Astrology Reports

~How to tap the power of this week's Big Shift~

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Deep energetic shifts have been taking place in the Cosmos this week -- and more are on the way!  We turned a corner at the Scorpio solar eclipse just a few days ago.  We've now entered a transformational vortex that will remain white hot until late April 2014.  

Perhaps the single most potent moment in our entire 33-month initiatory journey comes In just over two weeks.  On November 23, Uranus and Pluto will make a one-time square n relation to the Sun. This will be an even more profound and far-reaching event than the seven geocentric Uranus-Pluto squares that began in June 2012. 

On November 23, our Star -- the life-giving center of our solar system, born from the Source -- will be receiving the Uranus-Pluto energy and illuminating it with stellar radiance. This will happen within us as well as around us, because our Star is not only above us.  It's the Divine Flame within us.  

Life will be even more  dynamic in the months ahead --  but more and more you'll find yourself initiating and collaborating with the powerful energies of  change, rather than reacting, often from a limiting, fear-based perspective.

The magnitude of energetic change just can't be overstated.  Extremely high-frequency vibrations have been coming at us at a much faster rate than our three-dimensional reality can easily integrate -- and the greatest is just two weeks away!  With this week's  energetic shifts, we can begin to consciously create containers for the energies of transformation. 

~ Astrolgical Report~ From Gaia Earth Star

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Hello Beautiful Ones, How are you feeling after this powerful Solar Eclipse New Moon this past week end? Venus, the planet of Love, Beauty and Money has now moved into Earthy and Practical Capricorn, ruled by Saturn. A beautiful and productive 4 months are awaiting us, assisting us in building and living our personal dream, fulfilling our Soul mission on Planet Earth, this 3D dimension which Saturn rules. Clarity, Practicality, Commitment, Focus, Hard-Work are all on the menu. Yes, Roma was not built in one day!:)

I always am excited to work with Saturn energies as it helps us ground the heavenly and cosmic ones unto this reality. You might have encountered those beings that speak wonderful words but somehow you know they do not really walk their talk...well Saturn is this energy that make sure that whatever words you speak you will come through, in that sense it will show you your shortcomings if necessary. I am one of those who prefer to face the truth rather than live in self-deception. What about you? And yes, sometimes Truth about ourselves hurts but from that point of honesty and compassion for oneself we can learn and grow to be more of our authentic self in our human body.

Henry Seltzer ~ An Extremely Powerful New Moon

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Astrograph  November 2 2013

Sunday’s New Moon in Scorpio is a very interesting configuration, just about the most powerful and intense that we have lately seen. An eclipse is in any case a more potent lunation, being an exact line-up of Sun and Moon, in terms of declination as well as zodiacal degree. Most astrologers feel that the effects of an eclipse last for six months or more. If so, the next six months will be extremely intense indeed, since this configuration, and also that of next month’s Winter Solstice and the New Year chart for 2014, presage a difficult passage of time to come in the year ahead.

Pam Younghans ~ NorthPoint Astrology Journal ~ Week Of 4 November 2013

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Highlighted Aspects this Week

TUE: Venus enters Capricorn; WED: Saturn conjunct Sun, Jupiter stations retrograde 9:03pm PST; THU: Neptune sextile Venus; FRI: Venus sextile Mercury; SAT: Saturn sextile Mars; SUN: Mercury stations direct 1:11pm PST

THE ENERGY of this morning’s Solar Eclipse feels a bit heavy — which is to be expected, knowing that the eclipse occurred with Saturn in close proximity to the Sun and the Moon. Saturn is not a light-hearted energy, preferring to keep us focused on the work that needs to be done, the goals we want to meet, and the responsibilities that require us to be disciplined and mature.

So, if you’re feeling that heaviness in the air today, you may be picking up on that Saturn-Sun-Moon energy field. We will likely be working with that field over the next few days, at least through the time of the exact Saturn-Sun alignment on Wednesday. This doesn’t have to be a negative experience. But it does require us to find a new level of strength and inner authority that is not thrown off by the fears and other negative emotions that can sometimes hold us hostage.

