~ Today's Divine Inspiration~ Even if you have a minority of One, the Truth is still the Truth~ [1]
~Sums ‘it’ all up beautifully~Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony ~ Gandhi
~We are the Bird Tribes, we the winged one who have not lost connection to the whole. We are the gardeners of this field of stars wherein there grow the flowers of consciousness. … We are the people of the Truth, of Peace. We are the Bird Tribes, listen for our Songs in field and forest, mountain and sea shore and you…… will hear us calling you back home~ (from “The Return of the Bird Tribes” Ken Carey)
~Even if you have a minority of One, the Truth is still the Truth~ .:. Ghandi
LOVE REPORTER SRI GAWN TUFAR ~ It’s amazing what we can do with love and even more amazing what love can do with us~
~We’re all connected. We just don’t see it. There isn’t an “out there” and an “in here.” Everything in the Universe is connected. It is just one energy field~ John Assaraf
~LOVE REPORTER LORA M. BIGLER ~ ~Love is real and reality when we feel it, and not reality when we don not feel it. So as a subjective experience all are right, those who turn away saying its not real and those allowing that it is.
But there is no doubt that in REALITY LOVE is the only real thing that exists. It is an inner state, it is not about this world but about Spirit but it can have an effect on this world including its inhabitants. LOVE to ALL~
~Love yourself~accept yourself~forgive yourself~and be good to yourself, because without you the rest of us are without a source of many wonderful things~ ~Leo F. Buscaglia
~LOVE REPORTER CARRIE HART~ ~Now is. You are. All is as it is. And that is the beginning and end to truth. Life is not about what might be in the next moment; it is about what is right now. And now is the only truth, the only place of action, the only place you ever truly are…And if you accept it as it is, without blame or judgment, without criticism and condemnation, without hope that it may change, then it will open to you. It will open in beauty and peace. It will open in wonder. And when this moment opens to you and you fully step in, you will understand its perfection. For at the heart of each moment is a deep beingness, a oneness with all that was, is and will be, for at the deepest heart of this moment, there is no time. At the very heart of this heartbeat, there is only all. And all encompasses. And all simply is~ -~
LOVE REPORTER LINDA LORENZO INTUITIVE~~What if you knew in every cell of your body, that you were living a Divine Plan…A Plan so important, and vital for the evolution of humankind. What if you knew that everything that was happening right now, that doesn’t fit your ego ideal, is happening to support you in stepping out of the smallness of your darkest thoughts…And into the brilliance of your biggest Dream~ ~ Debbie Ford (~The Shadow Effect~)
✿ ~The past has no power over the present moment~
✿ ~Realize deeply that the present moment is all you have. Make the NOW the primary focus of your life.” “Time isn’t precious at all, because it is an illusion. What you perceive as precious is not time but the one point that is out of time: the Now. That is precious indeed. The more you are focused on time—past and future—the more you miss the Now, the most precious thing there is~
✿ ~Awareness is the greatest agent for change.~
✿ ~Being spiritual has nothing to do with what you believe and everything to do with your state of consciousness~
BWELL BETTER ~the only “Divine Right”, is that right that does no harm to any including the Self. For as we are all One, Self-abuse is a sign of living an illusion~
~From Lisa Blackman [2]~ ~Only love will heal our world. Only love will make us expand. Only love will open the heart and heal the soul. Only love will get us through the darkness. Only love creates the light. Only love can generate the heat of the night. Only love is real,… the rest is just the past that needs to be healed. It’s just an illusion to keep you in seclusion. It’s the ego fighting with the soul. Only love can make everything all right. Only love can slay the dragons that lay within the mind. Only love can replace pain with passion. Only love will heal the wounding of our world. Only love will come to you when your heart is open. Only love will heal your heart when it’s been broken. Only love will open all the doors. It evens all the scores. Only love will see you through it all, and make all your dreams come true. Only love is real. Only love can turn make believe into reality. Only love can turn the water into wine. Only love can make all of your work worthwhile. Only love can make you feel really good inside. Only love creates the divine within your soul. Only love can turn the illusion of our separateness into The truth of our oneness
Have a Wonderful Day, Love The Earth Allies