Walking In Your Ascended Master Shoes & Message from Adama [1]
Walking In Your Ascended Master Shoes & Message from Adama
March 16, 2012
Walking In Your Ascended Master Shoes
Greetings Dear Friends,
This month's broadcast was yet another powerful one. Filled with information, answers and tools for our Ascension.
Click here to watch: http://www.teloschannel.com [2]
Adama talks about "Walking in Your Ascended Master Shoes," which brought yet another valuable perspective about our journey into the next dimension.
Archangel Michael surprised us with a profound piece of information about our Spirit Guides. It was an incredible paradigm shift for us.
After these new insights, Adama and Archangel Michael had a wonderful conversation with the audience and answered questions such as:
· What role do boundaries play in our Ascension process?
· Do we turn into Breatharians on our Ascension path?
· How will I find peace with my finances?
· And more...
Adama and Archangel Michael offered us wonderful guided meditations, which are useful tools that can be repeated anytime you feel guided to:
Adama's meditation: "Healing your Core-Self"
Archangel Michael's meditation: "Healing old Poverty Programming"
It was very powerful...
So, enjoy! :o)
Visit http://www.teloschannel.com [2] to watch to watch it.
With Blessings of Love and Light
Annette Sassou
Message from Adama:
"Greetings Beloveds!
It is our utmost joy to connect with you once again.
We bring you waves of Love from the heart of Telos.
As you are approaching the pivotal time of the great shift, it is imperative to remain focused on your co-creative abilities.
Right now, many messages of events that might instill fear in you are being spread. How do these messages affect your vibrational frequencies? They lower your vibrational frequencies and thus attracting unpleasant events into your life. You might say "But I have to be prepared!" and we tell you" The best preparation is to raise your vibrational frequencies by focusing on joyful events and how you envision Heaven on Earth. That my friends, is your preparation! From this new vantage point you will be guided to take inspired action, which will naturally keep you save."
You are doing so well, beloveds and we champion your victory.
You are loved beyond measure and we are here for you... always.
I am Adama, your brother in Telos"