Montague Keen

Montague Keen You Are about to Achieve Why You Came Here

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Montague Keen ~ 29 July 2012



Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ He mentions below about the Rituals from the Olympics! In Truth the Light trumped all of their illusions for these events, All has and is worked[ing] in the Favor of the Light and Will Continue. All Our Love The Earth Allies


It is exciting, my dear, that so many from all over your world are connecting with you at this most auspicious time. This is as it was planned before you returned to Earth; that together, you would restore your planet to the light of truth and justice. You chose to enter different countries and races, knowing without doubt, that one day you would all come together, recognise each other, and work together to awaken those who are lost in the control system, frightened to think for themselves.


2012 is the year that the Transformation must, and will, happen. You will overcome the obstacles which the Cabal will put in your way. Look at them as stepping stones. The Cabal will not go easily. They like their way of life, in control of planet Earth. Some of them may even try to embrace the Light, but most will be defiant to the end.


Montague Keen ~ 15 July 2012 We are In the Final Stages of the Removals

Lia's picture

Montague Keen ~ 15 July 2012


You are now entering the final stages of the removal of all that is dark in your world. Many more of you are emerging from the programmed control state. You are removing the block that was placed on humanity. You are, at last, enjoying the freedom that was denied you.


Darling, shortly after my passing, I told you mankind had been interfered with. You understand fully now and are able to assist others with information regarding the realignment of the Atlas, enabling people to become the beings that they were designed to be. The Dark Cabal will put every obstacle in your way to prevent the awakening of mankind. They never wanted this information to become public knowledge. It is important to wake up to the degree of control exercised over you. Your news is controlled worldwide. They are all singing from the same hymn sheet. Newspapers just alter the news slightly to pretend it is authentic. This is done to manipulate and control your minds so that you are at all times ready and willing to believe whatever they tell you and you are ready to obey their orders. You are told it is the “law” or a “statute” that you must obey. Just who decided this in the first place?


Message from Montague Keen - July 8, 2012

glr_Andrea's picture


Message from Montague Keen - July 8, 2012


Montague Keen ?Ancient Ireland ?

The movement towards the Light is gathering momentum. Please do your utmost to spread the Light to those who have not, as yet, embraced it. Understand that it is extremely difficult for some to take responsibility for their own lives. They have allowed religions to dictate how they live their lives, so taking back responsibility is not easy for them. The Cabal, on the other hand, never misses an opportunity to prevent the light being shared. You experienced such an incident yourself, this week. Some do not have the courage to stand up and be counted. They talk the talk, but fail to walk the walk.

Montague Keen – 24 June 2012

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Montague Keen – 24 June 2012

Posted on June 24, 2012 by GLR lucas2012infos 

It was great for John [John Mack] and I to be able to give you so much information this week. It is important that you understand better what is going on. John was able to explain why so much emphasis is being put on the London Olympics, so as to ensure that you do not notice what the Cabal is doing elsewhere. They are not of your planet, this is why they can run rings around you. Humans have been dumbed down so that they can be kept under control. You, naturally have standards; they do not. The Cabal cannot exist on your planet as it is, beyond 2012, so it’s all or nothing for them. They will do whatever it takes to hang on. There is nano-technology that can stop them in their tracks. Nothing on your planet would be effective against them. You are actually at war on several levels.

Message from Montague Keen - June 17, 2012

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Message from Montague Keen - June 17, 2012

My dear Veronica, it is never easy to accept that all that you had accepted as true is, in fact, false. The extent of the corruption is far greater than you expected. I tried to prepare you, by constantly reminding you that nothing is as it seems. Because people accepted what they were taught without question, they are now having difficulty accepting the truth. It is only when you have the full facts in front of you, that you can deal with the situation that has been engineered so that the corrupt cabal can take full control. Do not expect compassion from them. They are not capable of it. You have each got to be there for each other. Always remember, you are the 99 percent.

Montague Keen – 10 June 2012

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Montague Keen – 10 June 2012

Posted on June 10, 2012 by GLR lucas2012infos 


The truth of this statement cannot be emphasised enough. I have tried, since my passing, to encourage you to determine the truth of who you are.

Until this is uncovered, you will remain in the control of those who set out to take from you and use you as slaves, and blind you to this fact. I told you, eight years ago, when I passed to Spirit, that the Cabal were planning to create a recession; that they would use this to take complete control of your planet. The few countries which were free of bank debt had to be brought down by sending mercenaries to them to create upheaval and unrest and to pretend an uprising was happening, thus creating an excuse to invade and bring those countries to their knees. Invasions only happen in DEBT-FREE countries. It was all coldly planned and calculated to ensure the ‘banksters’ gained control. That so many lost their lives was of no consequence to them. Their plan is to reduce the population by two thirds.

Montague Keen ~ 29 April 2012 The Truth Must Be Faced

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Montague Keen ~ 29 April 2012 The Truth Must Be Faced


My dear Veronica, I am very aware of the depth of pain you are feeling as so many reports of the Great Deception come to you from so many different sources. I know that it is hard to understand how such people have been able to hoodwink so many for so long. The problem is that people only see what they want to see. Unfortunately, the time has come when they have no choice. It is time to see things as they are, not as they would like them to be.


You have been cruelly deceived by the people you had placed your trust in. The Cabal are experts in deception, they have had years of practice. They thought they had covered everything, but they were not able to silence everyone. David Icke, Alex Jones, Gilad Atzmon, Michael Tsarion, and many others; as well as the creators of the web sites which have shown the strength of character to stand up to the abuse and attacks that have been levelled at them, have the courage to reveal the truth. These people have sacrificed their lives to bring you the real truth, to save you from the fate which the Cabal had planned for you.



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