Obama motives. He is not the one doing the pencil folks, for those of you who think he is the one with the power making decisions in the "Oval Office" this won't apply to that level of consciousness. He knows what he's doing. The more chaos, the closer to The "ANNOUNCEMENTS" that up to date he has not dared to make on main stream media due to 'who' owns and or at the least controlls most of it. These announcements will imprison many who you believe to be working 'for' you.
If all 3D goes to hell in the hand-basket, which is well and obvious that's where 3D mostly exist, then he is to make the "DISCLOSURES" this Oct. These disclosures have to do with the ones that are responsible in the interference with the evolutionary process of Mother Earth and us. for those of you who have bought into the lies about war being what has given us freedom and keeps of free, you are about to wake up on a new side of the bed, the one that you have been so sound asleep in.
It was the movements of us in the 60s (hippies, peace brother) and then 1987, the harmonic convergence (humans holding hands around the entire world) that first began to rattle the illuminati's feathers, as they began to see those they wish to control don't wish to be controlled. And now we have stood stiaght up and proclaimed our soverinty as a human race, "I will occupy "MY" lands."
If you want to know the Sorce of Power behind this movement that has now become irrevesible, just shine some "LOVE" into the next pair of eyes you see, and you will aquire this great knowledge. The one Thing the world has always needed more of.