Aisha North

Aisha North ~ A short update on the energies

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By: Aisha North, 10/21/2013

We would like to take this opportunity to delve a little bit into the current energies. As many of you have already ascertained, these are not your regular blasts of energy, rather, it is as if you are being disconnected from it all, as if you are floating, almost like an astronaut lost out in space. It might feel lonely out there, but trust us when we say you have not been left out there for good, rather, this is a very important transitional phase, one that will help you to re-enter YOURSELF, rather than stripping you of anything that might still be construed as the old you.


Aisha North ~ A History of Creation – part 5

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By: Aisha North, 10/19/2013

As we have been saying this ocean of creative energy is there waiting for you all to dip into, and when you do, you will find the experience an exhilarating one, for then you will feel at home for the very first time in literally ages, and as such, it will be like coming home after a prolonged walk in the desert. For you are so thirsty for knowledge, and finally, you stand at the edge of the fountain where every thirst will be quenched as soon as you start to drink from it. We speak in parables again, so let us move on to what you are here for, namely to get a little bit more light on the actual process of creation.


Aisha North ~ The Manuscript of Survival – part 364

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By: Aisha North, 10/17/2013

Let us begin this missive by saying that much has been set into motion these last few days, and much of this will in turn engender even further influxes that again will engender even more changes. So in some ways, we can say that these energetic emissions line up, nose to tail, in a never ending cycle of information that will take you all by storm. This will perhaps not be news to any of you, as you have already felt these waves slamming into you, but in a rather interesting manner, we hasten to add. For what you are experiencing now is happening at a very different level than before, and as such, you have been given a whole lot of new toys to play around with. We use this word, even if it may be construed as a rather flippant one, but trust is when we say that we are very serious about this, but we do it in order to remind you that the more you try to let go of the notion of seriousness and toil, the more you will be able to go with the flow and have fun with what you are about to step into.


Aisha North ~ A History of Creation – part 3

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By: Aisha North, 10/13/2013

As you know, the actions of the atoms are not random, as they have all been preprogrammed to display different characteristics from the outset, and as such, they all behave in their own distinctive manner. Preprogrammed from the outset, so that they can enact the roles they have been given. For this is indeed the true secret behind the seeming appearance of mass, for mass is nothing but a shimmering haze of particles coalescing in such a way, they seem to conform into a solid object. But they are not, neither are you, as you are also composed of different units of these ever busy little carriers of light and energy, all working together in unison to form a thing called ”Aisha” or ”Peter” or what have you. They are also busy at work forming objects such as ”stone” or ”chair” or ”tree”, and every thing you can care to label, and then some.


Aisha North ~ The Manuscript of Survival – part 363

Silver's picture

By: Aisha North, 10/11/2013

The symbols of success can be many, but for now, let us just focus on a few that will appear for many of you. You have and will start to connect in a way that will enable to you start to see things, but when we refer to this, we do not necessarily refer to tangible things that you can simultaneously touch with your bare hands. We refer to symbols and shapes that may not contain any information that you will understand from a human point of view, but symbols that in themselves contain essential information that will leave their imprint on you in a way that will be of great help. Of course, this whole message, in fact, any message that you may receive in this kind of manner also conveys much of its information this way.

Aisha North ~ A History of Creation – part 2

Silver's picture

By: Aisha North, 10/10/2013

So let us delve further into this mysterious world behind the veil, for we gather you are starting to get more than a little courious about some of those tantalizing details. The last time, we showed you that the essence of it all is in creating, or the energy that has been given the task of creating it all, from big and small, tangible and less so. This in itself can be very difficult to fathom, but let us again try to give you another view and perhaps this will make things percolate even deeper into your being. For you are indeed an intrinsic part of it all, but the construction of everything is still a mystery to you and to everyone else sharing this little planet with you. You are just a speck of dust in so many ways, but this small speck of dust is also a very complex structure, connected and separated in so many different ways and different levels. For what you see as humanity, we see as just one separate layer of a huge mass of something far more complex than even the complex structure of the human body. That in itself is indeed a construction worthy several volumes of disemmination, but let us let that rest for now. For what we are wanting to delve into, is the complexity, or rather simplicity, behind the scenes, as they are even more fantastic than the tangible results you see, feel and hear on your side of the veil.

Aisha North ~ A History of Creation – part 1

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By: Aisha North, 10/08/2013

Dear friends!


Last week, I started to receive what the CCs refer to as “double helpings”, extra messages in addition to The manuscript. These messages differ from the usual ones, and the first one that I was guided to post, was the “update” to the sixth Gathering. I was told that the rest of this information was to be posted after the Gathering, and here is the first installment of it. The CCs have given them a title, they call it “A history of Creation”. I do not know how many parts there will be, nor how long The manuscript will continue. All I know is that I will be given “double helpings”  for a while. So without further ado, as the CCs like to say, here is Part 1:


Aisha North ~ Welcome to the sixth Gathering around the Pond, Sunday October 6

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By: Aisha North, 10/03/2013


Dear friends!


Once more a month seems to have gone by in a flash, and tomorrow at 21:00 Oslo time, we have another Gathering coming up. So much has happened in these last few weeks, and I think many will agree that even if it has been extremely exhausting at times, it has also been a sense of profound changes, even elation and joy. We are starting to see results from all our hard work, both on a personal level, but also on a collective one, and now the time has come to take it one step further. For we are starting to create the new ”us” and the new world, and we are going to do it in ways that I think will surprise even ourselves. And tomorrow we have a wonderful opportunity to create together, by sitting down and connecting with the energies – and all the amazing people – gathered here. This is what the CCs shared about it:


Aisha North ~ The Manuscript of Survival – part 362

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By: Aisha North, 10/03/2013

As you have already noticed, the roller coaster is indeed picking up speed, and for many, it will feel like they are being tossed to and from on this unpredictable ride. It may seem very chaotic, but please believe us when we say that even if it might not seem like it to you, everything is under control.


For we see what you do not, and we know what you have yet to be made privy to, and as such, we will always be on hand to keep you updated on the proceedings. We know it can be more than frustrating to be fighting this feeling of being left out in the cold as it were, but again, you are not left out of anything by ill will. Rather, you are in the loop in everything you need to be in the loop about, and the rest is not only out of your control, it is simply under the management of those in charge of overseeing this whole operation.



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