Waking Times

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Radioactive Waste Flowing Freely into Columbia River Because There's No Money to Stop It - Waking Times

Vic Bishop, Staff Writer
Waking Times

A member of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recently informed the public that radioactive waste from the decommissioned Hanford nuclear power plant is ‘flowing freely’ into the Columbia river.

The mighty Columbia river is the largest river in the Pacific Northwest region of America, flowing down from Canada, winding through eastern Washington state and along the border between Oregon, ultimately moving through downtown Portland and into the Pacific. The Hanford site, located near Kennewick, WA is up river from a million or so people, not to mention the wildlife.

Constructed in the 1940’s as part of the Manhattan Project, the plant was decommissioned after the Cold War, leaving behind some 53 million gallons of high level radioactive waste. Proposed as a Superfund site in 1988, Hanford is an uncontrollable ecological and public health disaster.

As noted in the list of national Superfund sites:

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The Meaning of Life According to Terence McKenna - Waking Times

Dylan Charles, Editor
Waking Times

The transformation from sleep-walking in the matrix to wide awake in the vast splendor of the universe is often triggered by a low point in life, a dark night of the soul, if you will. This is when the gift of being human is lost among the ever-present morass of confusion, chaos, madness and suffering. What carries us out of this morass is inspiration, which so often comes in the form of wisdom offered by our philosophers and sages, those among us who’ve taken the hero’s journey and have returned with a prize.

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Has the 40-Year Plan to Stop the Leakage at Fukushima Already Failed? - Waking Times

Alex Pietrowski, Staff Writer
Waking Times 

Six years plus after the catastrophic earthquake and tsunami that led to a partial meltdown of the Fukushima nuclear plant on March 11, 2011, a near total media blackout on this issue is signal that a colossal cover-up is taking place, as few major media organizations are giving this story its proper due. Japan seems more concerned with stopping information leaks about the disaster than with stopping the contamination of radioactive materials into the soil, groundwater, and Pacific Ocean.

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Veteran Green Beret and Special Ops Soldiers Admit U.S. Trains Our Enemies in Syria - Waking Times

Isaac Davis, Staff Writer
Waking Times 

The fog of war is increasingly dense and at the center of the global war of terror, Syria, the confusion over who’s who and who’s on whose side is intentionally obfuscated by the corporate media who distracts the public with nonsense while the conflict in the Middle East escalates.

On the ground, however, the truth is no longer something that can be ignored by even the finest of American soldiers who are in the awkward position of having to train foreign fighters who are obviously coordinating with our supposed enemies, ISIS and other factions of jihadists.

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Inspired by a Near-Death Experience, This Man is Cloning the World's Tallest Trees to Save Them

Vic Bishop, Staff Writer
Waking Times

We seem to have created a culture where destroying nature is both profitable and the cool thing to do, so when an individual or group of people take on the challenge of honoring and preserving our natural world, we can be surprised to find there is hope after all.

The tallest, largest and oldest beings in all the world are the Giant Redwood trees of Western North America, Sequoia sempervirens. They can grow up to 350 feet tall and live to be an estimated 4000 years old, yet the western gold rush of the 1800’s triggered the destruction of some 95% of these magnificent trees, and the race is on to save the rest.

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The Hemp Deception and the Stolen Future of the American People

Ryan Cristián, Guest
Waking Times

“Surely no member of the vegetable kingdom has ever been more misunderstood than hemp. For too many years, emotion-not reason-has guided our policy toward this crop. And nowhere have emotions run hotter than in the debate over the distinction between industrial hemp and marijuana. – David P. West Ph.D, North American Industrial Hemp Council.

When discussing an issue of such political relevance, some might think that emotions and personal feelings would be left at the door, yet those individuals clearly do not understand American politics. This particular topic has a long and devious history of waters being muddied by those who stand to gain the most by keeping those waters unclear.

Since the first use of the word “Marihuana” and its purposeful muddling with the idea of hemp in the early nineteen hundreds, the average American is only recently beginning to distinguish between the two, even today. Americans have been conditioned since that time to see, first and foremost, that marijuana is bad for you, or flat-out wrong, and that hemp is the same as marijuana. That is one of history’s biggest misconceptions.

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New Studies Confirm the Effectiveness of Ibogaine in Stopping Opioid Addiction - Waking Times

Dylan Charles, Editor
Waking Times

The opioid crisis in America has reached epidemic levels and overdose deaths continue to rise. While the destructive effects of heroin and pharmaceutical opioids ravage communities and destroy families, the federal government is considering harsh new mandatory sentences for opioid crimes, demonstrating a heart-breaking disconnect from reality when it comes to disrupting dependence on these insanely addictive and deadly drugs.

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Monsanto and Big Ag Colonizing Africa, Criminalizing Traditional Seed Exchanges - Waking Times

Alex Pietrowski, Staff Writer
Waking Times 

Of the many concerns surrounding the dominance of agrichemicals companies and GMO foods, the most frightening dimension is that corporate manufactured seed is wiping out global biodiversity in food crops and creating a punitive legal framework for our total dependence on these companies for food.

Monsanto, Syngenta and other majors in agribusiness are presently colonizing Africa with the help of international aid programs which force nations into agreements requiring dependence on patented seeds, thereby prohibiting traditional seed exchanges.

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Science Unravels the Mystery of Everyday Telepathy - Waking Times

Buck Rogers, Staff Writer
Waking Times

There is a rift between the world as we see it and the world as it really is. Science and spirit are our primary tools for closing this gap in our understanding, and at the edge of this rift has always been psychic phenomenon like telepathy, premonition and the familiar sixth sense.

Many people experience these phenomenon with regularity, yet they escape scientific explanation, even though a large and historically deep body of experiential and anecdotal evidence exists. This library of evidence prevents dismissal of the psychic as either a figment of the imagination or the existence of an archaic belief system that still has imprints on the mind. This evidence implores to investigate further rather than reject.

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Using the Vibration of Sound to Heal the Physical and Spiritual Self - Waking Times

Christina Sarich, Staff Writer
Waking Times

Many healing modalities read your symptoms and then tell you what pill to take, or surgery to undergo, but what if you could conduct “sound surgery” sending holistic, healing vibrations into every single cell in your body?

Highest Potential Resonance

With sound healing, we don’t have to even fully understand what our symptoms are coming from – sometimes they can be so deep-seated, we think they are caused by one thing, but they may be due to an entirely different cause.

For instance, you may experience recurring low back pain or headaches, and think this is due to the stress in your life, or because you lifted something that was too heavy, but there might be a deeper, subconscious healing that is needed.


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