EARTH ALLIES 15.3.12... Stil Not Much is Happening in our Golden Rose Galaxy, exept ego is Gone... [1]
By Predrag Saint Germain
Indeed, what is really new in our Galaxy?... besides name and some frequency adjustments, our Solar Planetary system location, our awareness, our conciseness, our financial system, government system, our environment, our seas, our air, our land mass, our food, our knowing about Galactics, our look, our centeredness......
Not Much... Indeed Not too much...
Yet, if you following regular inner observations, you feel something is disappearing... Something is Missing...
There is something missing... yet I cannot even pronounce it... What this emptiness is from?... How and with what I fill this in?...
You say: I feel loss?... and I say: I feel space for growth...
You say: I feel desperate?... and I say: great time to let this feeling go...
You say: my ego does not want me to leave it?... and I say: kiss you ego good bye, and forget its name...
You say: how we can survive with nothing to worry about?... I say, think Love... Think Love...
You say: I feel angry?... I say: this is not anger, only empty space where ego was before...
You say that you are scared for your future?... I say, there is no future but this moment of Now...
You say what we are going to eat?... I say: What ever you imagine... All you want... all you can imagine...
You say: All we can pay?... I say: All you can imagine... What is 'pay' anyway?...
You say: What if I imagine despair?... I say: What is despair?... I simply imagine that joy is what you here for... If you want dispair, go to washroom and flash it down the tube...
You say: I am ofter constipated?... I say: bend over kiss your lovely a** goodbye, and flush the toilet... couple of times...
You say: I feel empty... I say: this is best thing could happened to you... Better be empty than filled with ego garbage...
You say: I doubt I am not successful any more?... I say: what is doubt, and define to me success?... If you feel doubt, you know self half way... So, to know self fully, you doubt twice as much, and you are FULL of s***... Not fool, but full... like opposite of empty...
You say: How I can help others when even I cannot help self first?... I say: exactly... exactly my point...
You say: Where is my reward for being patient?... I say: here it is, only couple of more days you can redeem it...
You say: how I remove ego from my self?... I say: what?... Cannot hear you?... Where Are You, cannot see you?...
You say: Do you know God?... I say: Yes, I see Him in the mirror every morning... yep...
You say: How old God is?... I say: see in your drivers license, if you have one, otherwise check your birth certificate...
You say: I own so many things, I cannot let them go just like this?.. I say: If I would own something, I would be busy owning stuff, and miss all the Love floating around...
You say: What about disclosure?... I say what disclosure? You did not see it happened? Did you miss it on morning Galactic News?... Did you miss Love You are?...
You say: oh, You are so useless with your answers... I say: exactly and thank you for useful information... I love to be of USE...
You say: so when ego is gone, who is gona stay?.... I say: what... what is your question?...
You say: WHEN EGO IS GONE, WHAT IS GONA STAY?... I say: oh, do not have to yell so much, I can hear you well... What was a question?... again...
You say: #$%$#$... **&*&... I say: exactly my point...
You say: what left when ego is gone?... I say: everything, all of Creation, all the Love you can handle, all the Compassion you can give, all the kindness to share, all the Freedom that ego didn't let you feel... and some more...
Today's report is short: Nothing New to report in our Universe... beside this one:
All ego is gone... perished without a trace... all angers transmuted in kindness to self and others... all judgments gone, with wind of love...
All is Perfect in our Universe...
With Love, Predrag Saint Germain