We Have Chosen~Highest Outcome Peaceful Negotiations~ Peaceful Surrender~ [1]
My vote is for peaceful negotiations and peaceful surrender.These people have played a role in each of our lives. They are a part of who we are. I know they have done evil things but then I have as well. Let's show them the love that we are truly made of.
To all souls in darkness, I send you love from the depths of my heart, all you have to do is open your heart and accept this love. Don't worry, I know the horrible things you have done. I forgive you for each of those. I love you. Please release your hold on humanity. Stand down and join us in making mother earth a glorious wonderful place for all souls. You know that it can happen and is possible. Release all of the lower vibrations of hate, greed, power and control. Be filled with true love, joy, peace, and happiness. I love you so very much. Namaste'