Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03-17-2012... [1]
Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03-17-2012... not seen on the mainstreem media
by ANdReA
~Welcome Dear Ones and Be Blessed in Love.
Solar Wind does not diminish and keeps energies at High Rate. This will go on… untill all old will be dissolved, the whole Universe will Help in the Process that is going on right Now, along with Mother Eart=Heart and All those that help in Keeping the Light rate High and help spreading it to All. You might feel that as a single Being you’re not of much help… Nothing less true than this. Every awaken Heart is able to increase the Light by thousends of times only with his/her thouthgs by Being centered and in Ones Heart. The Light you bear in you is a fractal of Creation, and each time you increase it, Creation increases! Don’t underestimate yourself. Your Light in Action. All that is happening can happen because all of you reached such High Light Vibrations. This has allowed Creation to muve forward. You’re on schedule, keep the Light=Love going and let go fear, it’s only an old program attempt to convince you to hold on. Light broke a big brick of illusion today, that’s why resistance will fall soon, even the most convinced one. ~
~ Enjoy your ride in Love All That Is. ~
Solar Update/Ogallala Aquifer
Ever wonder what a solar storm sounds like? Check out the video below.
ScienceCasts: Mysterious Objects at the Edge of the Electromagnetic Spectrum
Latest Earthquakes Report - Sat. Mar. 17, 2012
5.1 2012/03/17 19:50:23 SE PACIFIC RISE
5.5 2012/03/17 17:00:57 CARLSBERG RIDGE
5.0 2012/03/17 15:49:17 CARLSBERG RIDGE
5.2 2012/03/17 15:16:25 CARLSBERG RIDGE
4.6-Magnitude Earthquake Rumbles Haiti Again [3]
Black PR Wire
Sat, 17 Mar 2012 14:45 CDT
According to the United States Geological Survey, on March 7th at about 9:51:32 p.m. EDT, a 4.6-magnitude earthquake panicked southern Haiti.
The earthquake was centered 22 miles (37 kilometers) southeast of Haiti's capital, Port-au-Prince and was about 3 miles (4.9 kms) deep.
After the devastating earthquake that left many Haitians traumatized on January 12, 2010, the rattle they felt from this year's earthquake caused some residents to run into the streets in fear that their homes would collapse again.
Although the 7-magnitude earthquake killed 314,000 Haitians in 2010, there has been no immediate report of death and serious damages with this 4.6-magnitude earthquake.
3/17/2012 -- Severe Weather = West Coast, Midwest, South, and North -- be aware
St. Patrick's Day Strong Storms: Missouri to Indiana [4]
march 17, Strong thunderstorms are threatening to ruin St. Patrick's Day celebrations from southern Missouri to southern Indiana into this evening.
The stage is set for potent thunderstorms to erupt from St. Louis and Poplar Bluff, Mo., to Louisville, Ky., with record warmth and moist air in place.
Other cities at risk include Cape Girardeau, Mo., Paducah, Ky., and Evansville, Ind.
Some of the same areas being threatened this St. Patrick's Day were the targets of the massive tornado outbreak earlier this month.
A repeat of that outbreak is not expected since any tornado that touches down into this evening will be an isolated event. Damaging winds, hail and downpours are greater concerns.
Even if a storm-related warning is not issued for your area, be sure to seek shelter immediately once thunder is heard. The sound of thunder means you are close enough to get struck by lightning.
The severe weather danger will lessen across the lower Ohio Valley later this evening following the loss of daytime heating.
Attention will then turn toward an outbreak of severe weather, including tornadoes, that will expand from the southern Plains to the South and Ohio Valley next week.
Alaska's largest city eyes snow record [6]
Anchorage, Alaska -- A near-record snowfall this winter has buried Anchorage neighborhoods, turning streets into snow-walled canyons and even collapsing some roofs.
But some residents are hoping for more, at least another 3.3 inches. Then they could say they made it through the winter when the nearly 60-year record of 132.6 inches was broken.
"I want it destroyed," resident Melissa Blair said. "I want to see another foot and knock that record out of the park."
Even by Alaska standards, this winter is unusual for the hardy residents of the state's largest city. But extreme weather isn't just affecting Alaska, it has also hit the Lower 48.
The first three months of 2012 have seen twice the normal number of tornadoes. And 36 states set daily high temperature records Thursday. The Lower 48 had its fourth warmest winter on record, while Alaska had its coldest January on record.
Two different weather phenomenon - La Nina and its northern cousin the Arctic Oscillation - are mostly to blame, meteorologists say. Global warming could also be a factor because it is supposed to increase weather extremes, climate scientists say.
"When you start to see the extreme events become more common, that's when you can say that it is a consequence of global warming," University of Victoria climate scientist Andrew Weaver said.
Nearly 11 feet of snow has fallen on Anchorage this winter, forcing the city to haul away at least 250,000 tons of snow - or around 500 million pounds - to its six snow disposal sites.
Weird weather: heat, twisters, 250K tons of snow
Nearly 11 feet of snow has fallen on Anchorage, Alaska, this winter. That's almost a record, and it's forcing the city to haul away at least 250,000 tons of snow. Yet not much snow has dropped on the Lower 48 this year.
The first three months of 2012 have seen twice the normal number of tornadoes. And 36 states set daily high temperature records Thursday. So far this month, the U.S. has set 1,757 daily high temperature records. That's similar to the number during last summer's heat wave, said Jake Crouch, a climate scientist [9] for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration [10].
Six rare, but not unprecedented, March tornadoes struck Thursday in Michigan, which also set 26 heat records. Temperatures were in the 80s in some parts of the state.
Nationwide, there have been 132 tornadoes confirmed in January and February, with preliminary reports of more than 150 already in March.
Two different weather phenomena [11] - La Nina and its northern cousin the Arctic Oscillation [12] - shift storm and temperature patterns through the world, meteorologists say. Scientists say you cannot link a single weather event [13] to global warming.
However, climate scientist Andrew Weaver of the University of Victoria says: "When you start to see the extreme events become more common, that's when you can say that it is a consequence of global warming."
More information: NOAA list of daily high temperature records set or broken Thursday: [14]
NOAA tornado statistics so far: [15]
Flooding in Southeastern Australia [16]
Rising waters flooded parts of New South Wales and Victoria, Australia, in March 2012, forcing some residents to evacuate their homes. On March 15, evacuation orders were lifted for the northern Victoria town of Nathalia, which had faced possible inundation. Although allowed to return home, residents were warned to stay vigilant for rapidly rising waters, news reports said.
In late February, most of the area pictured in these scenes was relatively dry, with little standing water. By mid-March, the situation had changed significantly. High water not only surrounded Nathalia in Victoria, but also swelled the Murrumbidgee River in New South Wales. The widespread flooding followed a prolonged regional drought, known as Big Dry, lasting from 1997 to 2011. (EarthObservatory) [18]
The weather bureau has forecast rains of 30mm to 50mm for the state’s northeast catchments on Thursday and into Friday, with higher totals possible on the ranges. Although water levels are receding slowly in the Broken Creek catchment, areas of flooding are expected to continue into next week.
~Love Youself and Love as ONE.
For You’re a Poem by God ~
With All The Love I AM~
~And MotherFatherGod, The Galactic Free Press Staff, Earth Allies, GroundCrew Staff ans Earth’s Transitory Government~
~We’re looking for inetlligent God that would like to be part of our GroundCrew Team… inquire within an find out ~
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