
The Choice - The Creator Writings

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The next time you’re feeling out of sorts, please remember this:

Before you came to your Earth-plane, you made a choice as to what lessons you wanted to learn. The good, bad and indifferent, the ups and downs, joys and disappointments were all chose by you! It was not a quick process, my love; you were given time to think about each one of them. The Universe celebrated your decisions,
vowed to support you, gave you the strength to make it through each and the wisdom to know it was possible. Out of the infinite number of energies created, you are one of the brave, courageous souls to join this ‘school of emotions’. You are amazing! ~ Creator

Judgement - Knowing Whispers

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Judgments of the ego are what perpetuate the pain in our lives.
The mind declares what is right or wrong, according to society, but the truth is hidden within the soul of existence.
How can the mind and ego judge what is right or wrong when they have no control over the events in our lives? Mind and ego do not even understand them.
Suffering is how the mind and ego keep us trapped in false judgment. We want to escape, but are either afraid to, or we cannot emotionally see a way out of our suffering.
The last solution we feel is letting go, but the ego cannot allow that.  Ego must blame someone or something. We are always its first target, so it turns us against ourselves.

It is not possible to deny the pain, or our experiences, but it is possible – necessary -- to surrender them to a wisdom within, one that is greater than our mind and ego.

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday April 15, 2014 - Trinity Esoterics

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If you checked in with yourself energetically throughout the day, and asked yourself, what is it that I need in this right Now moment, you would become very present. You would practice greater self care and nurturing. And you would see that the vast majority of the time, you have everything you need to be completely comfortable in the magic of the Now. From finally seeing and accepting the fact that you are absolutely fine in those Now moments, you will pave the way for your future moments as well. You will find the peace you crave, both in your todays, and in your tomorrows. ~Archangel Gabriel

Inspiring Thoughts on Creating New Beginnings - Marquita Herald

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Whatever change you long for, whatever dream or goal you aspire to achieve … start by choosing to embrace the power of new beginnings.

New BeginningsNew beginning, fresh start, do-over … terms that we tend to equate with major life changes. The beginning (or end) of a marriage, a move across country, new home, birth of a child or starting a new job.

What I’d like you to consider today that you have the power to create a new beginning any day by simply exercising the power you have to choose.

You can choose to forgive someone (or yourself), change your attitude, let go of the past, create a new habit or banish an unwanted one. You can choose to stop using “but it’s hard to change” as an excuse to keep from reaching beyond what’s comfortable to achieve your dreams, and you can choose to embrace all the opportunities within a future that is different from the one you originally planned.

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Starting Today, give up... - Positive Thoughts

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  1. Letting the opinions of others control your life. – People know your name,not your story .  They’ve heard what you’ve done, but not what you’ve been through.  So take their opinions of you with a grain of salt.  In the end, it’s not what others think, it’s what you think about yourself that counts.  Sometimes you have to do exactly what’s best for you and your life, not what’s best for everyone else.
  2. The shame of past failures. – You will fail sometimes, and that’s okay.  The faster you accept this, the faster you can get on with being brilliant.  Your past does not equal your future.  Just because you failed yesterday; or all day today; or a moment ago; or for the last six months; or for the last sixteen years, doesn’t have any impact on the current moment.  All that matters is what you do right now.  

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Always do your best is the agreement that helps you to become the master artist - Positive Thoughts

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LIFE GIVES US EVERYTHING and everything in life can be a pleasure. Why not believe in the generosity of life? Why not learn to be generous and kind to yourself? If that makes you happy, and you’re good to everybody around you, why not? If you’re always transforming—if your dream is always changing even if you don’t want to change—why not master the transformation and create your personal heaven?

The dream of your life is made by thousands of little dreams that are dynamic. Dreams are born, they grow, and they die, which means they’re always transforming. But usually they’re transforming without your awareness. Once you are aware that you’re dreaming, you recover your power to change the dream whenever you choose. When you discover that you have the power to create a dream of heaven, you want to change your dream, and the Four Agreements are the perfect tool for that. They challenge the tyrant, the judge, the victim in your head. They challenge all those tiny agreements that make your life difficult.

And if you challenge your beliefs just by asking yourself if what you believe is true, you may find out something very interesting.

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Deny Feelings: Deny Truth - Knowing Whispers

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When we embrace the truth we heal.  Reality is Truth.  Therefore -- Reality is Healing.
The escape from reality is what tortures us. It denies the truth of what we are feeling.
No matter what we have done, when we face the truth, we face ourselves and that is what we want to heal.
The mind escapes reality.  It hides from reality in the imagination and avoids a confrontation with the truth.
When we escape from what we feel, we also escape from the truth and this hides the reality of what we have experienced from ourselves. It is this reality that can awaken us to the truth of existence and ourselves.

Daily Message ~ Monday April 14, 2014 - Trinity Esoterics

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The human beings who become very adept at conscious creation are the ones who embody focused flexibility. They stay focused on what they wish to create, but not so rigidly that it prevents the universe from delivering even better than what they can, from their limited vantage point, imagine. That is the key to co-creating with your guides, higher self and the universe – having the faith, focus and flexibility to move into your highest life expression. ~Archangel Gabriel

Are You Too Nice? How to Be True to Yourself Without Being Unkind - The Healers Journal

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HJ: You’re a kind, loving, generous, caring, conscious person… but are you letting that get in the way of your true, authentic self?  It’s a problem many of us face — we don’t want to hurt or offend people so we don’t always say what we feel inside.  We are kind… to a fault, which serves no one.  You see, not saying what you feel compelled to say (as long as you are coming from a genuine, centered place) — being too nice — is actually hurting you and the other person.

You are covering up your true, authentic self and keeping the other person from something they may desperately need to hear.  It may not always be a comfortable thing to say or do, but that doesn’t mean it cannot have major benefits in the long (or even short) term for that person.  It’s the classic story of the emperor with no clothes.  Everyone was too afraid to tell him he was naked!  Often times you may be bringing something to the awareness of another person that they desperately need to hear, but are too confused or in denial to figure out themselves.

Personally, if I am way out of line (or someone feels strongly that I am), I welcome them to tell me.  I know that as long as they are not coming from a place of hurt or fear, that its genuinely meant to help me.  It’s a sign of caring.  Telling someone something you think may help them — even if they might get bent out of shape — is a gesture of kindness and compassion…  and it’s an expression of your true self.

On the other side of the coin, being too nice can lead other people to take advantage of or walk all over you, which is also not a healthy pattern to be engaged in.

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