VENUS MOVES into Capricorn on Tuesday, adding another layer of practicality and responsibility to the energy mix. Venus represents what we allow to support us through the value we assign to it. This includes personal relationships, material possessions/finances, and our own self-worth.

Scorpio Solar Eclipse and New Moon:

Lia's picture

Sunday, November 3rd's Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Scorpio at 12 degrees has so much energetic intensity associated with it that we must be careful about where we wield our swords, how we direct our emotional energy, and how responsible we are being to our human Selves and our Higher Selves at this time.


Your Higher Self wants you to grow beyond anything you've experienced before, and in order for that to happen, you have to leave some stuff behind. You can't carry everything – and do you really want to? - so what are you choosing to let go because you feel it has already served its purpose?


Many planets are huddled together in this New Moon. The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Saturn, and the North Node are all between 7 and 13 degrees of Scorpio. It's okay if all you want to do is NOTHING right now. Or, on the flip side, you may want to do EVERYTHING. Scorpio loves extremes. Pluto in Capricorn sextiling these planets means permanent change is happening behind the scenes and underground. Mars in Virgo is playing nicely with everyone at this time too, offering practical, grounded ways of completing tasks, so pace yourself if possible. I'm getting the image of a turtle (third time in the past few days this has come up).


Starseed Astrology ~ Astrologer Salvador Russo~very dramatic~ deserves watching ~J

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Starseed Astrology
free astrological status updates at
November 2, 2013

In the twilight hours of November 3rd our planet will be reborn beneath the power of a total solar eclipse. It will occur in the House of Scorpio, the House where life is redeemed. The ancient legend of the Phoenix will soon come to life as we become awestruck with the prolific events which will soon bring endings and new beginnings to every soul and future. The portal for the Phoenix will soon open as the Moon blots the Sun for a brief moment in spacetime. I welcome you all to my analysis of this great cosmic event and the profound effects it will have on our lives.


Astrology with Govinda ~ New Moon Solar Eclipse

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A Solar Eclipse sparks the beginning of a new paradigm that Humanity will continue to experience throughout eternity.  

New Moon Solar Eclipse

Moon and Sun in Scorpio
11 degrees, 15 minutes 
4:50 am (PST)
November 3, 2013

Two weeks ago we had a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. On Sunday, we will experience a New Moon Solar Eclipse. A Solar Eclipse happens when the Moon comes between the Sun and the Earth, blocking the light of the Sun.

Uranus-Pluto Square ~ We are now at Drumbeat #4

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By Arielle Guttman ~ The Seven Drumbeats Of Change

In previous issues of this newsletter, the seven Uranus-Pluto squares that occur between 2012 and 2015 were briefly introduced. You may recall, the first one happened on June 24, 2012 following the magnificent Venus Transit 2012 that transpired on June 5-6, 2012. The final of the seven will occur in 2015. I am therefore pronouncing 2013 and 2014 as the “Heart of the Metamorphosis.” The next drumbeat, number four (#4), is scheduled for later this week: November 1, 2013.

These drumbeats are indeed stirring things up. So many lives are in chaos, or in dramatic and shocking shifts, and many do not have any idea what is truly going on. I am hearing so many stories from people who are moving through life as best they can, and suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, experience a shocking change of circumstances and abruptly, their lives appear completely altered from the day before. Those of us who are following the movement of the planets have an advantage! And although no one said it would be easy – and these Uranus-Pluto changes may be affecting everyone as dramatically, at least we know how to track the timing and make sense of it all.

Uranus-Pluto Square & Rare Hybrid Solar Eclipse

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November 1-3, 2013 by Carol Ann Ciocco

Annular Ring of Fire Eclipse
aligned with the Pleiades
May 20, 2012

(These times)require staying centered in the whirl and swirl of very nasty collective astral currents, so let us make sure not to overly personalize our dramas as such personalization invites expansion! We do not deny or suppress personal pain, we work to transform it and grow wise and more generous in the process. This is accomplished through the recognition that there is a Higher Magnetism of Love that is tangible and palpable; and as we draw up into It, It draws down into us. ... Any 'cure' requires impersonal love and for even better results (the results being that we remain conscious in a relatively unconscious world), we engage in service work of any kind. - Alan Oken




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