~Global Love Day - May 1st~
I [2]
The Day
It is our vision to unite one and all in a celebration of love and compassion. We honor each May 1st as a symbolic day of unconditional love and call upon all people and all nations to gather together in the wisdom of peace and love.
Global Love Day is the universal recognition of our innate oneness through love. When we come from this limitless love we naturally and easily embrace ourselves and our fellow humanity. Opening our heart, we allow unconditional love to be our guide and compassion to be our gift to life.
We invite you to celebrate with us by consciously focusing on love and what it means to you throughout this day. We hope that by practicing love in all areas of your life, you will find it easy to love unconditionally all year long.
Our main theme explains it best...
"Love Begins With Me"
What I Can Do
Simply be love. Let the love within your heart be the focus of your awareness throughout the day. Allow yourself to be accepting, forgiving, peaceful, joyful and in harmony with yourself and all life around you. Just be!
Allowing unconditional love to be your primary intention is the main idea, and if you find yourself also wanting to actually "do" something loving or share the day with others, we have provided several categories to help give you ideas of how you may approach the day. See the links to the left or above. Each page will present suggestions that you can begin with. We encourage you to come up with your own inspired, creative ideas and expressions.
Around the World
Catching on around the world, we launched this program in December 2003 for our first celebration on May 1, 2004 and already we have connected with people in over 140 countries. We hear daily from so many of you supporting our efforts for this event. You have shown us that this simple idea is one whose time has come. Plans for our eighth celebration of humanity are underway for May 1, 2011!
Archives of Previous Years More... [4]
Over 330 community statements, proclamations and greetings have been issued and include the governors of Maine, Connecticut, Alaska, Kentucky, Iowa, Utah, Tennessee, New Jersey, Montana, Puerto Rico and Florida, US Senators for Florida, US Congressman of NY, and mayors from Ottawa, Calgary, Victoria, Edmonton, Regina, Saskatoon, and Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada; San Diego, San Francisco, Burbank, Sacramento, Pomona, Palm Springs, Fairfield, La Verne, Cupertino, Cerritos, Milpitas, Calabasas, Fullerton, San Fernando, Huntington Beach, Huntington Park, Daly City, Elk Grove, Suisun City, Cathedral City, and Malibu, CA; Sioux Falls, SD, Akron, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Solon, Canton, Westlake, Dayton and Columbus, OH; Albany, OR; Cambridge, Beverly and Lowell, MA, Stamford and Hamden, CT; Wichita, KS; Jackson, MS; Denver, CO; Mobile, AL; Henderson, and Sparks, NV; Albany, OR; Baltimore, MD; Wilmington, DE; Warwick, RI; Jackson and City of Bay City, MI; Rockford, Bolingbrook, Lombard and Rochelle, IL; Michigan City, Noblesville, and Elkhart, IN; New Orleans, LA; Reading, New Castle, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, PA; Dallas, Houston, Irving, Longview, Addison, Watauga, and El Paso, TX; Buffalo, Poughkeepsie, Binghamton and New York City, NY; Trenton and Vineland, NJ; Arlington and Petersburg, VA; Salt Lake City, UT; Milwaukee, La Crosse and Madison, WI; Palm Bay, FL; Minneapolis, MN; Iowa City, IA; Memphis, TN; Louisville and Middlesborough, KY; Raleigh and Durham, NC; Atlanta and Atlanta City Council, GA; and in Florida, Tampa, Sarasota, Gainesville, Largo, Orlando, Clearwater, Plant City, New Smyrna Beach, Deerfield Beach, Ormond Beach, Cooper City, Edgewater, South Daytona, North Miami, Key West, the Commissioners of Hillsborough County, Pinellas County, and Sarasota County, and St. Petersburg and Tampa City Councils.
And our main flyer is now available in 36 languages.
The Invitational
In conjunction with Global Love Day, we are hosting our seventh annual Art, Essay and Poetry Invitational. This program encourages our youth to participate by sharing their perspective of global love in a creative fashion. You can see how their amazing efforts turned out for our previous annual presentations on the Invitational [5] page and also find information and guidelines for next year's submissions.
We Celebrate our Humanity
As we continue to connect with people and organizations around the world, we are amazed at how much is being done in efforts to positively assist humanity. There are so many wonderful people and associations that are actively working on behalf of a community, nation and even in global proportions.
As we often remind ourselves, what is presented by mainstream information sources is often a narrow and negative perspective of what is happening upon this planet right now. To the contrary, we see and know that good and right is occurring everywhere. Look for love and you will see it all around you.
This simple reminder changes the very nature of our experience. We are what we place our attention upon. When we allow love to be our focus of life, we expand this in our every day activities. It is as simple as changing each perspective and allowing the negative and limiting views to be released and replaced by a higher, more loving understanding.
We appreciate and are grateful for the courage each of you express. In a world that has historically revered the negative and fear-based aspects, it takes strength to be and share love. It is time for love to become our common vision.
Please join us. Be a part of this global day by choosing love, compassion, peace, and unity. Share this information with your friends, relatives and coworkers. Love locally and spread it globally.
Think: Global Love Day
Feel: Love Begins With Me
Remember: May 1, 2011
Be a part of it. Spread the word.
- Light Family [6]