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5 Major Signs You May Be An Empath

An empath is an individual with the uncanny ability to understand and feel the emotions of a person to whom they are in close proximity. Being empathetic is a social ability that can be fostered through time, patience and a strong desire to be empathetic; however, there are many people who are born natural empaths and can pick up instantly on what other people are feeling.

Natural empaths are often very sensitive and quiet. They are that way because it puts them in a very zen-like emotional state that lets them absorb everything that’s going on around them. They are nature’s observers and will pick up on subtle body language hints that will clue them in to someone’s state of heart and mind.

Often, while an empath is still unaware of his or her natural empath traits and abilities, they may find themselves feeling overwhelmed, anxious and oversensitive. A sign you may be in the presence of an empath is their tendency to withdraw within themselves during conversation or to escape conversation. Empaths withdraw to find stability within when they are flooded with others’ emotional output.

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Love Everything Without Attachment the Secret to Non Attachment

“Things arise and she lets them come, things disappear and she lets them go. She has, but doesn’t possess, acts but doesn’t expect” – Lao Tzu

The key to happiness is inner peace and the greatest obstacles in our path are our emotions such as fear, guilt, suspicion, and attachment. By learning to live and love without attachment we will find the peace we are searching for. It is only when you are resistant to change that you will suffer.

I will share a story with you today from one of the great philosophers of our time, and it goes something like this:

“There was a farmer, who had a horse and one day the horse ran away. All of the neighbors came over to his house and said “Oh that’s terrible, what terrible fortune” and the farmer replied- maybe.

The following day the horse returned and brought with him 7 wild horses, and the neighbors came to his house, and said “Oh, well that’s wonderful” and the framer replied –maybe.

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We Grow Up and Forget 3 Valuable Lessons From Your Childhood

It is said “the nearest thing to heaven is a child”

From the sound of little footsteps, their little laughs and giggles, to cool aid on the couch– thank God for kids. When you look into the eyes of a child, they shine. Their lights inside are so bright radiating with love, life and laughter. Do you remember what its like to be a child? Can you bring your consciousness back to when you were 5 years old? If you can, this is what you will remember.

Here are 3 Valuable Lessons From Your Childhood

1. Innocence

Do you remember taking your clothes off and running around naked? Do you remember that shameless feeling? I’m not saying you should go streaking or run around stark but we all had that innocence and that innocence has been lost along the ride of life.

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8 Tips to Protect Yourself from Toxic People

Toxic people simply defy logic. While some are blissfully unaware of their negative impact others seem to enjoy the satisfaction gained from creating chaos and “pushing other people’s buttons” Either way, they create unnecessary complexity, strife, and worst of all stress. Stress is a formidable threat to your success—when stress gets out of control, your brain and your performance suffer.

Most sources of stress are easy to identify. Whether it be family, friends or coworkers, there are many identifiable stress sores you can pinpoint that are interfering with your inner peace, but it is the unexpected sources of stress that take you by surprise and harm you the most.-

Here are 8 Tips to Protect Yourself from Toxic People

1. Pay close attention to the signals of your heart...

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Our Thoughts Create Our Reality Here’s the Science to Prove it

Physical matter consists of coarse, dense forms of energy with slow vibrations and a strong resistance towards change. On the contrary, thoughts represent a fast vibrating, easily changeable form of energy which responds quickly to stimulation. Everything we create, we first create in the form of thought.

When we want to create something, we start out with a thought, an idea or an image of what we want. This idea works as a blue print for the final creation. The blue print attracts and directs the energy, so the goal or creation finally manifests on the physical level. This means that you attract the things and situations you most believe in. Your belief systems and expectations are reflected by the physical world as your personal reality. Thus, the physical world acts as a mirror for your thoughts and expectations. You attract the things and situations you most believe in. If you believe the world is a bad place, that’s what you will experience. Negative thinking, uncertainty and anxiety attract the situations and the persons you try to avoid. On the other hand, if your attitude is basically positive, you attract the people and events which correspond to your positive expectations. That means, that if you basically believe that the world is a wonderful place, you will attract wonderful people and events.

