Galactic Free Press Energy and Event Update Short Version

Thank you star family

seraphin's picture

It's a time of celebration! Of high flying into ourselves. Gosh I'm a happy girl. I celebrate my birthday today and I celebrate along with many others around the world anything, everything and all there is. Let me tell you a story. I love to talk to myself. Especially when I'm in the car alone. I host my own show, out loud. I talk to my star family and tell them about my day, I'm so sure I am not the only one doing this. I thank them for all they have done for us. I tell them I can feel them  through my tears of joy and I get my signals from this. I am very close to them and we share everything. Even now, writing these words the tears are welling. I dream about them sometimes and I understand what it is I must do. Hold onto them, love them and all beings that come my way. We cannot begin to comprehend what they are doing for us. We undertsand they cannot interfere with us, we can do this by ourselves, our higher selves. When we place ourselves here to regain our heritage, we slowly learn from them as they show up in the skies and dreams and bit by bit wait patiently for the planet to wake up. I adore talking to them, rather like giving a star date into the captains log. Dreamers are everywhere. As a child I remember having what I called a nightmare for months that had me tearing through the house to my parents bed to sleep. I remember the confusion...being in a white room, hearing a voice over a loud speaker, another language, strange yet familiar, and very loud. Then lying on a table waiting for something.  The door opening and a being coming in and I wake up. Then after many months, it ceased. I remember being obsessed with the skies, the stars and everything that moved "up there". I marched to a different drummer. Look back on your lives and see how they have unfolded. What it means to you. It is for you. I understand myself, as daily it changes. I don't see a bad dream long ago. I see a piece of some puzzle and for us all.

~ GFP Update~ Its Going to Get More Intense~ Galactic Love Party

Lia's picture

You can Join us Live today, Saturday for Our Weekly Galactic Love Party in the 5d Room, Oneness Energies Beginning Live at 1:30pm Pacific At this Link:

We are One Family JOIN US!


Greetings Love Beings, We have been unable to provide full updates as of yet, however, we will restart these next week, as the intense energies from our last events from July Kickstarted Us Into INTENSITY, LOL. The Vortex's are Successfully Open and 5d Frequencies are Pouring through them. As a result, So Much will be happening and this Month will be very eventful energetically speaking. As these energies increase, this is increasingly putting pressure on the denser energies which are now becoming extremely Desperate. We will Most Likely see this being played out on many levels these next couple of weeks and will create chaos for those not in the flow of the oneness energies. For those in the oneness energies New Connections and synchronistic events will be increasing.

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