumship” to sixty unbelievably open students. It was such a fantastic group of people of all ages, who were all eager to learn how to begin to tap into the Other-Side through the use of their psychic intuitive abilities. As a medium and a teacher, I always try to impart the importance of knowing how your psychic ability functions, recognizing how crucial it is to stay grounded with it, discovering how your psychic equipment works and understanding how it affects your body.


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