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Scientific Proof Ayahuasca Expands Consciousness

Ayahuasca is a bitter drink which has been extracted from plants found in the rainforest around the Amazon delta in South America. The leaves from the plant Psychotria Viridis contain the psychoactive drug Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) that has a structural resemblance with Serotonin, which is a chemical transmitter substance naturally found in the brain. When DMT binds to the nerve receptors in the brain, a change in the state of consciousness takes place. If DMT is taken orally it will be broken down by enzymes in the stomach. To prevent this from happening so-called MAO-inhibitors has to be present to neutralize the enzymes. The leaves from the Psychotria Veridis is cooked with bark from the Banesteriopsis Caapi tree. The bark contains beta-carbolines, which are MAO-inhibitors.

Ayahuasca has been used by native South American Indians and Shamans during at least a thousand years for spiritual and healing purposes...

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Artist Creates Unbelievable Balancing Rocks Meditation

Artist Creates Unbelievable Balancing Rocks Meditation

As seen on Bored Panda

“We’re having a hard time deciding whether Michael Grab is an artist or a magician, because he creates stunning structure from finely balanced rocks that seem to defy the law of physics.”

“These seemingly impossible structures require intense concentration and meditative focus. In the video below, Grab spends several minutes nearly frozen, making tiny adjustments until he gets all of the rocks’ centers of gravity just right.”

Over the past few years of practicing rock balance, simple curiosity has evolved into therapeutic ritual, ultimately nurturing meditative presence, mental well-being, and artistry of design,” writes Grab in his artist statement.

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15 Toxic Beliefs You Need to Let Go

There are so many limiting and toxic beliefs we hold on to, beliefs that keep us from living the happy, joyful and meaningful life we all deserve to live. And by giving up on them, by  letting go of all the extra baggage that is weighting us down, we allow ourselves to be happy. And we give life permission to shower us with the many wonderful and precious gifts it has to offer.  So without further ado, I say, give up and be happy. Let’s begin :)

1. I am not enough

Give up this limiting and toxic belief of you not being enough – “good enough”, “smart enough”, “rich enough:, “beautiful enough”, etc.. Remind yourself as often as possible that who you are is more than enough.

Place your hands over your heart, take a few cleansing breaths and repeat these words to yourself: “Who I am is enough. Who I am is more than enough. Not because of how my life looks externally, but because of who I truly am internally.”

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Does Our Genetic Code Have a Language?

Part I: The DNA

In 1953, scientists James Watson and Francis Crick determined the structure of the chemical molecule deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). It is the physical agent with which all the hereditary information is passed from generation to generation. During the early 60s, a lot of research was done to decode the way the DNA stored information. The genetic code was born that likens the information in the DNA to that of a book. It has to be in some interpretable language to be used the way it is used.

Millennia before the inception of molecular genetics and modern science, a wise, legendary Chinese philosopher, Fu Hsi, wrote a book that explained the laws governing consciousness through a code based on linear symbols. Many centuries after Hsi, a book on Qabbala magical thought came to the fore. The book talked about how creation is based on a set of 22 Hebrew alphabets. Known as I Ching and Sefer Yetzirah respectively, these speculative works on creation are much truer than once thought. They have deep similarities with the structure of the DNA. Each work compliments the other to give a complete analogy to the DNA.

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5 Keys to Getting In Touch with Your Essence

by Amateo Ra

Are you in touch with who you truly are?

Our Essence is the ultimate truth of ourselves living within the design of our Soul. When we incarnate into human form this essence gets translated into our DNA, merging us with the unified living system of the Earth. However, the very act of this sensitive process entails we forget who we are and then have to remember it. Strange game indeed, but here’s how to Win.

Tell me more about my Essence…

Your Essence is in part your life’s purpose. It’s the never-changing energy of consciousness for who you are and always will be. It’s also your personality self, that pesky little ego (hopefully), that we must make friends with and manage with conscious consideration.


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