Processing Your Blank Slate [1]
By LifeTapestryCreations on December 23, 2024
Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for Life Tapestry
"Floating, Not Fighting" was the title of last week's "Brenda's Blog" – her weekly channeled blog for
Dear Ones,
Even though we of the Universes relayed information about shifting your thoughts and actions from fear to love numerous times, we have never been so adamant. Before now, there was time to redirect your energies. That time is up. The Universal shifts related to the astrological events of the past few days have closed the 3D world to you.
Many of you are relieved that what was is no more. But that knowledge forces you to imagine a different life - perhaps before you are comfortable doing so.
If you have not prepared for the change, you might feel lost and angry, thinking, "This is not what I wanted." "I'm not ready for this." "Why wasn't I given more warning?" Or, "I can't do this."
For a few days, you will feel like a stranger in a strange land because you need time to process this change in ways you cannot yet envision. So, allow yourself to be concerned or even frightened before fully realizing how free you are.
This is a time of joy in ways you did not expect - like lifting a yoke of shoulds from your shoulders and setting them aside for anyone who might wish to put them on - not with rancor or anger, but because that yoke is no longer right for you.
You may need more than a week for this phase. It does not matter because you will automatically release that yoke by the new year. You are no longer of 3D.
Initially, you were a work in progress as you slowly shifted your shoulds and have-tos, eliminated relationships that felt wrong or toxic, and tried to settle into a new way of life. As you did so, you experienced many bumps of fear and disdain, certain that the joy we indicated for years would never be part of your future.
Now that you have passed the prerequisites plus numerous other personal fears and concerns, you likely feel empty, like you should be doing or being something, but you do not know what. Such feelings indicate you are ready for the new, which is expanding your being in ways you cannot yet identify. Your thoughts, beliefs, interests, and actions are so recent you have not developed words or emotions to describe who you are becoming.
Even though you will likely need some time to process your new emptiness before you have the energy to start creating your new world, you will begin formulating your new life by the start of your new year.
How will you interact with others as you process? That is entirely up to you; you are so new that no direction is wrong. This leads you to question whether you will make a mistake or hurt someone's feelings this holiday season. You will do and say exactly what you need to do and say, but we of the Universes know no more than that, for you are now a completely new being based in love instead of fear.
You en masse have not yet created a pattern of expressing that love; you just know you no longer feel comfortable in fear. In a sense, you are a blank love slate. How you fill that slate will define you and your path.
There is no need to choose carefully or be fearful of the results because your results will always end in love.
So feel free to be you - a new you based in love, knowing that you en masse will complete this transition experiment in love and joy. A love and joy that will spread throughout the Universes. So be it. Amen.
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