First ones having ascended give their reports from the other side – Archangel Raphael through Marc Gamma ~ 30.11.2013 [1]
30. November 2013 [2] von Badeem - Sirian Starseed [3]
First ones having ascended give their reports from the other side – Archangel Raphael through Marc Gamma ~ 30.11.2013
[Original language German, translated by (Contra)Mary [4]]
Introductory Talk to the Translation of ArchAngel Raphael’s Message
Eva Maria, translating all my channeled Messages has had a short talk with ArchAngel Raphael introducing this very translation. If you follow the given link you will arrive at this introductory invocation of hers to Archangel Raphael. It is meant to be a supplement to this message: [ [5]Link [6]] [5]
Archangel Raphael speaks…
My beloved humans, these are your ArchAngel Raphael and our heavenly Father speaking to you again. Both of us shall submit to you in collaboration another wonderful and hopeful message to you.