Biophoton emissions and light encoded human DNA [1]
This is something that I had written years ago, ok, about, 2006-2007. Just the capsule effect or affect. :) that..basically the genetic code is the information coded within the nucleotide (A.T.G.C.) sequences of RNA & DNA that specifies the amino acid sequence in the synthesis of proteins. Think of it as a diamond sequence..a four dimensional crystal pattern. Kinda like a pyramid. Ok, so I'm biased. Anyway, the cube structure is 6 plane (facets) but the pyramid structure is 4 plane.
Now then..I say this with the most utmost respect to my scientific brothers and sisters. You probably laugh at me because of my ignorance..please bear with me. I love you too. Those of you who may be lost..bear with me too..because I'm searching for answers and truth just like you but I'm a practical kind of guy and I can't just always go along with or subscribe with the "love and light crowd" with out some valid scientific basis. Energy has structure and laws. I respect that. E=MC2, energy =mass x speed of light squared and maybe love =the speed of light sq. Who knows?
A Photon, a quantum of EM (EM radiation) it has zero rest mass and a change and spin of ONE. It it's own electric charge.
The absolute..the quantum state where all exists..outside the time space universe..all that is thought, felt, is, ever will be or was and is in the NOW exists in this quantum state.
The quantum state exists outside the state of light and dark duality or the polarization of negative and positive feeling. The quantum state transcends the duality of light and dark and exists in the eternal state of no movement. Just is..all knowing, perfection, you and I is..our eternal state of perfection outside time. (Time is just an illusion, a sequence of events in a space universe.)
Ok, I was getting carried away here. Now..I'm zeroing in on the nucleotide of the human DNA molecule. (Correct me if I'm effin' wrong) but as I can best recollect, the nucleotide is composed of a nitrogenous base. This is ( my personal theory) the sun of our human dna. Yes, the building blocks of our 4 structure human DNA along with our nitrogenous base includes a phosphate molecule and sugar molecule. (Adenine, thymine, cytosine, guanine.) What I find fascinating is the sugar and sun photon effect on our human DNA. In other words, transforming from a human carbon dna to a crystalline (sugar) dna. Does this make sense? I'm just an amateur.
Some things to think about:
Sugar or sucrose:
12 atoms carbon
22 atoms hydrogen
11 atoms oxygen
Electro-magnetic energy
Hydrogen atom-outer strand or lattice of human DNA
blue print that travels upon the DNA strand.
**Measure photon emissions from nucleus, living human cell? therefore, do we emit radiation, light or are we just radio active? Carbon bodies absorbing light radiation?
**Light received by the cell nucleus or the DNA performing a function as an antenna?
**True? Cell & light creating a photo-synthesis effect? DNA strand of a sugar-phosphate?
I kindly and with respect value one's informative opinion. Thank you in advance. Much love. :)
Some reference links to back up what I'm posting:
Does DNA emit light? [2]
Light encoded DNA. [3]