The “separation” of the worlds now begins in TRUTH, the birth of the New Earth reality that YOU have CREATED will now begin to manifest in your outer waking reality and this will now commence rapidly... [1]
It has long been stated that the New Earth reality is a SEPARATE reality from that of the old 3d earth created reality and as many of you are now experiencing this will now manifest at a human waking conscious outer reality. The ability that many of you have to interact with the old 3d earth created reality on any level will now fully dissolve, this will see you “float” in the void until you can establish a RESONANCE with the higher dimensional reality that you dream into your outer waking reality. This is what I have termed the “overlap”, the energetic space where the old 3d earth created reality is visible underneath the transparent New Earth reality. It is whilst in this space that it is vital to place ALL of your energy into the New Earth so that you can begin to solidify the New Earth reality whilst ALLOWING the old 3d earth created reality to fully dissolve beneath you as it were.
The movement into the New Earth reality is PERSONAL and UNIQUE and is not ONE solid path, by this I mean there is not just one reality that is available to experience. This is in direct contrast to the old 3d earth created reality where the bondage of the karmic dimensional timelines saw you live a very constricted and suppressed reality that allowed for ZERO expansion at any level of your BEing. This allowed you at a very human conscious waking mind level to allow your human logical mind to anchor contexts such as “fate”, “books of life” etc. These are CREATED reality concepts and are not TRUTH therefore there are not supported in the New Earth reality. [2]