Spirit Science

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How I Developed My Extra-Sensory Perception

Before I get started, I would like to introduce myself, my name is Jocelyn Daher. Unlike all of the other articles I have written for Spirit Science, this article is completely personal to my specific perception and journey. Instead of a to-do list or a numbered logical explanation of something I have learned to do by feeling, it just made more sense to open up to my honest process. For some this article will be exactly what they need to hear and will allow them to relate in their own ways to their childhood or intuitive processes. I am sure in this dualistic reality, that some would like a more structured and less personal account on how to access these innate gifts. Since each one of us as the apertures of the universe of diverse perspectives has a different view and experience. I am just forewarning you that this article is my opinion and personal account of how I have accessed these abilities, not a step by step guide; although it should ignite your specific remembering. So without further adieu, I can only hope my story will reach the singuality within each one of us. Gratitude for your patience and understanding.

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Epigenetics: The Secret To Maintaining A Healthy Mind, Body, & Spirit

Science has traditionally maintained a ‘material reductionistic’ view of mind and consciousness. Meaning that the phenomenon of consciousness and mind is something to be explained in terms of physical and chemical processes in the brain. On the other hand, certain philosophies and spiritual disciplines have held the inherent assumption that physical reality is totally detached from spiritual reality and one is not accessed through the other. This is of course creating more or less the same problem as in Science.

Many pre-Scientific cultures however have held an alternative and holistic view which transcends beyond these problems. They have seen the human experience in its totality – mind, body and spirit – as being closely interrelated and interconnected with the environment, the healing medicines of nature, the celestial movements and the cycles of the seasons, etc. Everything is causally interconnected in the grand wheel of life.

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The Foolproof Guide to Lucid Dreaming

Imagine if every night when we’d fall asleep, we could consciously slip into an interactive dream together. We could co-create realities each night and explore the deepest corners of our unconscious, together.  We could experience those impossible, contradicting dream scenarios and manifest our wildest dreams, literally.

Lucid dreaming and experiencing the astrals is monumental in the evolution of our consciousness. To be able to explore the deepest, uncharted parts of our mind would completely effect how we exist after we wake up.

Consciously fall asleep:

When we fall asleep, our minds slip into unconsciousness before our physical body does. Sleep paralysis occurs when the mind is consciously feeling the body falling asleep – and it’s usually quite uncomfortable. For many, there’s an intense pressure that weighs down on you with such force that you feel like you can’t breathe.

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4 Easy Steps To Sharpen Your Intuition

Intuition is our natural psychic power. It’s a sort of GPS system for our soul that allows us to navigate energy and potential outcomes. When we learn to sharpen it, listen to it, and refine it, it can act as a sixth sense that can help guide as our on journey.

Although everyone has a natural intuitive connection, some have sharper intuition than others. Regardless of how strong your intuition is, there are things you can do in everyday life to help strengthen it.  It’s important to realize that having a stronger intuition and increasing your psychic powers has very little to do with what you may call “spiritual tools” or other forms of divination.

You already have everything you need. It’s just a matter of giving your spiritual antenna a little bit of a fine tuning.

Here are 4 simple steps you can take to sharpen your intuition:

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Why We Need To Protect Tribal Societies


Their technology may be simple but their social structures are highly advanced, perhaps far more than our own. But the point isn’t to say one way of life is more right than another – it’s to recognize that there are many diverse ways of living and a world where many ways can co-exist is better than a world where we all live the same.

Tribal peoples have developed ways of life that are largely self-sufficient and extraordinarily diverse. But they are portrayed as backward and primitive simply because their communal ways are different.

Our friends at Survival International won’t give up until we have a world where tribal peoples are respected as contemporary societies. But they depend on your support: www.survivalinternational.org/actnow

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What Your Favorite Color Says About You

Color psychology is the fascinating science of human the colors of the light spectrum influence our mood and behaviour.  For example, placebo pills that are hot-colored tend to produce a stronger effect when patients believe they are taking stimulants, and light blue pills produce a stronger effect when they believe they are taking medication for depression.

According to a 1997 survey by Cooper Marketing Group, 35% of Americans say that their favorite color is blue, followed by followed by green (16%), purple (10%) and red (9%).  It is believed that blue and green have such a calming and positive effect on people because of what we would have associated these colors with in our ancient history.  50,000 years ago, blue and green would mean water, food sources and shelter.

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How Kindness Can Bring Back Magic Into Your Life

“Love and kindness are never wasted. They always make a difference. They bless the one who receives them, and they bless you, the giver.” Barbara de Angelis

Imagine the great human potential as a vast library full of books about every topic and discipline. Kindness would be a whole aisle in that library with books we can pick up, read and learn a great deal from. I would name that section ‘Magic & Healing’.  We have all experienced acts of kindness throughout our lives as both receivers and givers. We also had glimpses of the magic that is created around an act of kindness and the possibilities that open up before us. But alas we are forgetful creatures and partially blind to the subtle but powerful energies surrounding us.

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5 Ways to Decalcify Your Pineal Gland Regardless Of Your Age

1. Avoid all things fluoride:

Fluoride is in so many things – it’s purposefully made to be hard to avoid. Get a reverse osmosis water system if you can. Drinking with tap water and cooking with it heavily calcify our pineal glands. Get fluoride-less toothpaste, and stay away from any sodas and artificial food.

2. Pineal gland detoxifying foods:

Garlic, ginger, cilantro, hemp seeds, coconut oil, kale or any dark leaf similar.  Also raw cacao is incredible for this. Bentonite clay, colloidal sliver, noni juice and so much more! There are many different lists on the internet to check out.

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4 Shifts In Consciousness We Are Experiencing Right Now

Are you feeling any of these shifts? They might come to you subtly, gently or be the most intense experience of your life! Even if you can’t feel this consciously; unconsciously, there is a lot of activity happening. We are part of an incredible transformation that is attracting attention from around the entire universe!

Don’t believe it? You don’t need to. 

1. We are waking up.

This is a process that looks completely different for each person, and sometimes that process takes an entire (or multiple) life times. This starts with essentially questioning – everything. Why are we here? What is our purpose?

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Study Finds Meditation Reduces Risk Of Heart Attack & Stroke By 50%

This study mentions "Transcendental Meditation", but other practices should have similar effects. We don't recommend TM because of their questionable business practices.

Everyone knows the amazing spiritual benefits of meditation.  More clarity, more presence, more awareness, more connectedness, more groundedness, and greater insight.  The list of emotional and physical benefits of meditation is literally endless.  There have been countless studies done on the health benefits of meditation, but this by far is the most prestigious and significant meditation study to date.

A study from the American Heart Association found that regular meditation twice a day was correlated with a 48% reduced rate of heart attack and stroke immediately.  With cardiovascular disease currently being the leading cause of death in the United States and in the entire world, these findings have never been more important.


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